Chapter 50

After nearly two months, they entered the mountains again, just as spring was in full bloom.

The trees that were once clad in silver had now transformed into lush green, thriving and vibrant, nearly blocking out the blue sky. Zhen Ai leaned out of the car window, gazing at the fresh greens and the deep blue above, her mood lifted immensely.

She exclaimed softly, "It's so beautiful!"

Owen, who was driving, glanced at her. With her head fully out the window, her smiling face glowed in the bright light, almost ethereal, as if she were about to meld into the flowing greens outside.

He turned his gaze back to the road, smiling gently, "Yes, it really is beautiful!"

The jungle and sky flowed past like water, and he wished the lovely journey could last a little longer.

When they arrived at the castle, Zhen Ai immediately hopped out of the car. Unlike in winter, the open space in front of the castle was now covered in fresh green grass, dotted with nameless wildflowers.

Zhen Ai dashed to the door and rang the doorbell, her peripheral vision catching something at the foot of the door. She bent down and saw a fish swimming lonely in a small glass tank, while a white parrot perched on a green stand, proudly lifting its head and squawking, "idiot! 笨蛋!"

Zhen Ai paused, surprised. Oh, the little parrot can curse too.

The tone was so bland and cheeky, it was just like its owner. She almost retorted, saying, "You're the idiot."

Before she could say anything, the parrot changed direction and muttered towards the door, "idiot! S.A. is an idiot!笨蛋,S.A.是个笨蛋!"

Zhen Ai: ...

No wonder it was left at the door… it must have argued with Yan Su.

But the little fish was innocent; it surely hadn't said anything!

While she pondered this, the fish wiggled its tail, surfaced, and blew a few bubbles, as if supporting the parrot.


Deserved to be kicked out of the house.

Footsteps sounded from inside, and Zhen Ai thought that if it was Yan Su opening the door, she should plead for the two little ones. But unexpectedly, the parrot flapped its wings, its voice bright and high-pitched, "genius!S.A. is a genius!天才!S.A.是个天才!"

Zhen Ai: ...

Your emotional intelligence is much higher than your owner's…

The door was opened not by Yan Su, but by the maid, Mali.

The parrot, craning its neck with its beady black eyes rolling, realized that it wasn't its owner coming and likely wouldn't be allowed inside. It looked forlorn, tucking its white wings in, going silent.

Zhen Ai chuckled, bending down to pick up the little stand and the fish tank. Mali hurriedly said, "The master doesn't like others touching his things. He'll get angry."

Zhen Ai looked at the bird and fish in her hands and shrugged, "But I've already touched them, so let's just touch them a little longer." She handed the fish tank to Owen, and they both went inside.

As they changed their shoes, the parrot calmly turned its neck and said to Zhen Ai, "thank you, human. 谢谢你,人类."

Zhen Ai: …

That tone is definitely Yan Su's parrot.

As Zhen Ai walked down the spacious corridor, a sudden, melodious and ethereal note reached her ears, causing her to tremble.

Looking up, she realized that the dome of the library had probably been designed for acoustics, the natural sound quality was reminiscent of a theater.

He was playing the famous piece "The Dreamer" by S.E.N.S., and the ancient library was suddenly filled with music so ethereal it was breathtaking.

At that moment, the sun rose.

Golden or snowy white light streamed down from the high stained glass windows, casting colors like lavender, light blue, pale green, pink, goose yellow, and pure white… all the hues enveloped the young man at the piano.

His tall and slender figure was shrouded in a faint glow, appearing unreal; his delicate and handsome face bowed slightly, like a prince from a Western castle, distant and precious.

His long, fair fingers danced across the black and white keys, carrying the colorful light.

Zhen Ai and Owen stood by, listening attentively, not wanting to disturb him. Even the parrot obediently tilted its head, staying still.

