Between Celestial and Mortal

In the dimly lit boudoir, fragrant scents lingered in the air, and the silence was punctuated only by the sounds of breathing and heartbeats. Within this intimate space stood three figures: two men and a woman. Lin Zhong and Liu Manxiang exchanged glances filled with trepidation as they observed Yang Fan, who was lost in thought, pacing slowly before them.

While Lin Zhong and Liu Manxiang's hearts fluttered with anxiety, Yang Fan remained as tranquil as still water, his demeanor calm as dawn approached. At last, he broke the silence, "Liu, two days hence, when I compete against Hu Banshan, regardless of the outcome… the victor will undeniably be me."

"What…" Liu Manxiang's face paled in disbelief.

"Is there a way to cure Manxiang's affliction? You seem uncertain; what are your chances?" Lin Zhong questioned, concern etched across his features.

Yang Fan pondered for a moment before responding, "Lady Liu has been poisoned, but not by a common toxin…"

"Poisoned?" Both Lin Zhong and Liu Manxiang were taken aback.

"Why didn't I find anything during my examination?" Lin Zhong's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Because she is afflicted by a form of 'poison bug'," Yang Fan articulated deliberately.

Poison bug! Lin Zhong's expression shifted dramatically, while Liu Manxiang looked bewildered; she had never heard of such a thing before.

"Furthermore, this is not the mundane poison of the secular world; it originates from the realm of cultivation, and its potency is far greater. It's no wonder you did not detect it," Yang Fan continued, his tone matter-of-fact. Were it not for his high spiritual awareness and keen senses, he too might have overlooked this fact.

"Is there a remedy?" Lin Zhong pressed urgently.

"I have considered four potential solutions," Yang Fan replied languidly, "though I cannot discern which would be most effective."

Four potential remedies! Lin Zhong and Liu Manxiang gaped in astonishment. For such a rare toxin, ordinary apothecaries would be rendered helpless, yet here was Yang Fan presenting four options with ease, hinting at his extraordinary medical expertise.

"Could you outline them briefly?" Lin Zhong exhaled slowly, beginning to understand Yang Fan's calm demeanor; it stemmed from his confidence in his capabilities.

"The first method is to use poison against poison, annihilating the life force of the poison bug; this approach is quite aggressive. The second method involves my unique detoxification technique, which has an eighty percent success rate, but this is no ordinary toxin. The third method entails me penning a prescription or concocting a specialized antidote that can completely eradicate this poison. The fourth option is to isolate the poison bug using formidable spiritual energy and then eliminate it," Yang Fan articulated swiftly, his expression revealing a blend of confidence and composure that compelled trust.

In truth, these methods were not fabrications of Yang Fan's imagination. The first approach—using poison against poison—entailed employing his "Desolate Silence" technique to directly destroy the poison bug while exercising caution to avoid harming the patient. This method, while straightforward, was also the most dangerous and aggressive. The second method referred to the detoxification technique he had recently mastered. The third was gleaned from the hunchbacked elder, who had surprisingly included a remedy for poison bugs in his jade slip. The final method could be attempted by those with profound magical abilities.

"This… this is magnificent…" Liu Manxiang exclaimed, her face radiant with hope.

"Then please, act quickly to rid Manxiang of her affliction," Lin Zhong implored, his joy evident.

Yang Fan smiled but shook his head, "I cannot cure Lady Manxiang of her poison bug at this moment."

"Why not? Do you require gold or treasures? My father would gladly provide whatever you need if it means curing my ailment…" Liu Manxiang's voice trembled with desperation.

"Do you mean…" Lin Zhong's expression shifted to one of contemplation.

"If I were to cure the lady's poison bug now, it would undoubtedly alert its master, Hu Banshan. This would introduce unpredictable variables into the upcoming medical contest. Therefore, I will only cure the lady's ailment on the day of the competition," Yang Fan stated flatly.

Lin Zhong fell silent, while Liu Manxiang cast a questioning glance at him. They conferred in hushed tones, and finally, she spoke softly, "Then I will agree to your previous request, trusting that you will not go back on your word."

