The Power of the Yang Family

At the southern exit of Xiuyuge, Yang Yu stood tall and poised in his white robes, exuding an air of elegance and confidence. A charming smile graced his face as he bid farewell to two enchanting ladies.

Among them was a striking beauty, Lin Yu, whose delicate features were as flawless as freshly fallen snow. Her smile radiated warmth, resembling a blooming flower, and her ethereal presence was nothing short of breathtaking. She was the daughter of the Lin family, and had previously offered kind words to Yang Fan during their encounter on the official road.

Beside Lin Yu was another young woman, adorned in a pale green gown, seemingly untouched by dust. She wore a white veil that added an air of mystique to her being. Her tranquil, luminous eyes mirrored an endless expanse of green, as if embodying the essence of nature itself, filling the air with a subtle fragrance of blooming flora that wrapped around them like a delicate veil, making the space feel like an otherworldly paradise. 

Though only half of her exquisite visage was visible beneath the veil, her mere presence eclipsed Lin Yu, who was as beautiful as a celestial being. No one dared to question the unparalleled beauty that radiated from her.

As Yang Yu stood in the company of these two stunning women, his heart swelled with pride. Yet, most of his thoughts were consumed by the ethereal Cloud Fairy, whom he desperately sought to impress with a mere smile.

Lin Yu, though feeling a pang of irritation and disappointment, had grown accustomed to this dynamic. She had long since relinquished any hope of being compared to her junior sister. In terms of beauty, demeanor, status, and talent, she was painfully aware of her inferiority.

What troubled Yang Yu, however, was Cloud Fairy's constant aloofness. He was perplexed by her indifferent attitude, unsure of what she truly thought of him. No matter how hard he tried, he found it impossible to bridge the gap that felt like an insurmountable mountain range separating them.

"It seems I must put more effort into winning Lin Yu over in the future," Yang Yu mused, feeling an urgent sense of impatience, completely oblivious to Cloud Fairy's inner thoughts.

"Young Master Yang, my sister and I will soon be returning to the 'Pharmaceutical Immortal Valley,' so you should take care of yourself," Lin Yu said, unable to hide her desire to send Yang Yu on his way.

"After meeting the Cloud Fairy today, who knows how long it will be until we see each other again? Let me escort you for a bit longer," Yang Yu replied with a smile.

Cloud Yuxi chimed in, "Since the young master is so kind, I won't decline the offer." 

Yang Yu beamed with delight. "Then allow me to accompany you both a little further."

Yet, Lin Yu felt an odd sensation wash over her as she discreetly glanced at her sister, pondering why she was so insistent on prolonging Yang Yu's company, especially when it was clear that Cloud Yuxi harbored no affection for him.

An image of a refined young man from their past meetings flickered in her mind, igniting a sudden realization. Could it be that her sister was secretly meeting with someone else? The thought struck her sharply; perhaps they had been sent away on purpose.

"But why is my sister so lackluster in her interactions with Yang Yu, as if she's deliberately biding her time?" Lin Yu pondered, sensing multiple clues yet unable to decipher their meaning.

Before long, Yang Yu escorted the two women to the banks of the Clear River. With a graceful wave of her hand, Cloud Yuxi summoned a green leaf that blossomed before their eyes, expanding to several times its size, capable of carrying multiple passengers.

"Young Master Yang, there's no need for you to accompany us further; we are ready to depart," Lin Yu said.

"Farewell, and until we meet again," Yang Yu replied, bowing with a smile as he watched the two step onto the verdant leaf.

At that moment, a subtle tremor rippled through the heavens, a burst of resplendent light shooting into the sky, visible for hundreds of miles around.

Yang Yu's expression shifted dramatically as he produced a "Divine Message Talisman," imbuing it with his consciousness. 

"This is not good!" 

With a flicker of spiritual light surrounding him, Yang Yu swiftly drew a flying sword from his storage bag and leaped into the air, soaring towards a particular direction in Xiuyuge.