Zhen Ai gazed quietly at the slender figure beside the white piano, a tide of anticipation and nervousness washing over her, a feeling unfamiliar yet profound. Since meeting Yan Su, this feeling had been growing day by day, becoming more evident. She could no longer just stand back and watch but wanted to receive his feedback and gaze.

This feeling made her emotions as unpredictable as summer weather, sometimes exhilarating and excited, other times hopeless and sorrowful.

She didn't know there was a more precise word for this: admiration.

As the piece concluded, Zhen Ai remained entranced by the music that felt eternal, unable to pull herself away; the first to react was the little parrot, flapping its wings excitedly and exclaiming, "bravo!太棒了!"

Yan Su, with a detached expression, closed the piano lid without turning around, "Who let you in?"

The parrot hopped on its perch, looking around awkwardly, and apologized, "S.A., I'm sorry! 对不起!"

Its voice sounded like a robotic child, and Zhen Ai felt her heart soften as she reached out to pat its head. The little guy flinched away slightly, its feathers feeling smooth.

Zhen Ai didn't ask why the person and parrot were arguing. She placed Isaac aside, walked up to Yan Su, and took out a piece of paper filled with dense numbers and letters from her pocket, handing it to him.

"Here, this is my brother's password. He said it's a location where he left something for me." Zhen Ai took a deep breath, her smile somewhat forced, "I guess he hid some secret there!"

Yan Su glanced at the password paper and immediately noticed something was off, "This is different from the one you gave me last time."

When they first met, Zhen Ai had given him a password. He glanced at it and then tossed it aside, later deliberately destroying it for confidentiality.

At that time, he had only looked at the beginning, but he remembered clearly that it was different from the one Zhen Ai had brought this time.

Zhen Ai smiled nonchalantly, "I wasn't sure if you would help me decode it, so I had to be cautious."

Owen was taken aback, not expecting Zhen Ai to give Yan Su a fake password earlier. He worried that Yan Su might get angry, but the latter merely raised an eyebrow, seemingly approving, "Not bad."

He said, placing the password paper steadily on the piano before stepping back to sit in his wheelchair, leaving the piano bench for Zhen Ai.

Owen exhaled, smiling as he watched. He was glad that Zhen Ai finally opened up and let Yan Su help her. Though he wanted to listen, he respected Zhen Ai's privacy more, so he didn't linger and turned to leave.

Zhen Ai caught sight of him and called out, "Owen, where are you going?"

Owen paused, walked over to pat Zhen Ai's shoulder, his voice steady, "Ai, you can do it!"

Yan Su silently observed and stepped closer to Zhen Ai, unbothered by Owen's presence, and without reservation said, "Ai, I'm looking forward to it."

Zhen Ai looked into his deep eyes, and her heart skipped a beat for no reason. What was he expecting?

Owen said to Zhen Ai, "I'll keep watch in the hallway!" He was always so cautious, afraid someone might accidentally come too close.

Zhen Ai quickly composed herself; the things she had buried in her heart for so long could finally be spoken today.

"The SPA organization is the place where I grew up. I lived there in a scientist's base, surrounded by endless towering mountains. Until I turned 17, I lived in that enclosed space. That was my entire world—no countries, no cities, no cinemas, no amusement parks… nothing related to society existed.

"There were strict entry and exit controls. Everyone's outings, destinations, and durations were monitored. Rarely did anyone leave because there were many scientists and children like me in the base, along with our teachers, who taught us languages and research. We had studies in military technology, chemical engineering, biology, and various other disciplines.

"There was also an enormous library filled with ancient and modern texts, research materials, and core research journals that were sent monthly. And,"

Zhen Ai shyly brushed her hair, "confidential documents stolen from governments around the world."

Owen, just stepping out of the library, paused, and his face gradually paled.

He couldn't comprehend how such prison-like places could exist in today's world. And Zhen Ai, being so young, was confined there without freedom—it made his heart ache to think about it.

Yan Su, however, maintained a calm expression, silently sighing. The organization was indeed efficient.

