Meticulous Planning

Since Lin Zhong's arrival in Misty Willow Town, Yang Fan began meticulously planning the establishment of his medical clinic. However, such a venture was not one that could be accomplished in a day or two. The location for the clinic, the sources of medicinal herbs, and even the preliminary advertising—all of these aspects required careful consideration and planning.

Yang Fan generously provided Lin Zhong with one or two sets of basic cultivation techniques that could help him reach the Mind Condensation stage. In his spare moments, he would guide Lin Zhong on the path of cultivation, offering invaluable insights.

Lin Zhong gained much from these teachings. Not only did Yang Fan's profound knowledge far surpass his own, but the difference in their experiences was stark as well. Lin Zhong was a solitary cultivator, struggling even to acquire a complete set of cultivation methods, while Yang Fan, once a prodigious talent in his clan, had been trained by esteemed masters, his path paved with the best resources.

In both innate talent and acquired skill, Yang Fan was truly exceptional. In many respects, his wisdom and experience made him more than qualified to be Lin Zhong's master.

After half a month of planning, the basic framework for Yang Fan's medical clinic was in place, yet two critical factors remained unresolved.

The first issue was funding. Opening a clinic, purchasing medicinal herbs, and even hiring a few ordinary doctors to manage the daily operations all required money. As a former cultivator, Yang Fan had never paid much attention to material wealth. In the world of cultivators, spirit stones were the currency of choice, not silver or gold. And what little silver he had, he had already given to the two maids who had served him for years when he left the Yang Clan Fort. Even if he had held onto it, it wouldn't have been enough to establish the kind of clinic he envisioned.

The second issue was the clinic's purpose. While treating ordinary mortals was one aspect, his primary focus was to treat fellow cultivators. Yet, Yang Fan could not always be present in the clinic. He needed to acquire a steady supply of medicinal materials from the cultivation world, and perhaps even concoct some healing elixirs himself. These elixirs would not only serve to treat patients but also provide a source of income through the sale of spirit stones. At the very least, they would help maintain a reputable front for his clinic. Without such resources, no cultivator would ever step through its doors.

One day, Yang Fan and Lin Zhong sat together, discussing these matters.

"It seems that I'll have to visit a nearby cultivator's market to gather some alchemical ingredients," Yang Fan mused, resting his chin on his hand in deep thought.

For the past half month, aside from planning the clinic, Yang Fan had spent his nights diligently practicing the *Celestial Swan Art*. Not only had he immersed himself in the "Qi Refining" and "Sacred Healing" chapters, but he had also dabbled in the "Alchemical Arts" and "Botanical Studies" to lay a foundation for his future work as a healer.

As for the "Arcane Path" chapter, which detailed various esoteric spells, Yang Fan found it exceptionally difficult to cultivate. However, he had already mastered a few spells from the *Sacred Healing* chapter, which came to him with ease.

In addition to the *Bone Fortification Art*, Yang Fan had recently mastered two new spells: the *Shapeshifting Technique* and the *Concealment Technique*.

The *Shapeshifting Technique* allowed him to manipulate his spiritual energy to contract his bones and muscles, changing his physical appearance. Of course, the extent of these changes was limited. At his current Qi Refining stage, he could reduce his height by four or five centimeters and make himself appear slightly bulkier. Unlike ordinary disguises, the *Shapeshifting Technique* was much harder to detect, but when combined with traditional disguise methods, its effect would be even more formidable.

The *Concealment Technique*, unique to the *Celestial Swan Art*, enabled Yang Fan to blend into his surroundings with much greater effectiveness than the typical stealth techniques used by other cultivators. In the early stages, due to the limits of his cultivation, Yang Fan could only remain stationary or move very slowly while concealed. Any sudden movement risked breaking the spell. But as his mastery of the technique deepened, he would be able to move swiftly without revealing himself.

Although these two spells seemed insignificant, Yang Fan greatly valued them, as they significantly enhanced his survival chances.

Lin Zhong offered his thoughts. "Of the nearby markets for cultivators, 'Five Coiling Sky Terrace' is out of the question, and you probably wouldn't want to return to 'Yang Clan Fort'. That leaves us with 'Rain Mist Manor', 'Demon Lair', and 'Jade Pavilion'."

