The Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins

The moment Yang Fan's words echoed in the room, they sent shockwaves through the gathered assembly. Even Yuwen Xin, the very patient at the center of attention, was taken aback, her cheeks flushing a deep crimson.

"You insolent brat!" King Yuwen Lie's fury flared, his eyes flashing with a cold glint. He extended his palm, gathering a sphere of golden light that pulsed with an unnerving intensity. In an instant, the air within the room thickened, stifling the breath of all present.


An invisible pressure descended, akin to the weight of countless mountains, constricting the small boudoir and rendering it almost unbearable.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

In that moment, the only sound that reverberated through the enclosed space was the rapid beating of anxious hearts.

Yang Fan's expression shifted, caught off guard by the intensity of King Yuwen's reaction. The several physicians by the screen cast glances his way, tinged with an unsettling mix of schadenfreude.

Suddenly, a realization struck him: they were in the secular realm, bound by stringent feudal customs that starkly contrasted with the world of cultivation. In this domain, it was scandalous for an unmarried maiden to venture out, especially with a man, particularly one of royal lineage.

"Your Highness, please remain calm. Miss Yuwen's condition is not as grave as it appears; her physique is merely quite unique," Yang Fan replied, his tone measured. His gaze fell upon the radiant golden orb in King Yuwen's palm, astonished by the power it contained. "Though he is merely a secular warrior, the might he wields would send even cultivators into trepidation."

When a martial artist reaches a certain level, they can externalize their true energy. However, the degree to which Yuwen Lie had condensed and manifested his qi was nothing short of astounding. With a single strike, he could obliterate a Qi Condensation cultivator, and even those at the Refining Essence stage would struggle to contend with him.

"How can she walk when she is so frail that even moving is a challenge?" Yuwen Lie scoffed.

"Rest assured, I have my methods," Yang Fan replied calmly. "Miss Yuwen possesses a legendary physique known as the 'Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins.'"

"N-Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins?" Both Yuwen Lie and Yuwen Xin were taken aback, the latter's heart fluttering at the mention.

"This physique is shrouded in mystery, mentioned in only a handful of ancient texts, and even those records are scant. I must admit, it is my first encounter with it," Yang Fan said with a sigh.

"Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins?" The other physicians exchanged incredulous glances.

"Why has this not been brought up by Master Dongfang?" one questioned, skepticism lacing his words.

Yang Fan offered a cryptic smile. "Some secrets must remain undisclosed."

He then turned to Yuwen Xin, offering her a warm smile. "What do you think, Miss Yuwen?"

At that moment, confusion flickered in Yuwen Xin's bright eyes, as if she were grasping an elusive understanding.

"Master Yang, it's strange… When you mentioned 'Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins,' I felt an indescribable sensation wash over me," Yuwen Xin murmured, striving to recall the fleeting feeling.

Hearing her words, Yang Fan felt a wave of relief wash over him; it confirmed that Yuwen Xin truly possessed the Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins. In truth, the name had been inspired by the vast knowledge within the "Holy Healing Treatise" he had studied.

As he examined Yuwen Xin's condition, he sensed a mysterious force within her, an ethereal connection to some celestial existence that she could not communicate with. Over time, this elusive power had accumulated within her, stifling her vitality. 

Upon recognizing these symptoms, a stream of information about the Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins had surged into his mind.

"Now do you believe what I say?" Yang Fan spoke with calm assurance, surveying the crowd.

The expressions of the physicians turned grave as the weight of his revelation sank in.

Yuwen Lie let out a relieved breath, a newfound respect dawning in his eyes. Even the three esteemed divine physicians of the capital had failed to discern his daughter's true condition, while this young man had done so with a mere utterance. Perhaps he was truly her savior.

"Father… let us heed his counsel," Yuwen Xin whispered, a resolute glimmer in her eyes.

"Very well." Yuwen Lie cast a penetrating glance at Yang Fan before promptly issuing commands. 

"Everyone, leave at once. Steward, assist in spreading the word..." Yuwen Lie exited the chamber to set things in motion.

In no time, the vicinity surrounding the Second Princess's boudoir was devoid of any lingering souls.

"Now, you may begin," Yuwen Lie stated indifferently.

Yang Fan observed the surroundings through his omniscient mode, chuckling softly. "Your Highness, there is no need for such elaborate measures."

"Hmph." Yuwen Lie huffed as he departed the room, leaving Yang Fan, Yuwen Xin, and the young princess behind.