The number of geniuses in modern society was dwindling, distracted by the ever-increasing number of diversions; focus was scarce, and perseverance and dedication were incredibly challenging. In Zhen Ai's world, they were removed from information overload, spending their lives focused on one thing, delving deep into research. It was no wonder that at just 17, Zhen Ai had the ability to negotiate with capital and the government.

However, everyone has their choices. She might love science, willing to spend her life alone with only a dim light for company; she might love a glamorous life, enjoying life freely. Both choices hold equal value.

This should be the diversity and complexity that society possesses.

But Zhen Ai had no choice; her life had been cast into a mold from the beginning, passively bearing a most solitary mission.

Using people as mere tools—how cruel.

Yan Su observed Zhen Ai; she lowered her brows, her fair face remaining calm, as if she had long since grown accustomed to it.

The word "habit" suddenly made his heart ache, intertwined with unfamiliar anger with nowhere to vent. The only thing he could do now was to help her decode that password.

He suppressed the surging emotions in his chest and couldn't help but bitterly smile at his impulsiveness and confusion. He asked, "The organization isn't made up only of scientists and that base, right?"

"Hmm." Zhen Ai nodded, "It's like a large corporation; only a few are involved in research. The true expanse includes market logistics, marketing, customer service, and so on. We are just a tiny part of the organization; in reality, it should have a presence worldwide."

Zhen Ai was about to explain the meaning of her last sentence, but Yan Su smiled meaningfully:

"I guess there are people controlled, bought, or planted by the organization within various governments, private entities, university research, monopolistic corporations, and critical companies!"

Zhen Ai was stunned, nodding dumbly. She didn't understand how Yan Su knew, nor did she grasp the fleeting light that flashed in his eyes.

After he spoke, a sense of suffocating anxiety gathered in Yan Su's heart, like storm clouds before a tempest.

It was precisely for this reason that Zhen Ai was so easily found by the organization; their spies were almost everywhere. Perhaps it could be a nurse, a university teacher, a police officer, a judge, a taxi driver…

As he thought this, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

Zhen Ai softly said, "The organization sells the military-grade chemical and biological weapons it develops to terrorist groups or governments and private entities in third-world countries, earning huge profits to buy members. These members steal crucial information from their respective fields and report back to the organization. The organization then utilizes this information for its research bases or sells it at high prices. In short, it is always profiting."

Yan Su fell silent; the more enormous and secretive the structure, the stricter the management, and the punishment for traitors and leakers became…

His thoughts abruptly stopped, unwilling to delve further. In an instant, an idea popped into his mind: it would be nice if he could always watch over her.

But he and she had no verbal commitments or agreements, nor did they have a protective contract like Owen had. So, he felt he was out of place.

He frowned, determined to find a way to bind himself to Zhen Ai.

Zhen Ai, unaware of his thoughts, continued, "My brother is not in the base; I heard he's working at some research institution, probably doing something in chemistry. But I don't know the specifics or which city he lives in. Because even among relatives, members are not allowed to disclose identities or tasks."

As she spoke, Zhen Ai smiled slightly, a hint of happiness on her face: "My brother is very nice; he sends me lots of fun things and calls me every day to share his interesting experiences. For five whole years, from the day he left home until he disappeared."

Zhen Ai's smile faded somewhat.

Yan Su, feeling empathy, said, "Just because he disappeared doesn't mean he's dead."

Zhen Ai's expression turned desolate: "If he knew I escaped and was alone, he would definitely be worried. If he were still alive, there's no way he wouldn't have contacted me in five years. Yes, I changed my identity, but he's very capable; he wouldn't have been unable to find me. Moreover, I even saw his broken fingers, which were engraved with my name. Perhaps you could say he was just severely injured, but,"

She looked down, her expression forlorn,

"I can feel it; my brother, he's long gone from this world."

