Chapter 5: The Evolving Threat

There is now more evil in the dungeons. What started off as straightforward labyrinths of monsters and traps has evolved into something far more sinister. Every time Arin and Cassiel enter a new dungeon, they see little changes: enemies that alter with each encounter, passages that change randomly, and traps that appear to learn from their past escapes.

However, they encounter a foe unlike anything they have ever encountered in one of the darkest dungeons they have ever explored.

Ahead lies the Dungeon of Reflections, quiet and gloomy, its entrance throbbing with a spooky light. The air grows thicker as they enter, and the surrounding shadows start to move as though they are living things. The dungeon appears to be empty at first, but then they hear faint murmurs—familiar voices crying out their names.

The creatures then show up. They don't resemble the creatures they've previously faced. Rather, they assume the forms of individuals Cassiel and Arin know—people they've lost, people they love.

One of the creatures assumes the shape of Arin's younger sister, who died in the early days of the apocalypse, and Arin freezes. As the monsters transform into representations of their former allies—the ones they were unable to save decades ago—Cassiel tends up. With their voices, the animals express their deepest regrets and suppress anxieties.

The fictitious sibling says to Arin, "Why didn't you save me?"

"You were supposed to protect us," according to Cassiel's fallen allies.

These were harsh statements. As if sensing their vulnerability, the creatures intensify their pressure. Arin's hands shake the overpowering desire to withdraw. Cassiel's firm grip on their shoulder, however, grounds them.

Even if the ghosts of their past are haunting them, Cassiel adds, "Focus, Arin," in a firm voice. "They're not real."

Arin nods, but the echoes of their recollections are more difficult to ignore than before.

Arin's Time Fragments ability comes to life as they battle their way through the dungeon. They get glimpses of the monsters' true forms—twisted, hideous beings that feed on human emotions—during brief pauses in time. However, Arin feels the depletion more keenly with each application of their ability. Their body weakens and their vision becomes blurry. They are aware that exerting more effort might result in collapse or worse.

As the dungeon's delusions get more cruel and intimate, Arin discovers a horrifying preview of what is ahead: Cassiel, beaten and depleted of strength, lying in a pool of their own blood. The scene completely shocks Arin, and for the first time, they begin to doubt their ability to protect Cassiel. They get shivers at the prospect of losing them.

Cassiel is aware of how much their anxiety and hesitation hold them down. Cassiel glances to Arin after a brief moment of relaxation, their face inscrutable. "This cannot continue, Arin. Avoid pushing yourself too far. I need you here, on my side.

Arin pauses, caught between wanting to keep Cassiel safe and worrying that their abilities might not be sufficient. "I've imagined a future in which you... fail to survive." I can't just wait and observe that occur.

Cassiel touches Arin's cheek while maintaining a fierce stare. "We confront these issues together. You don't need to give up anything. I've lived long enough to understand that nothing, not even fate, is predetermined.

Although their comments provide some solace, Arin's misgivings persist. Still, they continue, determined to keep their vision from becoming a reality.

The Final Challenge is located in the dungeon's deepest section, a huge room filled with a menacing glow. They discover an old artifact at its core that is dimly shining with a recognizable energy. It is a piece of the power that Cassiel's long-lost species once had.

Cassiel takes a step forward, reaching for the relic with a shaking hand. The instant they feel a rush of electricity when they touch it. For a time, Arin feels a strong connection to Cassiel's history as their body radiates light. They have glimpses of the pre-apocalyptic world, of Cassiel's species serving as Earth's protectors, and of their failure—when all was engulfed in darkness.

When Cassiel absorbs the power of the relic, a new ability—a shimmering barrier of light that can protect those they care about—awakens inside them. With eyes full of renewed power, they turn to face Arin.

"We can now defend one another," Cassiel murmurs.

Their relationship is stronger than ever as they battle their way out of the dungeon together. Before them, the monsters and illusions appear, and the burden of their trek slightly lessens for the first time in days. Exhausted but still alive, Arin falls into Cassiel's arms as they arrive at the surface. With a whispered vow that they will face whatever comes their way together, the two give each other a quiet but strong hug.

The challenges they face in this dungeon have tested more than just their physical strength. They have discovered something even more powerful—a kinship created in the furnace of survival—after being compelled to face their worst regrets and fears. They are more than simply companions or comrades as they rise from the abyss. They will continue to go ahead because they are each other's compass in the midst of the chaos, regardless of the price.