Three Abyssal Demon Flames!!!

In an instant, a spark ignited within Yang Fan's heart. The concept of the *Youming Demon Flame* had always eluded him until now. Throughout his cultivation of the *Nine Abyssal Demonic Arts*, he had traversed paths with relative ease. Whenever the *Xianhong Art* reached a certain level, this demonic technique could, within a short span, achieve a similar height. This phenomenon had once filled him with astonishment.

Yet, despite the joy it brought, he found the cultivation of the techniques within this demonic art perplexing and challenging. Clearly, his limitations in both talent and environment imposed constraints on his progress. Among these techniques, the *Youming Demon Flame* stood as one of the most esteemed, a hallmark of the *Nine Abyssal Demonic Arts*.

"If I can grasp the essence of this flame and ascend to the first layer of 'You,' I shall possess the power to dominate my peers at this level..." Yang Fan took a deep breath, his gaze fixated on the source of demonic energy beside him, where tiny black bubbles rose and fell, a veritable wellspring of dark power.

He contemplated whether he should venture into the unknown depths of the *Youming Demon Flame* within this unfamiliar environment. The protective barriers he had encountered hinted that this reservoir of demonic energy had been discovered by someone. The question lingered—would that individual return soon? The answer was shrouded in uncertainty.

As his thoughts raced, Yang Fan's mind drifted to the *Nine Abyssal Secret Realm*. "The earlier barriers suggest that the one who found this place likely practices the dark arts. Thus, it's probable they have a base near the *Nine Abyssal Secret Realm*, or they wouldn't have abandoned such a valuable 'Demonic Energy Spring.'"

Resolute, he made up his mind to delve deep into the source of the demonic energy, embracing the risk that often accompanies great temptation. With cautious steps, he approached the *Demonic Energy Spring*. As he set foot into the well-sized entrance, a jolt surged through him.

A gentle stream of pure demonic energy flooded up from beneath, filling his body with warmth that coursed through his limbs, gradually sinking into his dantian with an uncanny ease. The *Nine Abyssal Demonic Energy* within him acted like a whirlpool, beckoning the new energies to join his own.

Yang Fan closed his eyes, inhaling deeply, focusing all his spirit on the profound essence of the demonic way. In that moment, he was plunged into an inky abyss, where flames of darkness flickered, intertwining with arcane symbols swirling in his mind—a primordial, ancient aura that seeped into his very soul.

Fury, indulgence, ruthlessness, slaughter, bloodlust, madness—all manner of dark and tumultuous forces circled within him, coalescing into a terrifying power that echoed through his being. If he could command this force, he would ascend to the pinnacle of the demonic arts, gazing down upon the myriad realms with sovereign pride.

Should he merely utilize this power for his own gain, embracing the primordial darkness, he might become a legendary demon master, commanding respect and awe. This was the second path.

However, if he allowed this force to dominate him, he would transform utterly, merging with the very essence of malevolence, where he would be a demon, and the demon would be him. The most formidable of beings could assimilate into the myriad paths of darkness, bringing devastation to all. This was the third path.

The demonic way was ruthless; compliance meant flourishing, while defiance led to extinction.

Yang Fan's face twisted in agony, battling against the tempestuous tide of these primordial forces. Should he fail to conquer this darkness, he would forfeit his chance to ascend to the first level of the supreme demonic path, inevitably falling into the latter two paths.

Historically, throughout the vast expanse of the Eastern Victory Continent, few had successfully transcended this trial and tamed the primordial darkness that encapsulated the world. Most succumbed to the allure of the second path, while many fell into the third, losing themselves to the very essence they sought to command.

As time dragged on, Yang Fan's complexion grew increasingly pale, his eyes flickering with a multitude of emotions. It seemed he was on the verge of retreating from the first path. After all, he was merely a human, how could he possibly contend with the primordial force that embodied countless elements of darkness and wrath? 

Under normal circumstances, Yang Fan would have relinquished his aspirations from the first path, retreating into the second—a path chosen by the vast majority of demon cultivators. Those who attained mastery could ascend to the ranks of renowned demon masters, gazing down upon the world. 

Yet, in the pivotal moment of crisis, a gentle and encompassing warmth surged from within him, radiating an essence that felt both comforting and transcendent, as if it surpassed the boundaries of life itself, both elevated above all things and intimately connected with them.

