Exploring the Mystery

Under the soft glow of the night, Yang Fan slowly stepped out of his house and into the courtyard. His heart was filled with curiosity over the strange sensation he had felt earlier while healing his mother's wound. Determined to uncover its cause, he decided to conduct a small experiment.

"What should I use for the test?" Yang Fan's eyes roamed around the courtyard.

Woof! Woof! 

A bark echoed from one of the corners of the yard.

"Ah, I forgot we have a dog!" Yang Fan's eyes lit up, but he hesitated. It was the middle of the night, and both his mother and sister were asleep. He didn't want to disturb them.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Fan's aura subtly shifted. A faint, cool, green energy began to flow through his body, delicate and nearly imperceptible. Instantly, the natural and harmonious aura around him intensified.

Woof! Woof! 

The gray dog barked twice before running over to him, much to Yang Fan's surprise.

However, the dog's face was full of joy. It rushed to Yang Fan and eagerly began licking his pant leg.

Yang Fan smiled softly. He once again marveled at the wonders of the "Xianhong Manual"—a cultivation technique that allowed him to attune himself to nature and harmonize with all living things. Cultivating this technique imbued him with an aura that made him naturally appealing to all life.

Usually, Yang Fan would hide this aura using a technique called "Withered Wood Technique" to avoid attracting unwanted attention. He understood that, at this point, discretion was essential. If people like Mr. Xu, Li the Fat, or Yang Guang learned of his potential to regain his lost power, he would likely become a target for them.

Although his soul had reached the peak of Qi Refining, his magic remained at the level of merely sensing Qi, leaving him vulnerable against even modestly skilled cultivators.

"Sorry, little dog, but I'll have to use you for this experiment." Yang Fan smiled at the gray dog, then formed several hand seals in the air.

In an instant, his hands glowed with spiritual light, which he pressed against the dog's forehead.


The dog whimpered briefly before falling asleep, curling up on the ground.

Yang Fan grinned in satisfaction. He had managed to cast a low-level sleep spell at close range, enough to subdue the dog without much noise, ensuring he didn't disturb his mother or sister.

He carefully carried the dog to a corner of the yard and pulled out a short sword from his storage pouch. The sword gleamed with a cold, silver light under the moon's glow.

This three-foot-long sword, with its crystal-clear luster, was something Yang Fan had obtained by chance. 

Last year, while returning from Yang Family Fortress, he encountered a martial artist being pursued by assassins. The man, though gravely injured, had reached the pinnacle of mortal martial arts—a level known as the "Innate Realm," equivalent to the "Condensed Spirit Stage" of a cultivator. The man was outnumbered and moments away from death when Yang Fan, feeling generous that day, stepped in to save him. Grateful, the martial artist insisted on gifting his treasured sword, the "Yuchang Sword," to Yang Fan.

While Yang Fan didn't think much of mortal weapons, this sword was an exception. It possessed no magical abilities, yet its sharpness was extraordinary, and its material was incredibly durable.

Holding the Yuchang Sword, Yang Fan cautiously made a shallow cut on the dog's back.

With just a light touch, a half-foot-long gash appeared on the dog's back, deep enough to expose bone.

The sight made Yang Fan take a sharp breath. He hadn't expected such precision and sharpness from the sword. While mortal weapons couldn't compare to magical artifacts in terms of spiritual power, in terms of sheer cutting ability, this sword was remarkable.

Refocusing his mind, Yang Fan immediately cast the "Dewfall Technique." A barely visible mist settled over the wound, enveloping it.

Miraculously, the deep wound on the dog's back began to heal rapidly. New flesh grew over the gash, and fresh skin and fur soon followed.

As the healing process unfolded, Yang Fan carefully observed the changes within his own body. Gradually, a cool, gentle current of energy began to flow back into him from the treated area, circulating through his limbs, cleansing his soul, and fortifying his body.

But as soon as the healing was complete, this ethereal sensation vanished.

"Could it be…? My cultivation actually seems to have improved slightly." Yang Fan's face reflected a mix of wonder and uncertainty.

