Of Universal Compassion

"Well, so be it. Who am I to deny it? As a healer, one must have a heart filled with compassion, striving to save the world and embrace all under heaven..." 

Yang Fan's expression grew solemn, embodying the lofty demeanor of a legendary healer with a benevolent spirit. At this moment, he gradually came to understand the philosophy espoused by the *Xianhong Jue*: a focus on the purity of thought. 

"Brother Fan, you've agreed to heal my master. He's truly a good man," 

Iron Ox thanked him profusely, a wide smile lighting up his face. 

Nan Gongyu, full of gratitude, promised, "If the revered physician can heal me, I will offer you a thousand taels of gold without hesitation. Should there be any other requests, speak freely. If it is within my power, I would face fire and water to repay you." 

But Yang Fan shook his head, replying, "I treat the illnesses of others without concerning myself with their morality. As long as they are living beings, they are worthy of healing. I do not seek wealth or reward but only to save lives and extend compassion to all under heaven." 

He healed not for gold or worldly possessions—what mattered was the cultivation he could gain from the process. 

Hearing this, both Iron Ox and Nan Gongyu were struck with admiration. How could there be such a noble man in this world? Healing without asking for any return—such spirit, such selflessness! 

"Master Healer, please accept my humble bow," Nan Gongyu, overwhelmed with gratitude, bowed deeply to Yang Fan, saying with sincere emotion, "Regardless of whether you can cure me, I will respect you as the most honorable person I've ever met." 

"Yes, Brother Fan, your spirit of selfless devotion makes me feel deeply ashamed..." 

Iron Ox's eyes reddened, visibly moved. 

Yang Fan once again shook his head, "You misunderstand. I am not being selfless. If I give, I will receive in return." 

"Yes, yes!" 

Iron Ox and Nan Gongyu hurriedly nodded, unwilling to contradict what seemed to them a higher form of wisdom, perhaps beyond their understanding. 

"Alright, Nan Gong Da Xia, sit down. Let me begin your treatment," 

Yang Fan gestured. 

Iron Ox quickly fetched a chair, allowing his master to sit. Yang Fan crouched down, placing his hand gently on Nan Gongyu's broken leg. 

Iron Ox and Yang Huixin stood aside, holding their breaths in anticipation, their eyes fixed on the scene. 

Threads of unseen, intangible energy began to flow into Nan Gongyu's body, extending toward the broken bone. 

Yang Fan sighed softly, "Your leg was broken by a technique with immense destructive power. The bone where it was fractured is devoid of life. This kind of injury is beyond the realm of ordinary healers. Likewise, the one who inflicted it must not be an ordinary person." 

Saying this, he gazed intently at Nan Gongyu. 

Nan Gongyu's expression darkened as he sighed, "The healer is right. The injury was inflicted by a powerful immortal master. He left me alive on purpose, so that although I retained my inner strength, I would suffer the torment of becoming a cripple. I sought help from many renowned physicians in the martial world, but none could cure me." 

"Who was it that injured you?" Yang Fan asked, curious. 

"Five hundred miles south of here lies an expanse of jagged cliffs, where there is said to be a celestial realm known as 'Wupan Mountain.' From time to time, immortals are seen flying overhead. I had long heard of it and ventured there in search of a legendary martial manual. However, not only did I fail to obtain the manual, but I was also thrown out by one of the immortal masters, who left me with this incurable wound." 

A look of nostalgia crossed Nan Gongyu's face as he recounted the tale. 

Yang Fan, now enlightened, said, "Ah, 'Wupan Tiantai.' It's a major market where cultivators gather to trade, one of the largest in the region for hundreds of miles. However, strict rules govern that place: no cultivator below the Spirit-Concentrating stage is allowed to enter without special permission. Violators are expelled or punished accordingly." 

"Wupan Tiantai, you say? Before I lost my powers, I had the chance to visit it once. As I recall, the market is situated in a treacherous region, without any illusions to conceal it, but surrounded by deep, bottomless ravines. How did you manage to enter, Nan Gong Da Xia?" 

As he spoke, Yang Fan was secretly channeling the "Jade Bone Technique" he had just learned the previous night. Gentle currents of life energy began to repair Nan Gongyu's damaged bone. 