"Miss Yuwen, please follow me."

Yang Fan gently grasped Yuwen Xin's delicate hand, channeling a stream of vital energy into her. In an instant, she shuddered, color blooming in her pale face.

"I..." Yuwen Xin felt a surge of vitality, yet she was still clad in her nightgown, uncomfortable about changing in front of an unfamiliar man.

"Little Princess, come here and assist," Yang Fan suggested thoughtfully, pouring more life energy into Yuwen Xin before stepping beyond the screen.

Moments later, the soft sounds of clothing rustling emerged from the boudoir. Yang Fan was disinterested in peeking. Soon after, he heard the young woman within preparing herself.

After a while, the young princess called out, "Master He, come in quickly! Second Sister's spirits have dropped again..."

With a sigh, Yang Fan entered to find Yuwen Xin adorned in a pale moon-white gown, breathtakingly beautiful yet still bearing a pallid hue with only a hint of blush on her cheeks, her vitality waning.

"Follow me."

He naturally took Yuwen Xin's hand, allowing the gentle flow of vital energy to course through her.

Instantly, her complexion began to improve, and the young princess let out a relieved breath. "That scared me! But Master Yang, you truly are remarkable; just holding hands yields such great effects."

"Cough, cough..." Yang Fan cleared his throat. "This is merely the art of medicine..."

Yuwen Xin lowered her head, her ears burning with embarrassment.

"Is that so?" The young princess expressed skepticism, her gaze lingering on their clasped hands, where faint green glimmers flickered.

"Miss Yuwen, come walk with me. Relax fully and see if you can grasp anything," Yang Fan encouraged, continuing to channel life force into her as he led her outside the boudoir. The warm sunlight cascaded down, casting an inviting glow over the lush surroundings.

"Mm." Yuwen Xin responded softly, soon regaining her tranquility, her delicate features serene as an angel, her eyes deep and wise, shimmering with a mysterious allure. *This woman is no ordinary individual…* Yang Fan mused, acknowledging Yuwen Xin's profound beauty and her unwavering focus, impervious to distractions.

Even while holding hands with him, she remained calm and composed.

"You can close your eyes and let go of your thoughts. Do not worry about anything. Just walk with me slowly, feeling the gentle breeze, the babbling streams, and the radiant light falling from the heavens..." 

Yang Fan guided her as they walked.

At first, he only perceived a slight improvement in Yuwen Xin's condition. However, as time flowed on and night descended, he began to sense an elusive energy emanating from her.

"Interesting," he thought, unable to fully grasp the essence of this mysterious wave.

This only intensified his curiosity.

As the first stars began to twinkle in the night sky, the enigmatic energy radiating from Yuwen Xin became increasingly distinct.

At a certain moment, Yuwen Xin opened her luminous eyes, revealing a fleeting brilliance that mirrored the vast starlit sky.

She then turned her gaze upward, mesmerized by the celestial display.

This night, the moon shone bright, yet within her eyes, the stars appeared more vibrant and resplendent than ever.

Yang Fan's eyes sparkled with a strange light as he held her hand. In the depths of his mind, he felt a profound resonance; in the distance, atop a pavilion, stood a man clad in a robe adorned with patterns of azure and purple, like a dark deity emerging from the night.

It was none other than King Yuwen Lie.

He observed the interaction between Yang Fan and Yuwen Xin, his expression a tumult of emotions. "This young man truly possesses remarkable medical skills; perhaps he truly holds the key to curing Xin'er. I hope he does not lead her astray, for that would be..."

As the night deepened and a cool breeze began to stir, Yang Fan gently released Yuwen Xin's hand. "That will be all for today. Please return and rest well."

"Thank you, Master Yang, for saving my life. Please allow me to bow in gratitude," Yuwen Xin said, tears shimmering in her bright eyes, overwhelmed with joy and emotion as she prepared to kneel.

"Please, rise," Yang Fan hurriedly assisted her to her feet. "The reason I have made this exception is out of curiosity for both

 your condition and the mysterious Nine Lodestar Mystic Veins. As for your gratitude, it is unnecessary."

"Still, I cannot go back on my word," Yuwen Xin said, forcing a smile despite her momentary hesitation. "In truth, my life belongs to you now, Master Yang."

With a nod, Yang Fan took his leave. Yet the sensation of her lingering warmth remained, overshadowing his thoughts.