Simultaneously, cultivators from the Yang family in Kyoto sensed the disturbance and took to the skies on their swords.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! 

Thousands of cultivators within Xiuyuge felt the shift in the atmosphere and turned their attention.

"Could something have happened to the Yang family in Kyoto? Has someone shattered a 'Divine Message Talisman'?" Lin Yu exclaimed, her face awash with astonishment.


The grand green leaf glided gracefully into the void.

"Senior Sister Lin, should we not go take a look?" Cloud Yuxi suggested, a hint of worry in her brow as she navigated the leafy vessel.

"Little Sister, the Yang family can handle minor troubles themselves; there's no need for you to fret. You usually possess such serene composure; why this sudden unease?" Lin Yu observed her sister, a knowing smile playing on her lips.

After a moment of silence, Cloud Yuxi replied softly, "Since Sister is already aware, why inquire further?"

Lin Yu chuckled, "Ah, my clever little sister, you've been secretly meeting with your romantic interest without my knowledge, haven't you?" 

"Senior Sister, please don't mention this to our Master…" Cloud Yuxi grasped her sister's hand, pleading with watery eyes, her expression exuding a hint of endearment that stirred sympathy in Lin Yu's heart.

"Very well, my dear little sister, I promise to keep your secret. However, you must return to the 'Pharmaceutical Immortal Valley' immediately," Lin Yu replied, somewhat exasperated, knowing well the bond she shared with her younger sister.

"Return to the Pharmaceutical Immortal Valley? But…" Cloud Yuxi hesitated.

"Little Sister, how can our Master call you astute and wise, yet you become so flustered when your beloved is in trouble?" Lin Yu teased lightly, a smile gracing her lips.

"What do you mean by that, Senior Sister?" Cloud Yuxi regained her composure.

"This 'Xiuyuge' is surrounded by treacherous mountains; if you wish to find someone, it is no easy feat. Should you pursue him now, not only will it raise suspicion, allowing Yang Yu to speculate about your relationship, but it could also draw your beloved out into the open, increasing the risk," Lin Yu cautioned.

"Little Sister, you must understand the severity of the consequences should your secret affair be exposed…" Lin Yu spoke with earnestness, weighing the stakes.


At that very moment, cultivators from the Yang family in Kyoto sensed the disturbance, converging on the incident site under Yang Yu's command, supported by a few mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivators and several others at the Qi Refinement stage.

After a short flight, Yang Yu finally reached the edge of a daunting abyss. Beside it lay a charred heap of blackened remnants, still emitting tendrils of green smoke.

Vaguely, the ground bore two scorched imprints, unmistakably the remains of two charred human corpses.

"What in the world has happened here?" Yang Yu's face turned icy, his gaze scanning the surroundings, desperate for clarity.

Moments later, two or three mid-stage Foundation Establishment cultivators arrived, rushing to Yang Yu's side.

"Young Master, what transpired here?" One elder, the highest in cultivation among them, inquired.

"I instructed two family guards to watch over a Qi Refinement cultivator…" Yang Yu's expression eased slightly as he recounted the events that led to this situation.

"A Qi Refinement cultivator?" The newly arrived Foundation Establishment cultivators wore puzzled expressions.

"This is precisely what I can't fathom. My two guards are seasoned practitioners in the late stages of Qi Refinement, trained well and experienced in combat. They could have contended even against an accomplished practitioner at the peak of Qi Refinement," Yang Yu said, puzzled.

Shortly after, a dozen or so Qi Refinement cultivators from the Yang family, all potential heirs, arrived on the scene.

"Centering on this location, search thoroughly!" Yang Yu commanded coldly. He and the three Foundation Establishment cultivators soared through the air, commencing their search.

"Reporting to the Young Master, we've found a clue…" A breathless, shifty-eyed Qi Refinement youth raced towards them.