Yan Su initially wanted to suggest that perhaps her brother was imprisoned and had written the password for her to save him, but that felt wrong. A brother who cared for his sister so deeply would never put her in danger.

Zhen Ai quickly explained, "I suspect my brother got into trouble while completing a mission, and perhaps this password is related to the cause of his death."

A strange thought flickered through Yan Su's mind: "How did this password come into your hands?"

Zhen Ai was startled, lowering her gaze: "He told me on the phone the day before he disappeared. He knew someone was listening to the call, but he said the organization's people definitely wouldn't be able to crack it. He also told me to think about what he said when I was little. But I have no clue at all."

Yan Su nodded absentmindedly. He was listening to others' stories with unprecedented seriousness, memorizing every word, wanting to understand more, wanting to ask her about her parents. But as the words were about to leave his lips, they turned around many times and ultimately remained unspoken. She had said enough today.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Ai suddenly said without a trace of sadness: "Also, my parents were scientists researching biological weapons. They were executed for not completing their mission."

Yan Su froze, staring intently at Zhen Ai, but she only lowered her head, her face devoid of any emotion, appearing even quieter than before, quiet as if her heart was dead.

Zhen Ai looked into his deep eyes, her heart inexplicably skipping a beat. What was he expecting?

Owen said to Zhen Ai, "I'll stand guard in the corridor!" He was always so cautious, afraid that someone might accidentally come too close.

Zhen Ai quickly gathered her emotions, the things she had buried deep inside her heart for so long could finally be spoken today.

"The SPA organization is where I grew up. I lived there in a scientist base, surrounded by endless towering mountains. Until I turned 17, I spent my entire life in that confined space. That was my whole world—there were no countries, no cities, no cinemas, no amusement parks… Everything related to society was nonexistent.

"There were strict controls on entry and exit. Every time someone went out, they had to be monitored regarding where they were going and how long they would be gone. Very few people went out, as there were many scientist parents there, lots of kids my age, and our teachers who taught us languages and conducted research. We had subjects like armaments, chemical engineering, and biology.

"There was also a huge library filled with ancient and modern texts, research materials, and core research journals delivered every month. And,"

Zhen Ai shyly brushed her hair aside, "there were confidential documents stolen from various governments."

Owen had just stepped out of the library, and his footsteps paused, his face gradually paling.

He couldn't understand how such a prison-like place could exist in today's world. And Zhen Ai, at such a young age, had been trapped there without freedom; thinking about it made his heart ache.

Yan Su, however, wore a calm expression, quietly sighing. That organization was indeed efficient.

The number of geniuses in modern society was decreasing, mainly because there were too many distractions, making focus, perseverance, and endurance so difficult. In Zhen Ai's world, they were far from information overload, spending their entire lives immersed in a single pursuit, delving deeply into their studies. It was no wonder that at just 17 years old, Zhen Ai could negotiate with the government.

But everyone had their own choices. She might love science and be willing to endure a life of loneliness for it; she might love a vibrant life, enjoying and indulging in the world; either choice held no distinction of high or low value.

This was the diversity and complexity that society should embody.

But Zhen Ai had no choice; her life had been constrained from the very beginning, passively bearing a mission that was the most lonely of all.

Using people as tools was a profound cruelty.

Yan Su observed Zhen Ai as she lowered her eyes, her fair face remaining calm, as if she had long since gotten used to it.

The word "habit" made his heart suddenly ache, filled with a strange and unvented anger. Yet all he could do, perhaps, was to help her unravel that code.

He suppressed the surging emotions within his chest and couldn't help but bitterly smile at his own impulsiveness and confusion. He asked, "But the organization isn't just scientists and that base, right?"

"Hmm." Zhen Ai nodded. "It's like a large corporation; only a few people are involved in research, while the vast majority are in market logistics, marketing, customer service, and so on. We're just a tiny part of the organization; in reality, it should have people spread all over the world."

