" I Fucking Hate You!"

Somewhere in the universe, a dark mansion in a barren land was standing alone against the dark sky. Any human who see this wouldn't try to breathe after feeling the dark ominous aura which was surging around the whole place as if it was the devil's own residence. The sound of nocturnal creatures shrieking abruptly time after time added more eeriness to the already fearful space.

In a long gigantic hall, up in a black throne which was located at least thousand steps from below in this dark mansion, displayed a figurine of a woman. Nocturnal creatures were shrieking in the long hall, with their red eyes illuminating the surroundings. The female figure seemed unmoving but her presence was intimidating as if a ruthless monarch who was looking down at the other living beings.

" Ah hah ha, someone's there." A seductive voice of a woman reverberated in the majestic hall. Besides the allure that voice emitted which was enough to make even a deaf man fall in love, there was this feeling of danger which indicated this being is an apex predator with unimaginable amount of ancient power.

" Finally! I think it's time to get out of this place!" She sighed with obvious anticipation.

" I hope you will get me out of here, Luke Whitestone." Her ancient voice once again reverberated all over the barren land, making the area quite lively with unknown nocturnal creatures.


With a loud creek, the old door which was at the entrance of the devil's tower slowly opened. With his M4 pointing forward, Luke slowly stepped in with extreme caution.

The surroundings had not even a bit of light and to his surprise the doors abruptly closed as if an invisible force pushed them shut. With the closure of the door, suddenly the whole place began to be illuminated area by area, by dark purple coloured torches which were all over the walls of the tower.

Now, with the light he understood, this tower has no 13 floors but 13 sections to fool the ones who were outside. He could see ancient Greek phrases written on the walls along with various decorations which were quite unfamiliar for him. It was the first time he was seeing such like decorations. It's not because, he didn't know Greek, but the phrases which were in the tower were quite different from the ones he had seen up until now.

In the middle of the tower, there was a huge statue of a woman with a revealing dress with a crown made of bones of animals. With just one look, he could understand she was absolutely a goddess with a specific position in the divine world.

Next his attention was caught by the inscription written at the pedestal of the statue. Even though it was written in ancient Greek he could decipher it thanks to all of his hard learning on Greek civilization.

' Those who come here, should kneel and pray for forgiveness, from the Lady of the Night!!!'

' Shit! It's her! Primordial goddess of night, Nyx'

Though, Nyx was known as a goddess, she was always labelled as an evil goddess, by almost all the books he had read until now. But, Luke never thought her as an evil, because he believed that using the power of darkness was not a reason to hate someone or label him or her as evil, it is just the action what he or she does using his or her powers that makes him or her evil or not. This was Luke's nature. He never believed a person is born evil or a person can't be changed.

So, he respected this ' evil' goddess, he appreciated her actions along the history.

He knelt in front of the statue, bowed his head down and begged for forgiveness.

" Oh, the lady of the night, the eternal night, please forgive this innocent soul for intruding your sacred place!"

The light flicked and in an instant he was in another place.

" The Test begins" A hoarse voice resounded.

He looked around astonished and found out that he was in a vast space with no light around and dark mist was swirling around him as if to drown him into eternal madness.

" What test?" he cried out loud.

Again the world spun around him at a breakneck speed and he was in a medieval period city. He was holding a hand of a girl, at about 5 years old. She wore dark clothes and had a pale white skin with a long dark hair. Though she was a kid, her beauty was unparalleled to every woman he had met in his entire life.

" Big brother, why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong with my face?" the girl asked with a cure expression on her face.

" Huh?" Luke tried to recollect his thoughts.

' Yes, I was at Nyx's tower and there was something about a test and now I'm here... mmm.. This must be an illusion and also may be the so called test. Let's go along the tide. There's nothing I can do even.'

" No, there's nothing wrong, little girl"

" Call me Nyx, that's better, big brother."

Luke went dumb founded. ' Call her Nyx?'

A dawn of light appeared in Luke's mind. ' So, this is really the test. This must be her past. Let's see, for now let's act along'

" Okay, Nyx it is."

" Good brother!!" The little girl laughed gleefully with her mouth ear to ear.

With that, Luke got to love with Nyx. According to her, her parents were already dead, and it was Luke and her who were living together while helping each other. Nyx didn't clearly indicate Luke was her real brother or not in her story.

In the meantime, Luke got to enjoy the companionship of a small kid and he lived with her happily until she was 18 years old.

On her 18th birthday, a group of people who lived in the same village came armed at the night.

" You, devil's offspring! Come out and accept your punishment for making deals with Devil!"

" Come out, bitch!"

Inside the house, in a dark room.

" Nyx, what happened? Why are they looking for you?" Luke asked.

The girl was crying so loud while tears flowing down her cheeks like a waterfall. With her watery eyes in her big black eyes, she looked at me and muttered,

" Big brother, I didn't do anything wrong."

" Okay, it's okay, I will find a solution. Don't be afraid okay? I'm right here with you." Luke couldn't help but comfort her. During his time with her he understood how her powers work. He always observed what she did with her powers, all she did was protecting those animals who lurk in the dark. According to her, they were very cute beings, yes that was something weird, but she didn't intend any harm to humans. She protected the villagers from monsters, unbeknownst to them.

These actions of her further confirmed his theory of Nyx not being an evil goddess.

So when she said she didn't do anything wrong, he believed her.

Without wasting a moment, Luke grabbed Nyx like a princess and jumped through the back door and started to flee with all his strength. At that time, he was so immersed with it that he had completely forgotten that he was in a test and all these were illusions.

Luke ran and ran and ran. He didn't stop even for a second. He felt, Nyx was sleeping on his hands, but he didn't look because there was no time to waste.

Suddenly, the surroundings began to change drastically. The skies began to darken and sounds of thunder began to reverberate through the whole world. The Earth began to rumble violently and magma gushed forth. The air became so much dense and turbulent that the wind was enough to almost lift him up to the sky and throw him away. Various poisonous trees and various deadly monsters began to appear around him.

After the continuous run his strength and stamina was already depleted and almost near to zero.

And then they appeared.

With bright light illuminating, various chariots appeared in the sky. The leader- the guy we all know- Zeus with his large beard appeared right in front of him.

" Hand over that girl! As your brother was once my chosen, I will let you go in one piece." Zeus bellowed.

" Really, will you let me go?" Luke asked weakly. His voice was so much hoarse that it was as if some monster growling.

" Yeah, of course. Now, give me the girl."

Luke looked down. Looked at cutely sleeping girl in his hands. Just looking at her face made him mind peaceful and serine. Then he smiled. That wasn't a normal smile. It was wicked, cruel, dangerous, bone-chilling and you can add so many bad words here.

Zeus's eyebrows became narrowed.

" Quickly, there is no time to waste." He growled.

Luke slowly raised his head and look at Zeus's eyes.

" You know what? You can go and fuck yourself. You think I will believe you! After my brother's death I swore, I will burn your fucking beard into ashes before even you realise. I fucking hate you! I fucking hate your beard!"