The Recruitment

Chapter 2

The streets of Grimvale felt darker than usual as Evelyn followed Darius through the narrow, winding back alleys. Her mind buzzed with questions, and the weight of the coin in her pocket was a constant reminder of the impossible encounter she had just survived. Fog clung to the air, thick and suffocating, making the city feel as if it were holding its breath, watching her with unseen eyes.

"You still haven't explained what's really going on," Evelyn said, her voice cutting through the heavy silence.

Darius's footsteps remained steady, unfaltering. He didn't turn around as he spoke, his tone calm and controlled. "You're about to find out. But first, you need to see what we're dealing with."

The deeper they ventured into the city's underbelly, the more Grimvale's familiar glow faded, replaced by thick shadows and an unnerving silence. This was an area she usually avoided—too many forgotten corners, places where things went unseen. Now, as they moved through it, she wondered how much of Grimvale had always been hidden from her. How much had she missed?

They stopped in front of an old warehouse, its exterior long abandoned by anyone but squatters or dealers. The brick walls were covered in layers of graffiti, but the air around it felt wrong—too still, too quiet, as if even the city had forgotten this place existed.

"This is it?" Evelyn asked, barely masking her skepticism.

Darius shot her a sidelong glance, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Appearances can be deceiving, Detective."

He approached the rusted metal door, tracing a pattern along its surface with his fingers. Evelyn tensed, her hand instinctively hovering near her gun. She had already seen enough strange things for one night, and if Darius was about to open some kind of supernatural Pandora's box, she wanted to be ready.

To her surprise, the door shimmered under his touch, the rust and grime rippling like disturbed water. The air crackled with energy as the door transformed, the once decrepit entrance giving way to a grand archway carved with intricate runes that pulsed softly in the dim light.

Evelyn took a step back, her mouth dry. "What the hell…?"

"Magic," Darius said simply, stepping inside without a second glance. "Come on. We're already late."

After a brief hesitation, Evelyn followed him into the warehouse, every nerve on high alert. The interior was nothing like she had expected. Stone ceilings arched high above, dim orbs of light hovering near the rafters, casting a soft glow on the walls. Shelves filled with strange artifacts lined the room, some ancient, others pulsing faintly with energy. It was a strange fusion of the old world and the new—a place where forgotten magic and modern technology coexisted uneasily.

People moved through the halls with purpose, most of them wearing long robes or tailored suits, their expressions serious and focused. Evelyn couldn't shake the feeling that she didn't belong here. Her detective's badge and instincts felt like relics in this strange new world.

"Where the hell are we?" she asked, her voice low as she quickened her pace to match Darius's.

"The Council's headquarters," Darius replied, his tone casual as though this was an everyday explanation. "It's hidden in plain sight, protected by powerful enchantments. Only those meant to see it, can."

They passed through a checkpoint where glowing symbols flared briefly as they walked beneath an archway. The runes scanned them for something Evelyn couldn't begin to comprehend. She cast a sidelong glance at Darius, trying to mask her growing unease.

"And what exactly is the Council?"

Darius led her down a corridor lined with statues of figures she didn't recognize, their eyes seeming to follow her as they walked. "We're an organization tasked with maintaining the balance between worlds. There are forces—dangerous ones—that would tear our world apart if given the chance. We stop that from happening."

Evelyn's brows furrowed. "Forces like the wraith I just fought?"

Darius nodded. "Exactly. Creatures that don't belong in this world. Wraiths, revenants, demons—you name it. There's more out there than you've ever imagined, and Grimvale is at the center of it."

Before she could ask more, they stepped into a vast chamber where all conversation ceased. At the head of the room stood a striking woman with silver hair, her eyes sharp as glass. She regarded Evelyn with a calculating look, her presence filling the space with an authority that demanded attention.

"Evelyn," Darius said, stepping aside to introduce her. "This is Seraphine, one of the Council's lead enforcers."

Seraphine's gaze was piercing, and for a moment, Evelyn had the unsettling feeling that the woman could see straight through her. "You survived a wraith encounter with nothing but a coin," Seraphine said coolly. "That's no small feat."

Evelyn shrugged, trying to play off her nerves with indifference. "Just lucky, I guess."

Seraphine's lips twitched in a faint smile, though her eyes remained cold. "Luck had little to do with it. You possess something most people don't—a connection to magic."

Evelyn blinked, her breath catching. "Magic? You think I can use magic?"

Darius stepped closer, his tone firm. "The coin you found—it's not an ordinary artifact. It's bound to you now, whether you like it or not. And that means you've been drawn into this world, into our fight."

Seraphine crossed the room, her gaze never leaving Evelyn. "The wraith was drawn to the coin, and by extension, to you. That's why you're here. You're no longer a bystander."

Evelyn's mind reeled. None of this made sense—magic, ancient coins, wraiths. This wasn't the world she knew. "So what?" she asked, her voice hardening. "I'm supposed to be your new recruit? A cop-turned-magician?"

Darius's expression softened slightly, but his voice remained firm. "It's not that simple. But you have potential, Evelyn. And we need people like you—people who can handle this world without losing their sanity."

"And if I say no?" she challenged, crossing her arms. "What if I walk away right now and pretend none of this ever happened?"

Seraphine's smile didn't reach her eyes. "You could. But the wraiths won't forget you. And the next time, you won't be so lucky."

Evelyn clenched her jaw, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. She had been in tough spots before, but this felt different. The stakes were higher, the consequences heavier. Walking away wasn't an option anymore. Not really.

After a long pause, she exhaled sharply. "Fine. I'm in. But I want answers. Real ones. No more cryptic nonsense."

Darius smiled, this time more genuinely. "You'll get them."

Seraphine gestured toward a map pinned to the wall, its surface marked with symbols and notes. "There's a location in the industrial district where magical activity has been spiking. We believe it's connected to the disappearances you were investigating."

Evelyn stepped closer to the map, her eyes scanning the familiar streets. "What am I looking for?"

"Anything out of the ordinary," Seraphine replied. "The coin will guide you, but be cautious. Magic like this is dangerous, and you're still vulnerable."

Darius handed her a small device, something that looked like a strange cross between a phone and a relic from another time. "This will let you communicate with us and detect magical signatures. If you run into trouble, use it."

Evelyn pocketed the device, its weight a reminder of how far she'd already ventured into this new world. Her mind raced as she tried to connect the dots. Wraiths, magical disturbances, disappearances—all of it had been happening while she had been oblivious. But not anymore.

"When do I start?" she asked, her voice steady.

Seraphine exchanged a look with Darius before answering, "Now. The threat is already growing, and we don't have time to waste."

Evelyn tightened her grip on the coin in her pocket, feeling its strange pull. "Let's get started."