Shadows in the Archives

Chapter 20

The air in the archives felt heavy. It was almost too quiet, the only sound the soft shuffle of their footsteps. Evelyn kept close to Marcus, her eyes scanning the shadowed walls. Something about this place put her on edge.

"So," Evelyn said, breaking the silence, "we're really going to find answers here?"

Darius walked ahead, his hands tucked behind his back. He didn't stop but answered, "If you're looking for hidden truths, this is where you'll find them."

Evelyn exchanged a glance with Marcus. "And why is this information buried down here?"

Darius gave a low chuckle. "The Council doesn't like sharing everything. Some things are... complicated."

Marcus frowned. "Complicated? Wraiths trying to kill us seems pretty straightforward."

Darius smirked but didn't reply. He led them down a narrow corridor lined with shelves. The books and scrolls looked ancient, covered in dust. A faint glow of magic pulsed from some of them.

"This is where the oldest records are kept," Darius said. He stopped in front of a large, worn book. "And where the Council hides what they don't want everyone to know."

Evelyn stepped closer. "What's in there?"

Darius ran a finger along the spine of the book. "Accounts of old magic, wraiths, and coins like yours. Things the Council would rather not admit still exist."

Marcus crossed his arms. "Why help us? You could've just left us in the dark."

Darius turned, his gaze steady. "Let's just say your survival benefits me too. The more you know, the better your chances."

Evelyn studied him for a moment, trying to read his expression. He was hard to trust, but right now, he was their best lead.

"All right," she said, her voice firm. "Let's see what the Council's been hiding."

Darius flipped the book open. The pages were old, the ink faded but still readable. Strange symbols covered the margins, and the words seemed to hum with a faint energy.

"This book," Darius said, "is older than most of the Council's records. It talks about ancient magic, curses, and how certain objects—like your coin—tie into it."

Evelyn leaned over the book. "What does it say about the coin?"

Darius flipped a few more pages, stopping at a section filled with sketches of different artifacts. "Here," he pointed. "Coins like yours have appeared throughout history. Each one is connected to a different force, and each one... calls something dark."

Marcus shifted uncomfortably. "Great. So we're carrying a magnet for evil."

"It's more than that," Darius said. "The coin isn't just attracting these forces. It's waking them up. The longer you hold it, the more power it gains."

Evelyn felt a chill run down her spine. "How do we stop it?"

Darius glanced up, his face serious. "That's the problem. There's no clear way to break the connection. The people who've tried... didn't survive."

Marcus's jaw tightened. "So what, we're stuck with it?"

"For now," Darius said. "But there might be a way to weaken its hold. You'll need to find something that counters the coin's magic."

"And where do we find that?" Evelyn asked, her voice tense.

Darius closed the book. "There are rumors about a relic hidden deep within Grimvale's ruins. Something old enough to disrupt the coin's power. But it's dangerous. Very dangerous."

Darius closed the book, the weight of his words hanging in the air. Evelyn exchanged a glance with Marcus. They both felt it—the sense that they were being pulled deeper into something far bigger than they could handle right now.

Marcus rubbed the back of his neck. "Are we really ready for this? I mean, we've been training, sure, but it's only been a few days. This thing with the coin feels... bigger."

Evelyn nodded slowly. "He's right. We're still learning how to fight wraiths, and now you're telling us the coin is waking up something ancient and dangerous. Are we even close to being ready to handle that?"

Darius's expression softened slightly, but there was still a calculating edge to his gaze. "No. You're not ready. But that doesn't mean you have time to sit around. The coin's power is growing. Waiting too long could make things worse."

Evelyn felt her chest tighten. "So what do we do?"

"Train," Darius said simply. "You've made progress, but there's more to learn. You need to understand the enemy, not just fight it."

Marcus let out a frustrated breath. "Great. More training."

Evelyn gave him a nudge. "We need it, and you know it."

Darius stepped forward, his eyes locking on Evelyn. "I'll help you. But understand this—once you leave these walls, there's no coming back until you've either succeeded or failed. Completely. The relic in the ruins is dangerous, yes, but the forces guarding it are even worse. You'll need every bit of skill you can get."

Evelyn held his gaze. "Then help us get there. What do we need to know?"

Darius smiled faintly. "You need to go beyond just combat. You need to understand the magic, how to manipulate it, how to resist it. And for that, you'll need guidance from someone else."

"Who?" Marcus asked, clearly skeptical of Darius's motives.

"Seraphine," Darius replied. "She's not just a warrior—she's well-versed in the kinds of magic you're up against. She can teach you how to counter the coin's influence, or at least weaken it enough for you to survive what's ahead."

Evelyn's mind raced. Seraphine had always seemed distant, but if what Darius was saying was true, they needed her help now more than ever.

"All right," Evelyn said, standing a little straighter. "We'll talk to her."

Darius nodded. "Good. But remember, time is running out. Train hard. Learn quickly. You don't have the luxury of months or years to prepare."

Marcus muttered under his breath, "No pressure."