The First Encournter with Mutant Zombie

"So you're saying there is a crystal at the heart of each zombie?" Li Chen asked as he stepped out of his room.

"Yes. With so much time passed, they would have all formed their first crystal," Hera responded.

"How will I use it to get stronger and become a Level 1 Warrior?"

"When you get the crystal, I will tell you then."

Li Chen nodded, and his expression became firm. 

From the movies and novels he read in his previous life, he knew this was his chance to get a head start before anyone else. 

Thus, he was mentally and physically prepared to face the zombies.

When he saw the second floor was now devoid of zombies, he breathed a sigh of relief and moved down.

"I need a weapon," he mused.

Being in the Wild Goose Commerce chamber, he was confident he could easily find a weapon.

On the ground floor, five zombies stood frozen with lifeless expressions. 

Suddenly, they all turned their head in a particular direction. A snarl escaped from their mouths as they began to move toward the fresh blood bag.

Li Chen froze when he realized how easily the zombies had discovered him. He had tried hard not to make any noise, but he was still detected.

Without hesitation, he leaped towards the massive hammer hanging on the nearby wall.

Now that he had started cultivating, he could feel the slight change in his physique. 

With the change in his physique, his speed surged a bit, and he reached the hammer quickly. He grabbed the hammer, its weight pressing down on his hand, but ignored the strain.

One of the zombies was already on him, its head split into four, laced with jagged teeth.


He swung the hammer, hitting the zombie's head, and blasting it to pieces.


He exhaled and looked at the mashed brain juice splattered on the ground. 

However, he didn't have time to care about it and turned his gaze to the four zombies.

Bang! Bang!

He took out the four zombies with four strikes of his hammer. 

After the fourth strike, his breathing had become erratic, and beads of sweat gathered on his forehead.

"I guess I'm still weak," he muttered, trying to catch his breath.


As he was catching his breath, he heard a sound from outside and raised his head.

 It was then he noticed two more zombies walking toward him.

"You need to get moving and be discreet about your hunting," Hera advised.

"Got it," he responded and searched for a suitable weapon. 

He walked toward a group of swords hung on the wall and picked a broadsword. He swung it multiple times to get a feel for it in his hand and nodded. 

It was not as heavy as the hammer, and he could use the sword several times before getting exhausted. 

The wide blade added a touch of elegance, making it seem even more powerful.

After choosing his weapon, he looked at the newly arrived zombies eagerly.

The two zombies growled and increased their speed toward him, only to meet Li Chen's sword.

 With a decisive swing, he cleaved their heads off their shoulders, and their heads rolled a few feet on the ground.

"Hmm. You're getting the hang of it," Hera commended.

"Thank you."

With all the zombies dealt with, he needed to move to the next action: getting the crystal out of their hearts. 

Quickly, he searched for a dagger and found one on the weapon rack. 

Walking to the first zombie, he knelt and took a deep breath before cutting deep into its chest. 

Instead of the expected heart, he discovered a small, red crystal that pulsed with energy.

"Hera, did their hearts turn into this crystal?"

"Yes. What you have in your hand is the first transformation."

"I guess there will be more transformations in the future."

"Indeed, there will be more."

With Hera's confirmation, he did not dwell on the matter and focused on getting the red crystals from the zombies. 

After two minutes, he was done with it. He searched the ground for a pouch and found one.

 The Wild Goose Commerce Chamber was the biggest chamber in the region and everything a cultivator needed. 

Even though the ground floor was typically reserved for displaying the most basic and common weapons and accessories, they were proving to be invaluable in the current situation.

Hanging the pouch on his waist, he was ready for his hunt.

"How many crystals do I need to become a Level 1 Warrior?"

"I can't say, but at the least, you will need fifty red crystals."

"Fifty, huh!" He mused, his eyes flashing with determination. 

He had two goals to accomplish. One was to break through to Level 1 Warrior, and the other was to choose his territory. 

Right now, he placed the choice of choosing his territory at the back of his mind. 

Without sufficient strength, he wouldn't be able to protect any territory he might acquire.

He stepped out of the Wild Goose Chamber into the eerily quiet street. Li Chen gripped his weapon tightly, his eyes darting right and left for any sight of zombies.


Holding his breath, he continued forward with firm determination. 

After walking for a few meters, he encountered a zombie in a maid outfit. 

Her hands and mouth were still covered in fresh blood. She looked at Li Chen and growled for another delicious meal. 

Quickly, she moved toward him, her head splitting apart.


However, the delicious meal she expected never came, only for her head to be separated from her body. 

Li Chen clicked his tongue and expertly used his dagger to remove the red crystal.

"More are coming," Hera said.

"I can sense that."

A group of zombies, some in civilian clothing and others wearing the robes of Kunlun Sword Sect disciples, emerged from a building.

With a determined grunt, he charged towards the zombies, shouting, "Let's get this party started!"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He hacked the sword up and down without any skill or technique, but against the brainless zombies, that was enough to do the job.

Inside the village, Guiyin watched Li Chen fight the zombies with a mix of awe and wonder.

"Do you know what he's doing?" Guiyin asked her maid, Na.

"I don't know…but I think he is a fool for fighting such vile things," Na responded with slight mockery.

"I guess so…"

On the ground, Li Chen was about to rejoice as he killed the last two zombies when a middle-aged man with a bald head appeared. 

Li Chen did not overthink about him and hacked the two zombies before him into two. 

He was ready to deliver his finishing slash to the bald middle-aged man when his bald head ripped open and a terrifying viper head bolted toward him.