Zhen Ai was about to explain the meaning of her last statement when Yan Su smiled meaningfully:

"I guess that governments, private institutions, university research, monopolistic corporations, and vital companies in various locations all have people controlled, bribed, or planted by the organization!"

Zhen Ai was taken aback, staring blankly at him, not understanding how he knew or what the fleeting light in his eyes meant.

After saying that, Yan Su felt like storm clouds were gathering in his mind, making him feel anxious.

It was precisely for this reason that Zhen Ai was always quickly found by the organization, as their spies were nearly everywhere. It could be a nurse, a university professor, a police officer, a judge, a taxi driver…

Thinking of this made him suddenly feel cold in his heart.

Zhen Ai softly said, "The organization sells the military arms, chemical weapons, and biological weapons they develop to terrorist organizations or third-world governments and civilian institutions, making huge profits to buy off members. These members steal vital information from their respective fields and report back to the organization. The organization then uses this information for the research base or sells it at high prices. In short, it is always profiting."

Yan Su fell silent. The larger and more secretive the structure, the stricter the management; the punishments for traitors and leakers were even more severe…

His mind suddenly shut down, refusing to think further. In an instant, an idea leapt into his mind: if only he could always watch over her, protect her.

However, he had no verbal commitment or agreement with her, unlike Owen, who had a protective contract. So, he felt out of place.

He frowned, determined to find a way to bind himself to Zhen Ai.

Zhen Ai was unaware of his thoughts and continued, "My brother isn't at the base. I heard he's working at a research institution, apparently in chemistry. But I don't know what he's doing or in which city he lives. Even among family members, it's prohibited for members to reveal their identities and missions."

At this point, Zhen Ai smiled slightly, a hint of happiness on her face. "My brother is wonderful. He sends me many interesting things and calls me every day to tell me about his exciting experiences. For five whole years, from the day he left home until he later disappeared."

Zhen Ai's smile faded slightly.

Yan Su felt a pang of sorrow. "Just because he disappeared doesn't mean he's dead."

Zhen Ai's expression turned bleak. "If he knew I had escaped, all alone and so lonely, he would definitely worry. If he were still alive, he wouldn't have not contacted me for five years. Yes, I changed my identity, but he's really clever; he wouldn't be unable to find me. Besides, I even saw his shattered finger with my name tattooed on it. Maybe you could say he was just severely injured, but…"

She looked dejected, lowering her head.

"I can feel it; my brother has long since left this world."

Yan Su had originally wanted to say maybe your brother was imprisoned and had written a code for you to save him, but he felt it wasn't right. A brother who cared for his sister so deeply wouldn't put her in danger.

And Zhen Ai quickly clarified, "I suspect my brother had an accident while completing a mission. Perhaps this code is related to the cause of his death."

A strange thought flickered in Yan Su's mind: "How did this code come into your hands?"

Zhen Ai paused, her eyes lowering. "He told me on the phone the day before he disappeared. He knew someone was tapping the call, but he said the organization people would definitely not be able to crack it. He also told me to think back to what he said when I was a child. But I have no clues at all."

Yan Su nodded absentmindedly. He had never listened so seriously to someone else's story before, memorizing every word and wanting to know more, even about her parents. But the questions spun around in his mind, and ultimately, he couldn't bring himself to ask. She had shared enough today.

Unexpectedly, Zhen Ai suddenly said without a trace of sadness, "And my parents, they were scientists researching biological weapons, and because their mission wasn't completed, they were executed."

Yan Su was taken aback, staring intently at Zhen Ai, but she just kept her head down, her face devoid of any emotion, appearing quieter than before, as if her heart was already dead.

She seemed to be stating an objective fact, devoid of emotion. "I know this is deserved. What they researched killed many, many people. Just like the atomic bomb, it is evil and bloody."

Yan Su suddenly found himself at a loss for words, pondering and catching a hint of something odd: "Who taught you this?"