Looking at the dog, he noticed that only a third of the wound had fully healed. The range of the Dewfall Technique was limited, and his skill and power weren't yet refined enough to heal such a large injury in one attempt.

"Let's try again." 

Yang Fan extended his hand and cast the Dewfall Technique a second time, healing another portion of the wound.

Once again, that floating, otherworldly sensation surged through his body, though it wasn't as strong as the first time.

Frowning slightly, Yang Fan performed the spell a third time.

This time, the feeling was even fainter, barely perceptible. His cultivation seemed to improve, but the progress was much slower than before.

Yang Fan sheathed the Yuchang Sword and exhaled slowly, choosing not to push any further. He had already figured out the pattern: the more he healed, the less pronounced the effect.

Closing his eyes in deep thought, Yang Fan's mind flashed with a sudden insight. But he quickly let go of the idea, whispering to himself, "As long as I continue cultivating the 'Xianhong Manual,' the truth behind this will eventually come to light."

After all, he had only been practicing the manual for a single day, and to have made such strides already was something to be proud of.

Returning to his room, Yang Fan didn't go to sleep but instead sat cross-legged, focusing on comprehending both the "Sacred Healing Chapter" and the "Qi Refinement Chapter."

The strange events of the day had given him a newfound respect for the Sacred Healing Chapter. Of course, he couldn't neglect the Qi Refinement Chapter either, as it formed the foundation of his magical power.

To his surprise, Yang Fan found that the techniques within the Sacred Healing Chapter came easily to him—almost too easily. Once he reached the appropriate level of understanding, he could master them effortlessly. What he lacked was only experience and practice.

After learning the Withered Wood Technique and Dewfall Technique, he easily picked up the "Jade Bone Technique," a spell for mending broken bones and serious injuries. This technique was slightly more complex, requiring a deeper understanding of human anatomy, but it was no obstacle for Yang Fan.

By the end of the night, Yang Fan felt refreshed, his cultivation notably improved. He was certain that much of this progress was thanks to the healing he had performed on both his mother and the dog.

"Could it be that healing others really accelerates my cultivation?" 

Yang Fan found himself increasingly inclined toward this seemingly absurd conclusion.

He also recalled the core principle of the Sacred Healing Chapter: universal compassion and selfless giving.

"Maybe it's a matter of 'give and you shall receive.' If I heal others, perhaps, through this extraordinary method, my cultivation advances as well." 

Yang Fan decided to continue exploring this idea further.

"Brother! Come out for breakfast!" 

His sister, Yang Huixin's gentle voice called out, filling the house with warmth.

"I'm coming!" Yang Fan responded, smiling. He couldn't help but think to himself, "Whoever marries Huixin is truly blessed beyond measure."

Not long after, Yang Fan dressed in fresh clothes and, after washing up, joined the family for breakfast.

As soon as Yang Fan sat down, his mother suddenly asked, her face full of smiles, "Fan'er, you're not getting any younger, you know. It's time for you to find a wife. Now that you're back home, how about I arrange for a matchmaker to introduce you to a lovely young woman?"

At these words, Yang Fan choked and spat out his food.

"This child! Is that reaction really necessary?" His mother scolded him lightly.

Yang Fan was taken aback. Why had he reacted like that?

Upon reflection, it became clear to him that it was due to years of deliberate self-restraint. He had been wary of romantic entanglements, afraid they would hinder his cultivation. But that didn't mean he lacked desire. At his age, it was natural to have such feelings, and denying them wasn't normal either.

Seeing this, Yang Huixin spoke gently, "Mother, brother has just returned. Perhaps he hasn't given this matter much thought."

"Well, if he hasn't, then it's a mother's duty to think about it for him," his mother replied with a teasing smile.

Just as Yang Fan was about to respond, a booming voice echoed from outside, "Fan! You promised me a match today!"

It was, of course, Iron Bull from next door.

Yang Fan sighed helplessly. "Since when did I agree to that…" 

Then, a thought sparked in his mind, and he smiled. "Looks like my next test subject just delivered himself to me."