Aftermath of the Final Battle

Arin wakes up by himself. The world around them is a broken mirror of what it used to be, but now there is light again and the country is peaceful. Overuse of their Time Fragments, a continual reminder of the struggles and sacrifices made, causes Arin's body to hurt. Cassiel's absence is a hollow ache that permeates everything and seems like an unhealing wound. Though Arin is aware that Cassiel's sacrifice was crucial to humanity's redemption, the pain nevertheless echoes through every moment.

Days go by as Arin explores the recently peaceful globe, encountering terrain ravaged by previous conflicts and structures that were previously engulfed by dungeons but are now partially restored by nature. Once shrouded in darkness and hopelessness, every familiar location is now teeming with hints of its potential. Every sight is heartbreaking to Arin because it reminds her of the world Cassiel fought so valiantly to rescue but will never see.

Cassiel's memories weighs heavily on Arin; it's almost like a presence directing them. At first, they fight to get by each day without Cassiel at their side, to learn how to breathe and move. The worst times come at night, when every shadow and every whisper carries a memory of Cassiel. Arin lets the sadness wash over them as the rest of the world is asleep, remembering Cassiel's laugh, their touch, and the fierce resolve in their gaze.

Continuing Cassiel's Legacy

In order to ensure that Cassiel's sacrifice is not in vain, Arin tosses himself into the rebuilding process. They search far and wide for other survivors, build coalitions, and provide hope to the shattered remains of mankind. Leveraging Cassiel's example—never lose sight of what matters most—Arin uses their understanding of the dungeons and the abilities they've gained to assist others in fending off any lingering dangers.

Arin forms a new council devoted to harmony and peace as they rebuild, promising to protect them from any future evil. Their dedication to defending mankind is reflected in their name, the Sentinel Alliance, which carries Cassiel's spirit. An inspirational tale of a protector who sacrificed all to rescue a planet they loved, stories of Cassiel's bravery became a rallying cry; it implied that they would not survive to witness the sunrise.

Farewells and Memorials

As time passes, Arin dedicates a sanctuary in Cassiel's honor—a verdant, peaceful setting where survivors can honor their departed loved ones and serve as a reminder that the greatest acts of bravery are love and selflessness. In the middle, Arin plants a tree that rises tall and majestic, its branches grasping the sky as though it longs to reunite with Cassiel's soul. Arin finds some comfort in this spot, a silent reminder of Cassiel's existence in the world they battled so valiantly to preserve.

As part of a yearly memory tradition, Arin visits the sanctuary on the anniversary of the fight. They express gratitude in hushed tones and reminisce as if They had Cassiel by their side. Honoring the love they shared—a love that endures in the hearts of everyone who has heard the tale of the warrior who rescued the world—it is a time for both celebration and mourning.

Persistent Hope and Love

As the years go by, Cassiel's memory gives Arin the will to live life to the fullest and defend the planet Cassiel loved. By sharing stories of their common experience, they inspire young survivors and serve as mentors to others. Through her narration, Arin preserves Cassiel's soul and teaches others that love can triumph over unfathomable adversity.

Cassiel's enduring influence is echoed in Arin's closing remarks in the book, addressed to a new generation: "Love may be a guiding light, even in the darkest darkness. The light of the people we've lost shines on eternally when you have love in your heart.

With the conviction that Cassiel's love, which transformed their spirit and gave them the courage to rescue the planet at any cost, will always be with them, Arin finds serenity in this voyage of sacrifice and sorrow.