Chapter 15 - Bridget vs. Julius

Bridget POV

It's been weeks since I started training Emilia and she's grown as a strong individual, physically and mentally to that of a true leader.

I told her that she shouldn't let words or opinions from fools like the council bother her or anyone as they are just old fools stuck in there old ways, she is not the Witch of Envy, she's herself.

Those words boosted her fierceness in having ideals is meaningless if you don't have the power to back them up, being a good leader is to listen to her people but have a firm hand.

I met Elsa's sister Meili as she told me of mother who I know is the Archbishop of Lust, I'm gonna kill her but not before the four Archbishops fall.

I met Otto to join Emilia's camp as well with Cecilus and Hallibel.

We got back from Emilia doing the trials no problem as I killed all the witch beast there, saved people, and didn't break a sweat as we got Garfiel to join us as he's training as well.

I was meeting everyone Subaru Met as it's good to have the best relations really.

At this time I was outside wearing my new outfit, Red/White Jacket, tan pants, and brown boots.

I was sitting outside when Emilia says she's going to the capital.

Bridget: You don't want me to go?

Emilia: It's not that, please just let me go alone.

Bridget: Well, I see being your knight was a waist of time then.

Emilia looks shocked as I walked away to the manor.

Emilia: Wait, Bridget.

Bridget: What?

Emilia: You can come with me to the capital.

Bridget: I don't know, you don't even want me there, so why am I going?

Emilia: It's not that I don't want you there.

Bridget: Than let's go then.

We got into the cart to head to the meeting as I see other candidates, there knights including felt Felt and Reinhard which I nodded at.

As the old men talk and let the candidates speak, I gave Emilia the idea of what to say which shocked everyone as I nodded.

Julius: And who are you?

Bridget: Bridget Nova, Emilia's Knight.

Julius: You a knight, can you prove that as your disgracing the name?

Bridget: You wanna rumble with me then?

Julius: I'd like it no other way.

Emilia: Hold on Bridget!

Bridget: I'll be fine Emilia, he started the challenge so he needs to prove himself.

Priscilla: This just got interesting.

Crusch: I would like to see her fight.

Anastasia: I can see where this is going.

Felt: Well, he's toast.

As we made our way to the arena as I took off my jacket to put on Emilia's shoulders to hold.

Bridget: I'll be two minutes.

Emilia: R-Right.

I have a whale to defeat, and three Archbishops after this, so let's hurry up as that's in a couple of days really.

Julius had a wooden sword as Ferris brought me one as hit the handle with my palm as the sword spinned up in the air.

Bridget: Let's see what you got.

As the sword came down as I caught it with one hand to take a stance.

Julius: Let's see.

He charged at me as I blocked his attack to strike him in his weak points of his body.

Bridget: And it's over.

As Julius fell on the ground knocked out which shocked everyone except Emilia, Felt, and Reinhard as they smiled.

Priscilla: Impressive.

Crusch: Nice sword play.

Anastasia: I didn't think it would be so one sided.

As then I stuck the sword in the ground to walk to Emilia to leave the capital as our work is done.