Liu De-Gui's Generous Gift

As night fell, the head steward of Liu De-Gui's household arrived to invite Yang Fan and his companions to the evening banquet.

"Elder brother, I won't be joining you tonight. I have some matters to attend to," Yang Lei said calmly, slipping away before anyone could object, leaving only Yang Fan and Lin Zhong behind.

Lin Zhong was momentarily puzzled, uncertain about the relationship between the two brothers, but he asked no questions.

"Let's go to Liu De-Gui's residence. You shouldn't avoid the situation—some things must be faced decisively," Yang Fan said, watching his younger brother's retreating figure with an air of unperturbed calm. His gaze then shifted to Lin Zhong, revealing a hint of deeper meaning.

"I understand," Lin Zhong replied, his voice steady though his eyes flickered momentarily.

The two men walked in silence toward Liu De-Gui's mansion. Along the way, Yang Fan's face bore a contemplative expression. Occasionally, his eyes rested on Lin Zhong, as if weighing the merits of a solution to an unspoken dilemma.

Yang Fan's mind had been preoccupied with one idea: the unavoidable gap between mortals and cultivators. Apart from the vast difference in lifespan, there was the cruel reality of aging. Imagine a cultivator, still in the prime of youth, standing beside a mortal spouse who had withered with age—how tragic, how unbearable that sight would be. Even if the cultivator could accept it, the mortal partner would surely be consumed with shame and despair.

"If I could just refine the 'Youth-Preserving Pill,' or even better, the 'Longevity Pill,' this dilemma would be resolved..." Yang Fan mused to himself.

The method for crafting such near-mythical elixirs was detailed in the *Xianhong Manual*. The Youth-Preserving Pill was within reach—Yang Fan only lacked one or two rare ingredients—but the Longevity Pill posed a much greater challenge.

"Even the Youth-Preserving Pill alone would allow a mortal to retain their youthful appearance, ensuring that their years together would not end in sorrow. The cultivator would experience a genuine relationship, free of regret or future heart demons, and their heart would be fortified by the experience."

In that fleeting moment, Yang Fan had considered many things about Lin Zhong's future, hoping to spare him from any lingering regrets or the risk of internal turmoil that could arise from an unresolved love.

Led by the steward, Yang Fan and Lin Zhong arrived at the grand Liu residence, where Liu De-Gui, the town's governor, was already waiting at the gate. As soon as he saw them, he rushed forward with exaggerated warmth.

"Master Yang! You've arrived! Come, come, I've prepared a fine banquet for you both," Liu De-Gui said, full of enthusiasm.

Yang Fan responded with measured politeness, neither overly cold nor warm, while Lin Zhong remained silent, his expression composed.

"Please, come inside. I've hired a renowned chef from the county to prepare this feast," Liu De-Gui said, guiding them to the dining table.

Yang Fan's gaze swept across the banquet—an extravagant spread of dishes, yet the guests numbered only three. The lavish table seemed almost absurd in its emptiness.

"Liu Governor, it seems your banquet is somewhat lacking in company. Why not invite your esteemed daughter to join us?" Yang Fan suggested, his tone casual though the request was rather bold.

"Of course, of course! How could I have forgotten? After all, it was Master Yang who healed her illness. She should be here to express her gratitude," Liu De-Gui laughed, sending a servant to fetch his daughter.

Soon after, light footsteps were heard, and Liu Manxiang entered, elegantly dressed for the occasion. 

"Master Yang, and Master Lin, I offer you my deepest thanks for saving my life and sparing my family from disaster," Liu Manxiang said as she bowed, though her gaze lingered a moment longer on Lin Zhong, her eyes sparkling with unspoken affection.

"Now that Miss Liu is here, let us enjoy the meal together," Yang Fan remarked with a faint smile, his eyes subtly observing Lin Zhong's reaction.

Lin Zhong's face momentarily changed, but soon returned to its usual stoic calm. He nodded slightly but remained silent.

As the meal proceeded, Liu Manxiang's delicate features betrayed a hint of disappointment as she glanced toward Lin Zhong. He, however, remained as indifferent as a statue, unmoved by her silent appeals.