In that instant, Yang Fan's countenance softened, and his spirit relaxed as he opened his arms wide. A faint, almost translucent emerald glow began to emanate from him. 

Suddenly, the raw, chaotic primordial forces of darkness merged with this gentle energy, calming and yielding to its embrace. The sinister darkness in his eyes gradually gave way to the tender glow, receding like a tide.

At that moment, a smile broke across his face as he gently caressed these energies, encouraging them to coexist harmoniously within him. 

After a long while, Yang Fan exhaled deeply, a strange expression settling upon his features. "So, this is the essence of the demonic way…"

He murmured softly, experiencing an inexplicable sense of understanding, as though he had plumbed the depths of the *Nine Abyssal Demonic Arts* more profoundly than ever before.

Through this mysterious encounter with the dark path, he had surmounted a monumental barrier, one unlike any he had faced before. As for how far he could travel along this path, and how arduous that journey might be, the future remained an enigma.

Regaining his composure, Yang Fan's gaze returned to the *Demonic Energy Spring*. Strangely, upon looking again, he sensed that the energy contained within had diminished significantly, as though it had expended much of its power.

"Could it be...?" He began to assess his own body, feeling a newfound strength coursing through him, and the purity of his demonic energy had noticeably heightened. Aside from this, he could discern no other changes.

"Opportunities like this must not be squandered. I hope the remaining energies of the spring will assist me in mastering the *Youming Demon Flame*," he thought resolutely, stepping purposefully into the entrance of the *Demonic Energy Spring* and slowly descending.

To any onlooker, the sight would have been astonishing. Low-level cultivators who dared leap into such a spring would likely succumb to the invasive energies, losing their essence or even perishing outright.

Yet, as Yang Fan plunged into the depths, he felt as though he were enveloped in a protective embrace. The purest forms of demonic energy seemed harmless to him. Gradually, he descended deeper until he reached the depths of one hundred zhang, where he finally came to a halt.

Here, he stood at the heart of the *Demonic Energy Spring*, where the demonic energy surged with its most potent vigor. Settling himself into a meditative position, he closed his eyes, once more immersing himself in the vast darkness of the *Nine Abyssal Demonic Arts*.

With a single thought, the incantations and insights pertaining to the *Youming Demon Flame* flooded into his mind. This was not his first time grappling with this divine technique; previously, he had faced insurmountable challenges, stumbling at every peak.

Yet this time, Yang Fan felt an extraordinary clarity—a heightened intuition that seemed to amplify his comprehension by several degrees. Many of the aspects that had once eluded him now revealed themselves with startling lucidity.

Following the incantations, the demonic energy within his dantian began to coalesce into a unique vortex, swirling with newfound intensity. 

Half a day later, a surge of energy erupted from the depths of the river, forming a small whirlpool of about a foot in diameter. 

Two days passed, and the vortex in his dantian transformed into an unfathomably deep and dark spiral, its velocity increasing exponentially. 

Five days later, the whirlpool on the river's surface expanded to a radius of ten feet, shimmering with a faint, dark luminescence. 

Ten days later, Yang Fan's eyes turned pitch black, his hair standing on end, as mysterious gray symbols swirled around him, pulsing with peculiar rhythms.

After half a month, the whirlpool on the river churned violently, while the small vortex within his dantian appeared still, yet was poised at the cusp of a transformative speed.

A month later, Yang Fan expelled a plume of black demonic flames, causing the waters around him to roar and seethe violently, turning murky and lifeless.

From that moment on, a whisper of dark flame spread within him—seemingly faint and gentle, yet radiating a presence that made the creatures of the surrounding area tremble in fear.

Yet, this was merely the nascent form of the demonic flame. The next step would be the most crucial.

With a sudden sizzle, the wisps of black flame returned to Yang Fan's core, devouring the magical energy in his dantian and condensing into a flame no larger than a thumb.

He then recited

 the incantation once more, and the flame flickered in response, swelling and expanding, roaring with power. 

He felt its surge within, powerful and unrestrained. 

By now, his understanding of the *Youming Demon Flame* had reached an extraordinary level.

This would mark the moment where he could emerge as a master in the *Nine Abyssal Demonic Arts*, grasping the pinnacle of his power. 

"Is it finally time to unleash the *Youming Demon Flame*?" he wondered aloud, gazing intently at the flickering flame in his palm.