Beneath the Surface

Chapter 14

The woods whispered with secrets long forgotten, a hush falling over the group as they left Elara's watchtower behind. The ancient trees stood like silent sentinels, watching their every move, while the wind carried the scent of damp earth and something far older, something that lingered just beneath the surface of reality.

Evelyn's boots crunched over the leaf-strewn path as she walked beside Marcus. The memory Elara had unlocked still echoed in her mind—a memory half-formed, fleeting like a dream. Her childhood, standing beside Marcus, a shadowed figure looming in front of them. There had been fear, yes, but something else too. Something she couldn't quite grasp.

Beside her, Marcus walked in thoughtful silence, his hand resting on the hilt of the dagger he'd grown accustomed to carrying. The coolness of the morning was welcome after the intensity of the memory-dredging process. They had both seen glimpses of something—something that tied them together, though neither could say exactly what.

"You're quiet," Marcus said, his voice breaking through the silence. He looked over at her, his brow furrowed with concern. "Everything okay?"

Evelyn glanced at him, offering a half-smile. "I'm still trying to make sense of it all," she admitted. "That memory... it felt real, but I can't piece it together. Why were we there? Why can't we remember?"

Marcus nodded, his expression softening. "Same here. I feel like I've been on the verge of something important, but it keeps slipping away." He let out a frustrated breath. "And that shadowed figure... I don't know. It feels wrong, like it's tied to everything we're going through now."

Seraphine walked ahead of them, her figure barely visible through the trees. The forest seemed darker here, the canopy so thick that only slivers of sunlight broke through. "Keep moving," she called back to them. "We're not far from the safe house. Once we regroup with the Council, we'll decide our next steps."

Evelyn nodded absently, her mind still swirling with questions. The memory was like a splinter beneath her skin, a reminder of something just out of reach. As they continued down the path, her gaze flickered to Marcus, his face shadowed with tension. There was a shared understanding between them—unspoken, but real. They had barely known each other for two days, and yet, there was a strange comfort in their growing companionship. They had faced horrors together, and that built trust.

The group finally reached the safe house, another unassuming building hidden deep in the northern woods. Seraphine led the way inside, her eyes constantly scanning the shadows, her guard never dropping. Inside, the safe house was more comfortable than the last, with thick wooden beams and sturdy walls enchanted with protective wards. The air felt warmer, less oppressive, as if the building itself was a sanctuary from the darkness outside.

Evelyn slumped onto one of the worn chairs by the fire, her muscles aching from the long trek. Marcus sat beside her, his gaze drifting toward the window as though expecting to see something watching from the shadows.

Seraphine stood near the fireplace, her arms crossed as she looked at them both. "We're safe for now," she said, though her voice held little comfort. "But the wraiths aren't done. They're searching for you, for both of you. And now that we know someone is controlling them, we need to be more vigilant."

Evelyn leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "Who could be behind it? Who would have the power to control wraiths?"

Seraphine's expression darkened. "There are dark forces at work in Grimvale, forces that have been waiting for an opportunity to rise. We believe a faction within the city has aligned itself with ancient entities—beings that thrive on fear and chaos. Controlling wraiths is only the beginning."

Marcus ran a hand through his hair, his face pale. "And we're in the middle of it."

"Yes," Seraphine said simply. "But that's why we have to be careful. The Council has dealt with these forces before, but something about this feels different. They're becoming bolder, more coordinated." She paused, her gaze flicking between them. "And for some reason, you two are at the center of it."

Evelyn's stomach twisted with unease. She had always been a detective, someone who sought out the truth no matter the cost. But now, it felt like the truth was hunting her.

Marcus leaned back in his chair, his jaw tight. "So what do we do? We can't just wait for them to find us."

"We won't," Seraphine replied. "Tomorrow, we'll head to the Council's headquarters. There are resources there—people who might know more about what's happening. And Elara will continue working with you to unlock those memories. Whatever you've forgotten, it's the key to understanding why they're targeting you."

Evelyn's chest tightened at the thought of unlocking more memories. The glimpse she'd had was unsettling enough, but the idea that there was more—more darkness, more secrets—was almost too much to bear. But she nodded, her resolve hardening. They needed answers, and she wasn't about to back down now.

As the night wore on, the fire crackled softly in the hearth, casting long shadows across the room. Marcus sat by the window, keeping watch, while Seraphine reviewed the maps and reports spread across the table. Evelyn leaned back in her chair, exhaustion pulling at her.

It was strange—barely two days ago, Marcus had been a stranger, a bystander caught up in the chaos of Grimvale's dark underworld. Now, he was someone she trusted, someone she was willing to fight beside. They hadn't known each other long, but that didn't seem to matter in the face of everything they had been through. They were surviving together, and that was enough.

Evelyn glanced over at Marcus. "Hey," she called softly. "You holding up?"

Marcus turned from the window, offering a tired smile. "As well as anyone can, I guess. Just trying to wrap my head around all this."

Evelyn nodded, understanding all too well. "It's a lot. But we'll get through it. One step at a time."

Marcus's smile grew a little wider, though it was tinged with weariness. "Yeah. One step at a time."

They shared a quiet moment, the tension of the day hanging between them. There was no need for more words—just the unspoken acknowledgment that they were in this together.

As the night closed in around them, Evelyn felt a strange, sharp pull from her pocket. The coin. It burned hot against her skin. She pulled it out, her breath catching as the once-faded symbols blazed with an eerie glow. The whispers that had haunted her dreams echoed in her mind, growing louder, more insistent.

"Evelyn…" Marcus's voice broke through her thoughts, but it was too late.

Everything around them fell into silence. Evelyn's heart raced, her fingers closing tightly around the coin.

Then, from the shadows, a voice whispered,

"You've been found."