Liu De-Gui, sensing the awkward tension between his daughter and Lin Zhong, feigned ignorance, instead focusing on entertaining Yang Fan with conversation and food.

After a time, when the meal was winding down, Liu De-Gui cleared his throat and clapped his hands. "Bring it in," he ordered.

Yang Fan's expression remained unchanged, though he knew what was about to happen.

A servant soon entered, carrying an ornate golden box.

"Master Yang, a small token of gratitude. Please accept it," Liu De-Gui said, smiling as he placed the box before Yang Fan.

"What might this be?" Yang Fan asked, not bothering to feign humility as he accepted the box.

"Why don't you open it and see?" Liu De-Gui replied smoothly, keeping his tone even.

Yang Fan lifted the lid. His pupils contracted slightly, and his heartbeat quickened. Liu Manxiang and Lin Zhong leaned in curiously.

Inside the box was a piece of shimmering metal, its surface radiating golden light so intense it was almost blinding. A sharp, fierce aura emanated from it, as if the metal itself contained a boundless will to pierce through the heavens.


Yang Fan quickly shut the lid, his face regaining its calm. "I will accept this gift," he said directly. "Tell me, Governor Liu, what favor do you seek in return?"

Lin Zhong, who had only caught a brief glimpse of the metal, couldn't fully grasp what it was. Still, from Yang Fan's reaction, he could tell it was something rare and valuable, perhaps a precious material for crafting weapons.

Liu De-Gui's face grew solemn. "I trust you, Master Yang, already know the answer. The one who poisoned my daughter... was it Hu Bansian?"

Yang Fan chuckled lightly. "Governor Liu, anyone with half a mind could see the truth that day. Hu Bansian was the culprit."

Of course, Hu Bansian had been careful, and with powerful figures like Yang Guang and Li Pang shielding him, plus the neutral stance of Doctor Zheng, it would have been difficult to bring Hu Bansian to justice at that time. Besides, Yang Fan, as a healer, had to maintain a certain facade. Revealing his full power too soon could have alarmed the cunning Hu Bansian, allowing him to escape and leaving a hidden threat behind.

Liu De-Gui sighed deeply. "In that case, I implore you, Master Yang, to protect my household. If possible, kill this villain, or at the very least drive him far from Misty Willow Town so that we may live in peace."

Yang Fan's expression remained serene. "Since I've accepted your gift, rest assured that I will handle this matter. However, I'll need your cooperation in the coming days..."

"Master Yang, what is your plan?" Liu De-Gui's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

"It's only one part of the strategy, but perhaps before we even act, Hu Bansian will have already met his end," Yang Fan replied cryptically, then leaned in to whisper further instructions into Liu De-Gui's ear.

"Understood! I will follow your lead, Master Yang," Liu De-Gui said, agreeing without hesitation. Even with his shrewd mind, he found Yang Fan's plan to be well-conceived.

Later that night, Yang Fan and Lin Zhong bid farewell to Liu De-Gui's household.

Liu Manxiang gazed longingly at Lin Zhong as they left, her earlier attempts at catching his eye having gone unanswered.

Once outside the gates, Yang Fan stopped and turned to Lin Zhong. "Tonight, you could go to see her, if you find it impossible to let go. I can offer you a compromise," he said.

But Lin Zhong's expression was resolute. "Master, I've made my decision. I won't go back. It's the same as when I first chose the path of cultivation—once taken, I shall not return."

His voice was unwavering.

Yang Fan was startled by Lin Zhong's determination, realizing he had underestimated the young man's willpower.

"Very well. But if you ever change your mind, there's still a chance to resolve things," Yang Fan said, his tone thoughtful as they parted ways.

Watching Lin Zhong's figure fade into the night, Yang Fan's feelings were conflicted. Though not involved himself, he could still sense the weight of such choices.

Upon returning home, Yang Fan found his brother, Yang Lei, lounging comfortably in a chair, smiling slyly. "Brother, I wonder what treasure you gained from Liu's household to return so late?"