A Monster

"Grandpa, are you okay?"


It had been several hours since the troops of the four kingdoms left to enter the Audoran Forest. The sky began to turn golden on the western horizon. Meanwhile, the sky began to lose its light, so the soldiers on standby began to prepare light magic to illuminate the surrounding area.

After the residents of Celeste Village were no longer under strict surveillance, Brox and the other villagers were finally able to approach Neil to check on him. Several people's eyes watered when they saw the terrible wounds on Neil's body. Neil was no longer young. However, for the sake of the secret they had, the royal troops were willing to torture and even kill other residents to find out.


After the others heard Neil call Brox, the others immediately moved aside to let Brox approach Neil. Neil's hand rose to stroke Brox's hair. The man smiled wryly, especially when Brox started to cry because of his actions.