Chapter 5: I’m Not Asking You

Federal Savings Bank.

The event had ended, and the police were managing the aftermath.

A cordon had been set up outside the bank, preventing pedestrians from approaching.

The entire street had been temporarily closed to traffic, and the police were collecting scattered parts and debris.

All of this was being closely observed by a pair of eyes.

It was a man holding a newspaper, wearing a baseball cap. Blending into the crowd, he looked entirely unremarkable.

"Homelander is as powerful as ever."

"The Tyrant Armor didn't even last a minute before he took it out."

"It didn't even have a chance to strike back."


He glanced at his phone, where several pieces of data were displayed on the screen.

"Still, we gathered the data we needed."

"With Homelander's data, we can make targeted upgrades. The next generation of armor should be far more powerful."

The man sighed, "If only we could replicate the technology of the 'Bio-Armor Prototype 0,' this wouldn't be such a hassle."

"For now, we're stuck reverse-engineering, barely scratching the surface…"

With a final sigh, he compiled the data into a report and sent it off to an address labeled Olga Weapons Research Laboratory.


The Seven's Headquarters.

Ashley hurried toward the command hall, only to see Homelander and Edgar walking out.

The two were chatting and laughing, as if they had forgotten that Vice President Madelyn had died that very morning.

Madelyn was the Vice President!

Not just any regular employee, but someone who had direct contact with congressmen!

Yet to Edgar, her death was no different than losing a cat or a dog.

Seeing this, Ashley quietly reminded herself of the attitude she needed to maintain when dealing with Homelander.

As Homelander escorted Edgar into the elevator, Ashley loosened the top two buttons of her blouse and opened the collar a bit before stepping forward.

"There's a problem, Homelander."

Azu turned his head to glance at her, noticing how her blouse was provocatively open, revealing her cleavage. She wasn't even worried about the chill, even though the central AC was blasting cold air through the building.

"What is it?"

Azu asked calmly.

Ashley succinctly replied, "It's A-Train. He killed a civilian."


Instantly, scenes from the TV show flashed through Azu's mind.

'The real show's about to begin!'

Seeing that Homelander hadn't responded, Ashley quickly added, "But don't worry."

"I've already put the PR department into action."

"They're arranging for A-Train to apologize on TV, and the company's lawyers will send the family a humanitarian compensation check. This will all blow over soon."

"This is how we've always handled it, and so far, it's never been an issue."

A smile gradually spread across Azu's face.

He reached out and gently caressed Ashley's cheek. "Are you sure there's no issue?"

The hand that could easily crush her skull lightly brushed against her skin, and Ashley's breathing became shallow with nerves.

Just as she was about to say something, she heard Homelander speak again, "This time, we're not doing it that way."

Ashley: "???"

"Ashley, just because things haven't gone wrong in the past, doesn't mean they won't in the future."

"A volcano doesn't erupt because it's quiet, only because the time hasn't come yet."

Azu smiled and walked toward the command hall. "Bring A-Train to see me."


A few moments later, the door to the command hall opened.

Facing the large floor-to-ceiling window, with his back to the door, Azu didn't need to turn around to know A-Train had arrived.

"Homelander, you wanted to see me?"

A-Train was clearly nervous. The bloodstains on his clothes hadn't even been cleaned off yet.

Azu didn't turn.

His hands were clasped behind his back as he gazed out over the vast city below.

"What's your excuse?"

A-Train cleared his throat, "This morning, I was chasing some bank robbers. While running through the streets, that girl suddenly jumped out."

"I couldn't stop in time and crashed into her. Okay, I admit I got distracted, but it wasn't my fault."

After finishing his explanation, A-Train watched as Homelander gestured for him to come closer.

The speedster cautiously approached.

Homelander patted him on the shoulder, turning slightly, a radiant smile on his face.

"What do you gain by lying to me?"

A-Train tried to defend himself, "Homelander, I—"


He couldn't breathe.

Homelander's hand was wrapped around his throat, and the immense strength in that grip was slowly squeezing the air out of his lungs.

Despite the situation, Homelander's smile remained unchanged.

Then, A-Train heard the leader of The Seven speak.

"I don't care what you did."

"But you killed someone."

"And a simple 'sorry' isn't going to cut it."

"You will cooperate with our PR department."

"Ashley will arrange for you to apologize to the victim's family in person."

"And it will be broadcast live on every TV station in the city."

"So, I need you to show some genuine remorse."

"Got it?"

Only then did Azu release his grip.

A-Train collapsed, coughing violently.

Clutching the edge of the table for support, he looked up, "But... she was just a civilian. Do we really need to go this far?"

Homelander turned, his hands behind his back.

"I'm not asking for your opinion."

He smiled.

"I'm giving you an order."


A-Train swallowed hard. "Understood."


Having just returned from his girlfriend Robin's funeral, Hughie sat in silence with his father on the couch.

"Robin's funeral was beautiful."

"Did you see how many people came?"

"Everyone loved and respected her. The whole place was filled with warmth and love."

Hughie's father kept talking.

Hughie knew he was trying to make him feel better.

But right now...

He just wasn't in the mood.

Suddenly, the TV screen flickered, showing a news broadcast.

On screen, A-Train was stepping out of a car, his face solemn.

A reporter thrust a microphone in front of him. "A-Train, are you here to apologize to the victim's family?"

"How exactly did you collide with the deceased?"

"A-Train, what were you doing at the time?"

Ignoring the barrage of questions, A-Train remained silent, walking forward.

The camera angle shifted, and Hughie's eyes widened in surprise.

The street on the TV looked familiar.

Wasn't that... right outside his house?

At that moment, voices from outside the house reached them, followed by the doorbell ringing.

A few moments later...

Hughie and his father stepped outside.

The flash of cameras was blinding.

Amidst the flashing lights, Hughie saw the superhuman A-Train, still wearing his signature goggles.

And there he was—the man who killed his girlfriend.

A surge of anger surged through Hughie, and for a brief moment, he felt the urge to punch A-Train.

Just then...

Ashley, standing beside A-Train, raised her hand, signaling the reporters to quiet down. She cleared her throat and put on a professional smile before turning to Hughie.

"Hello, Mr. Hughie."

"I'm Ashley from Vought International."

"We're deeply sorry for what happened to Ms. Robin."

"A-Train himself would like to personally express his heartfelt condolences to you."

"And, offer his apology."

For a second...

Hughie thought he misheard.

A superhero was apologizing to him in person?

Ashley glanced at A-Train.

The speedster, still wearing his goggles, glanced around nervously before muttering in a barely audible voice.



🫣Help this bro guys, I also have planned many more fanfics after it, you can also recommend what you want next, from your wishlist, I am ready to do it. And enjoy~🥳

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