"It is settled, then," Yang Fan replied with a smile. Given his current standing and mindset, there was no way he would breach a promise to a mortal.

After discussing a few more details, Yang Fan prepared to leave, casually remarking, "I must take my leave now; time is short. You two should not dawdle…"

With that, he glided out into the night, his figure blending seamlessly into the shadows, leaving behind two flustered hearts in the chamber. Lin Zhong embraced Liu Manxiang, yet his face bore a tinge of reluctance as he sighed, whispering sweetly to his beloved.

As dawn approached, Lin Zhong decisively exited the boudoir, his form flowing like the wind as he made his way home. Upon entering his secret chamber, he found Yang Fan seated in stillness.

"Yang Gongzi…" Lin Zhong's face bore a complex expression, his tone devoid of surprise.

"Do you understand why I have remained here?" Yang Fan stood up leisurely, fully aware that Lin Zhong was an astute individual.

"Indeed," Lin Zhong exhaled, his expression fluctuating as he grappled with a difficult decision.

"You now face two choices: first, assist me in establishing a medical clinic and venture into the world of cultivation. I can assure you that you will receive a continuous supply of spiritual elixirs and cultivation techniques. Even if your aptitude is not exceptional, you will still have the chance at immortality. Second, you may fall into the abyss of romantic entanglements with a worldly woman, living a carefree existence for a few decades before becoming mere dust. Or, you may watch helplessly as your beloved ages, her beauty fading into white hair, withering away before your eyes, leaving you heartbroken and bereft of hope," Yang Fan articulated with a dispassionate demeanor.

"Can I not take her with me into the path of the immortal?" Lin Zhong clenched his fists, his voice trembling.

"Deceiving yourself," Yang Fan scoffed. "You can barely ensure your own safety, yet you speak of bringing another along? In the current state of the cultivation world, even high-level practitioners cannot alter one's innate spiritual roots. With her 'waste spiritual root,' she is essentially fated to be unconnected to the path of cultivation."

Waste spiritual root. This was the conclusion Yang Fan had drawn from his examination of Liu Manxiang's condition. In the cultivation world, spiritual roots were essential, with waste spiritual root being the least desirable, followed by ordinary spiritual root. Higher up were earth spiritual roots and sky spiritual roots. Sky spiritual root represented the pinnacle of spiritual roots, enhancing cultivation effects a hundredfold or more, belonging to the realm of legends.

Of course, there were also exceptionally rare spiritual roots, varying in quality; some barely surpassed waste spiritual roots, while others exceeded even sky spiritual roots. These were known as "anomalous spiritual roots." Even with Yang Fan's own qualifications, he could only claim the status of an earth spiritual root, which was still considered decent.

Lin Zhong's face turned ashen as he sank to the ground, his breath growing shallow. 

A rational person, he comprehended the truth of Yang Fan's words. The love between celestial beings and mortals had been deemed forbidden for millennia, and there were indeed profound reasons behind this taboo; few could traverse this chasm.

"When you gain significant progress in your cultivation and enter the true realm of cultivation, you will undoubtedly encounter countless stunning women… As a cultivator, your partner must be found within the realm of cultivation," Yang Fan advised gently, his mind drifting to the enchanting Yuntian Fairy, with whom he shared a brief connection.

The two had felt an instant kinship, parting with a promise to meet again in a year at the distant Han Yuan Mountain in the capital. Yang Fan eagerly anticipated their reunion. In this regard, he was undeniably fortunate.

"If you can withstand this trial, your temperament and resolve will surely strengthen, increasing your odds on the path to immortality. I shall take my leave now; should you not give up, I will not compel you," Yang Fan said with a soft sigh, before vanishing into the ether.

Lin Zhong remained frozen, staring into the direction where Yang Fan had departed, his expression a tumultuous blend of hope and despair as he wrestled with the most challenging dilemma of his life. 

At dawn, Lin Zhong's palms bled from where his nails had dug in, and his lips were torn, blood oozing forth.

The divide between the celestial and the mortal was but a thought away.