"No one taught me! They were just like that!" She clenched her hands into fists, pressing them tightly on her knees, her whole body shaking slightly. It seemed like anger, but compared to rage, she was actually more sad, more pained.

Yan Su's heart suddenly felt like it was pierced by something sharp.

He slowly leaned in, reaching out his hand to steadily cover her tightly clenched fists, gripping them firmly. She suddenly stopped shaking, her whole body stiffening.

He continued to move closer, lowering his head until their foreheads touched. In a soft voice, he said, "Ai, do you remember I told you that you are the bravest and kindest girl I've ever met?"

Zhen Ai stubbornly stared at him, motionless.

Her forehead pressed against his, and she felt an inexplicable strength.

All she could see was his long, elegant hand, as beautiful as a piano player's, holding hers like it held her heart. Her silently aching and trembling heart found peace in that moment.

His steady and reassuring voice resonated in her ears, so soothing it made her want to cry.

She had only this one secret, heavy and dark. But, oh, she trusted him so much, wanting to share it with him, hoping he would understand; yet at the same time, she was so anxious, afraid of his pity or sympathy.

But he didn't; instead, he offered her the most fair and noble treatment—respect.

Seeing her remain silent for so long, he sighed as if in sadness, "Ah,

 so you've forgotten!"

Zhen Ai came back to her senses and hurriedly whispered, "No, I remember." As she spoke, she grew anxious and shook her head like a rattle drum, accidentally brushing against the stray hairs on his forehead, their skin lightly rubbing together, tickling, right to the bottom of her heart.

He held her hand closely and gently said, "You escaped, fighting against the place where you've lived for so long; how much courage does that take! Look at you, so small and thin, where does such great strength come from?"

Yan Su watched as Zhen Ai's face gradually flushed, and an inexplicable feeling surged within him: "Day after day, I find you growing stronger and more admirable."

Zhen Ai's face turned completely red, cautiously lifting her eyes to meet his gaze. His light brown eyes were as clear and bright as a summer pond, sparkling, where she could see her own tiny reflection.

Her heartstrings trembled slightly. He was truly wonderful.

In fact, she had a selfish desire. If one day, the password was unlocked, and she disappeared from this world, she hoped there would be someone to remember her. Remember all of her.

She wished that person would be him.

She smiled, "Thank you, Yan Su!"

Only then did Yan Su release her hand, a slight feeling of reluctance brushing past him, a reluctance to part from the intimacy they had just shared, foreheads pressed together, looking into each other's souls. But he ultimately straightened his posture, shifting his gaze to the code paper.














He frowned slightly and said, "I need three days!"

Zhen Ai nodded, still feeling nothing unusual. In the corner, the little parrot flapped its wings and sang, "idiot, S.A. is an idiot!" 

Zhen Ai couldn't help but laugh.

Yan Su shot it a cold glance, "Isaac, do you want me to pluck all your feathers?"

"NO! NO!" The little parrot squawked twice and immediately fell silent.

Yan Su stopped scaring the little bird, but a hint of gloom quietly rose within him; he had never needed that long to decode. Three days was far too long for him!

During the brief moment of Zhen Ai's words, the other half of his brain had already started operating, Morse Virginia Caesar binary ECC quadrature wave Le Fei ADFGVX Hill lattice code variants, word shifts and numerical transformations, frequency analysis… no, that's not right.

He was a chemist, specialized in chemistry-related jargon and special years, isotopes, the periodic table, elemental letters representing elements, molecular weights… none of that made sense.

In a few minutes, he had deciphered many meaningful sentences, yet none related to locations, nor could any be analyzed further for decoding.

That day, Zhen Ai had said to him, "CIA, SPA organizations, more than a hundred top cryptography experts are helpless against this code. Mr. Yan Su, do you want to challenge it?"

That statement was not an exaggeration.

Now, he had no clue at all.

What was even stranger was that he vaguely felt something was off.