The Prison Below

Chapter 35: The Prison Below

Kira blinked her eyes open. Everything was blurry at first. The ship wasn't moving anymore. Her body felt heavy, like someone had tied her down, but when she tried to move, her hands were free. Slowly, the world around her came into focus. They weren't in the ship anymore.

She shot up, looking around. The walls were dark metal, almost like they were in some sort of underground base. The air was cool, and a faint humming sound echoed around the room. Her heart raced as she saw Aether lying on the floor next to her, still unconscious.

"Aether!" she whispered, shaking his shoulder.

He groaned, his eyes fluttering open. "Kira..."

"We need to get out of here," she said, helping him sit up.

Aether winced, rubbing his head. "Where are we?"

"I think... we're inside the facility," Kira said, glancing at the walls again. She couldn't see any doors, no way out. Panic rose in her chest. "There has to be a way out."

Aether sat up straighter, shaking off his dizziness. He looked around the room, his face hardening. "This isn't just any facility," he muttered. "This is where they've been keeping secrets. Secrets about me."

Kira frowned. "What do you mean?"

Aether didn't answer right away. Instead, he stood up and walked toward the far wall. His fingers traced the metal, feeling for something. "This place... it's connected to me. That's why the signal was coming from here. I've been a part of this project from the beginning."

Kira followed him, confusion flooding her thoughts. "What are you saying? You knew about this?"

"No," Aether said quickly, turning to face her. "Not until now. But I think... I think I was created here. Or at least something about me was."

Kira felt her stomach drop. The idea of Aether being tied to this dark place, this hidden base, made her feel sick. "What does that mean?"

Before Aether could respond, a loud hiss filled the room. The wall in front of them slid open, revealing a dark hallway. Kira's heart leaped into her throat as she stepped back, instinctively grabbing Aether's arm.

Footsteps echoed from the hallway, getting louder and closer. Kira's pulse quickened. Whoever was coming didn't seem friendly.

"We need to hide," Kira whispered, pulling Aether toward a corner. They pressed themselves against the cold metal, out of view as the footsteps grew louder. The tension in the air felt thick, each second passing by painfully slow.

A shadow appeared at the doorway. Kira held her breath, praying whoever it was wouldn't find them. But the figure stepped into the room, scanning the space carefully.

"Come out," a deep voice said. "I know you're here."

Kira's heart hammered in her chest. She glanced at Aether, whose expression was unreadable. He slowly stepped forward, his eyes locking onto the figure.

"We're not hiding," Aether said firmly.

Kira stared in disbelief as Aether revealed himself. But there was no turning back now. She stepped out beside him, her legs trembling. The figure moved closer, stepping fully into the light.

He was tall, dressed in sleek, black armor with glowing blue lines running down his arms. His face was mostly hidden beneath a helmet, but his voice was cold and sharp.

"You don't belong here," the man said, his eyes narrowing on Aether. "Especially not you."

Aether's jaw tightened. "I need answers. Who are you? And what is this place?"

The man tilted his head, studying Aether for a moment. Then, with a low chuckle, he removed his helmet, revealing a face much older than Kira expected. His dark hair was streaked with silver, and his eyes were sharp and calculating.

"My name is Irvan," he said smoothly. "And you're standing in the heart of Project Aether. The very place you were meant to return to."

Kira's blood ran cold at his words. She glanced at Aether, who stood completely still, his eyes fixed on Irvan.

"You're lying," Aether muttered. "I was never part of this."

"Oh, but you were," Irvan said with a smirk. "You just don't remember it."

Kira could see the confusion and anger growing in Aether's eyes, but before he could respond, Irvan spoke again.

"This facility holds many secrets," Irvan said, pacing slowly around them. "Secrets that the world isn't ready to know. And you... you were one of those secrets."

"What are you talking about?" Kira demanded, stepping forward. "What do you want with Aether?"

Irvan stopped in his tracks, his gaze shifting to Kira. "You don't understand, girl. Aether is not who you think he is. He's a product of the system, just like everything else. He was designed, programmed, to be a weapon."

Kira's eyes widened in shock. "A weapon? No, that's not true!"

Aether looked down at the floor, his fists clenched at his sides. Kira could see the conflict in his eyes, the doubt creeping into his mind. Irvan's words were hitting too close to home.

"You were never meant to have feelings," Irvan continued, his voice calm, almost mocking. "You were meant to follow orders. But something went wrong, didn't it? You started to feel."

Aether's breathing grew heavier, but he didn't say a word. Kira could see him struggling to keep his emotions in check, but she wouldn't let Irvan get into his head.

"You're wrong!" Kira shouted, stepping in front of Aether protectively. "Aether isn't just some weapon. He's a person, and he's free now. He's more than whatever plan you had for him."

Irvan laughed softly. "Is that what you think? That you've freed him?" He took a step closer, lowering his voice. "He will never be free. He's tied to this place, to this project. And deep down, he knows it."

Kira's heart sank as she looked back at Aether. His face was pale, his eyes filled with uncertainty. She wanted to tell him not to listen, to fight whatever control this place had over him, but the doubt was already there.

Irvan turned to leave, but before he stepped through the doorway, he paused. "If you want the truth, follow me. But remember, the truth can be... painful."

He disappeared down the hall, leaving Kira and Aether alone in the cold, silent room.

For a long moment, neither of them spoke. The weight of what Irvan had said hung in the air like a dark cloud. Kira finally turned to Aether, her voice soft but firm.

"Aether, you're not what he says you are."

Aether's eyes flickered up to meet hers, but he didn't respond. His mind was clearly racing, lost in the whirlwind of confusion and fear that Irvan had stirred up.

"I don't know who I am anymore, Kira," Aether whispered, his voice barely audible. "Maybe he's right. Maybe I was just... made for this."

"No," Kira said, stepping closer to him. "You're more than that. I know you are. We'll figure this out together."

Aether's gaze softened, but the doubt still lingered. He let out a slow breath, his shoulders sagging as if the weight of everything was finally crashing down on him.

"Do we follow him?" Kira asked, her voice low.

Aether hesitated. His eyes flickered toward the hallway where Irvan had gone, then back to Kira. Finally, he nodded.

"We need answers," he said. "And I need to know... what I am."

Kira reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll find out the truth. But whatever we learn, it won't change who you are to me."

Aether didn't say anything, but the small spark of determination in his eyes told her he was ready.

Together, they stepped into the dark hallway, following Irvan deeper into the heart of the facility, where the answers—and more danger—awaited.