Nan Gongyu, sensing some faint changes, responded, "Lightness kung fu is my greatest skill. With the help of the great eagle that has accompanied me for over ten years, I barely managed to enter that celestial realm. But in the end, I met with this tragic fate, and my beloved eagle was killed by that immortal master as well." 

"I see," Yang Fan nodded as he continued the treatment. "From what I've observed, you lack the talent for cultivation. However, your determination to seek out the martial manual at such great cost suggests you are deeply drawn to the way of immortals." 

"Indeed. We mortals live only for a few short decades, passing as quickly as a white colt crossing a crack. How can one not feel the sorrow and helplessness of it? Who wouldn't want to attain immortality and seek the way of the immortals? Alas, I lack the talent for cultivation, but I had heard that within the immortal path, there was a branch of martial cultivation, which is more suited for martial artists like myself. That's why I tried to find a way into the celestial realm, hoping to acquire such a manual." 

"You weren't wrong to try and enter the realm of immortals. It's just that your luck led you to Wupan Tiantai, a high-tier trading market. Had you gone to one of the lesser markets, concealed by illusionary arrays, you might have had more success. You might try visiting 'Yang Family Fortress.' As long as you are a direct relative of the Yang family, you can enter. Even if you're not, with the right connections or a suitable bribe to the gatekeeper, you might still get in." 

Yang Fan explained, inwardly feeling pity for Nan Gongyu's misfortune. 

"Thank you, Healer, for your guidance. I am eternally grateful. Please, there's no need to address me as 'Da Xia.' In the eyes of immortals, such titles are meaningless. It would honor me if you simply called me Nan Gong." 

"Very well, Brother Nan Gong. Now, stand up and try walking on your own two feet." 

Yang Fan suddenly stood up, gesturing for Nan Gongyu to rise. 

Closing his eyes, Yang Fan felt the invisible life energy within him swell several times over, flowing through his body like a torrent, refining his form as it circulated. 

Soon, that elusive life force transformed into faint wisps of green mist, coursing through his veins. 

"I... I can walk again!" 

Nan Gongyu cried out in disbelief as he took a tentative step, quickly followed by several more. Before long, he was jogging through the courtyard. 

"My leg is healed!" 

He rushed back to Yang Fan, only to see the healer deep in meditation. Moved beyond words, Nan Gongyu assumed that Yang Fan must have expended a great deal of energy to heal him. 

After a long while, Yang Fan opened his eyes, calm as still water, and exhaled softly. "I've finished my meditation. Now, let me heal your severed meridians." 

Unbeknownst to the others, subtle changes had taken place within him. His once serene face now carried a quiet confidence, and wisps of green mist briefly flickered within him before vanishing. 

His technique, the *Withered Wood Skill*, allowed him to suppress his aura and magic so thoroughly that even higher-level cultivators would find it difficult to detect anything amiss. 

"The Qi Refinement stage… I, Yang Fan, have finally returned to the path of immortality," 

Yang Fan's once-quiet heart now surged with emotion. 

In just two days, he had transformed from a man stripped of all power to one back on the path of cultivation. It was nothing short of a miracle. 

"The world of cultivation will one day witness my resurgence, my rise to fame once more..." 

Yang Fan calmed his mind. Though he had just entered the early stage of Qi Refinement, his powers were still weak, and discretion remained necessary. 

"Healer, I see you've expended much of your energy. Perhaps it would be best to rest and continue tomorrow..." 

Nan Gongyu, seeing how Yang Fan had just finished meditating, couldn't bear to see him continue so soon. 

"Yes, Brother Fan, you can return tomorrow..." 

Iron Ox and Yang Huixin both echoed his concern. 

"To save lives is my duty as a healer. What does it matter if I suffer some fatigue? Let me heal your meridians now," 

Yang Fan smiled gently, kindness in his eyes. 

At these words, the three of them were overwhelmed with emotion. Even Nan Gongyu, a seasoned man of the martial world, was deeply moved. 

What is the compassion of a healer? The selflessness that seeks to save the world and embrace all of humanity? 

What is the spirit of absolute selflessness, dedicated only to the

 well-being of others? 

This was the very essence of it! 

In that moment, Yang Fan's image in their hearts soared to an unimaginable height, his virtue towering over all.