As fellow cultivators, both Yang Fan and Lin Zhong were familiar with the cultivation markets within a thousand miles. Among them were Five Coiling Sky Terrace, Yang Clan Fort, Rain Mist Manor, Demon Lair, and Jade Pavilion.

"Rain Mist Manor is also off the table. I've visited it once or twice in the name of the Yang family, but I would rather avoid any connections with them," Yang Fan replied. "As for Demon Lair and Jade Pavilion, they are the two most prominent markets after Five Coiling Sky Terrace, each backed by powerful forces. Demon Lair is associated with demonic cultivators, and it's best not to get entangled with them. So, that leaves Jade Pavilion."

As he spoke the name "Jade Pavilion," a trace of nostalgia flickered across Yang Fan's face.

He vaguely recalled that when he was six years old, his father had once taken him to Jade Pavilion before sending him to the Yang Clan Fort. Since then, Yang Fan had returned to Jade Pavilion a few times, but each visit yielded no clues regarding his father's whereabouts.

"Jade Pavilion? I would have thought you'd choose Rain Mist Manor," Lin Zhong remarked, surprised. "But if you have reservations about it, then Jade Pavilion, though farther away, is still a reasonable choice."

Lin Zhong offered with a smile, "Shall I accompany you on this journey, Master Fan?"

"There's no need for that. You stay here in Misty Willow Town," Yang Fan instructed. "In addition to your cultivation, you'll also need to keep an eye on my family. If possible, secure a shop nearby to handle the acquisition of common medicinal ingredients. In certain situations, you may use… appropriate measures."

Lin Zhong smiled knowingly, understanding the implication of Yang Fan's words.

"I understand completely."

"Good. Make the necessary preparations. I'll set off in two days."

After sending Lin Zhong on his way, Yang Fan informed his mother and sister of his upcoming journey.

"When will you return, Brother?" Yang Huixin's eyes shimmered like clear water, her beauty growing ever more radiant.

"If all goes well, I should be back in one or two months. But if there are delays, it could be two or three months," Yang Fan replied thoughtfully.

Jade Pavilion was seven to eight hundred miles away, and with no ability to fly on his sword, Yang Fan would have to travel on horseback. Moreover, once he arrived, acquiring the necessary medicinal materials would take time. Unexpected events could further extend his stay.

"Brother, be careful while you're away," Yang Huixin said softly.

"Fan'er, take care of yourself on the road. Don't overexert yourself," his mother added.

Yang Fan laughed warmly. "I haven't even left yet, and you're already fussing."

The next day, with everything in order, Yang Fan mounted a swift horse and left Misty Willow Town. However, fate had its own plans. Just a day after his departure, his younger brother Yang Lei returned home.

"Where's Brother?" Yang Lei asked, his expression surprised after a long and weary journey.

"Ah, what unfortunate timing. Your brother left just yesterday, heading out of town to purchase some medicinal herbs," their mother sighed.

"Why would Brother need medicinal herbs?" Yang Lei asked, his face puzzled.

Huixin explained gently, "Brother was fortunate to inherit a great master's teachings. He is now practicing the art of healing and plans to open a clinic to help people."

"A clinic? To help people?" Yang Lei's expression grew even more perplexed. He knew his brother's temperament all too well, and it certainly wasn't one of boundless compassion. His brother had never been the type to go out of his way to help others, often saving someone only when it suited his mood.

"Indeed. Fan'er has become quite skilled in medicine. Ordinary injuries are no challenge for him," their mother praised.

"Third Brother, what brings you home this time?" Huixin asked.

Yang Lei sighed deeply. "Back at the Yang Clan Fort, both Yang Guang and I are the key figures in the family's development. However, his power surpasses mine, and I can't compete with him. I returned to Misty Willow Town to seek Brother's help, but it seems I've come at the worst possible time."

His face was filled with disappointment.

"What will we do now?" Both their mother and sister looked anxious.

"Did Brother take his storage bag with him when he left?" Yang Lei's eyes gleamed with an idea. He knew that his brother likely still had several valuable items in his storage bag, including a low-grade spiritual weapon, the Azure Edge Sword. The bag also contained various talismans, magical items, and spirit stones.

"How could fate be so unkind? Now that Brother is no longer a cultivator, the treasures in his storage bag hold little value to him. If I asked, I'm sure he would have handed them over without hesitation. But now…" Yang Lei's eyes glimmered with regret.