Dead Again...

The whole world became suddenly quiet. He felt as if only he and Nyx were left in the whole universe.

Suddenly Luke's all six senses began to scream in danger. He felt Nyx becoming hot and the familiar eerie ancient energy pouring out from every part of her body.

He foresaw what's going to happen and jumped away from her in time.

" Get your fucking hands off from me!!" She screamed and an unbearable pressure began to crush the whole area.

Luke was thrown away by the immense force it created and was slammed against the wall of the tower.

" Whoa easy, easy now. I was just joking."

" Humph"

She frowned.

" Next time you do it, after getting the idea away about having your arms intact."

" Okay. OK. I got that. Now what were you about to tell me?"

" You still remember I have to tell you something, that's not what I expected."

" Well, it is like this, as you have become a god, you have got whole lot of shitty works to do. Gods have responsibilities you know? So, they have work to do."

" Okay what type of work?"

Nyx described Luke about the whole lot of adventures he had to do in the near future. According to her, first he had to find what was his power and how to utilize it. After receiving the judgment from balance a person who comes back into the living world would have received some kind of power, which was equivalent for the merits and his objectives he had in his life.

Well, Nyx didn't have any expectation about Luke having primordial power just like her. But at least, she expected him to become a minor god, who would have some respectable power. 'The most powerful goddess of the universe married a god who was the Lord of Shit' like news were the least thing she liked. And the way to awaken this power was..

" What? Are you saying that I should wait until it happens?"

" Unfortunately, yes. It may take some time."

" How much time?"

" Well, the fastest awakening that happened until now was about 100 years. But, it's okay. You won't age and die like others~"

" Bullshit! There's no way I'm gonna wait for 100 years to get my revenge, that's too much! I want to awaken it right now!"

" Well, then you should find a way to do so. Good luck!"

" Wait, you are leaving?"

" Yes, you can find your way out, no? I have many things to do. Ah can you please keep this a secret?"

" What is it that you want to keep as a secret? The colour of lower lip-"

" Shut the fuck up! Of course it isn't!"

" Then what is it?"

" You mustn't tell anyone that you freed me! Got it? Otherwise, it will be very bad for both of us." With that she turned around and a beam of dark purple energy appeared from the ground.

" Be careful, honey" Luke softly murmured.

" Humph." With that she disappeared in a blinding light.

Luke never got the chance to see that tiny cute smile on her face, just before her departure.

" Well, I guess, I also have to leave now?"

The door to the entrance to the tower began to open slowly with a loud noise. The blue lights which illuminated the surroundings once again disappeared letting the darkness be the owner of the area.

" Well, well look at him! The chosen of the Lady of the Night!"

He turned his head towards the source of the sound.

A middle aged man wearing black trousers and an army jacket was waiting with four other companions. It didn't take much time for him to understand these were a hunting team; and it also didn't take too much time to identify they are the worlds top ranking team, with a record of keeping the first place to them for 10 years consecutively. Because of this team, his brother's team was always kept in the second place.

" Well, it's an honour to meet you in person, Mr. Arnold Bulkinson. I don't know why is it that the world's best hunting team, is here, waiting for me."

" It seems like you know us."

Arnold Bulkinson, one of the chosen warriors of Zeus, who was rumoured to wield the strength of Hercules. He had an extreme affinity to power of sky and thunder that even his brother was compared inferior to him. It's not wrong to say that he was the most powerful out of all the chosen warriors of Zeus.

Luke saw, next to Arnold there was a woman, who seemed to be in her 20s with a green coloured robe. Her beauty was comparable to a goddess for the others. Wait; others? That should be the question, no? Yes, according to Luke, compared to his wife, Nyx's beauty she was not even dust. But in human standards she was at the top. Alexandra Yellowshore. One of the chosen of the goddess Artemis. Luke could see her iconic weapon, Bow of the Yellow moon hanging on her shoulder. Luke always hated her for her proud expression which always destroyed her value as a 'beauty'.

And there was, a thin young man with a creepy expression on his face. Thanos Constantine, one of the chosen of God Pluto, as creepy as a dead body was standing near Arnold who pretended as if he was not giving attention to any of this. And there was a girl in bright blue revealing dress, Abigail Yellowshore, chosen of the god of the sea, Poseidon. Yes, she was the sister of Alexandra. Finally, the fastest, chosen of the god of thieves, Hermes; Roger Escobar. All were in their battle outfits.

" Hmm, what to say? I have never got to taste the power of the so called Lady of the Night. It's a shame, you know! You didn't get even a chance to use your power, I guess?"

Luke's face became solemn. He knew what's the purpose of their arrival. Earlier he thought, they were here to kidnap him and lock him down somewhere, until his death. But now, he understood they were here to send him to the underworld. Even though he were told that he can't be killed, but he became to doubt it when he saw what was in the hands of Arnold.

The weapon, which was rumoured of having power enough to kill a god, Spear of justice.

In a moment all the members of the team surrounded Luke from all directions.

Luke knew there was no way for him to get away from this predicament. Besides, he had so many things against these group of bustards. It was them who faked the proof and showed the whole world that his brother was a traitor.

" If I'm going to die here. I will take at least one of you down with me!" He roared.

" Now, now I like that expression" Arnold chuckled while walking towards him leisurely.

" Is it really necessary for us to do this? Can't you see he has no cosmic energy flowing inside him?"

" As always you are too lenient for your enemies, Abigail. Can't you think like your sister?" Roger yelled.

" But-"

" Enough" Alexandra ordered.

" Fine, you all can attack. And I will wait there until you are done. Is that okay with you?"

" Sister-"

" Fine, but don't meddle" Arnold roared.

Abigail looked at him for a moment and walked away.

" Now, shall we get into business?" Arnold smirked.

Luke made his battle stance. After assessing the situation, he knew the possibility of him escaping is almost at the level of impossible, unless every member of this team, got a bad stomach and wanted to go immediately to a toilet.

He felt his legs shaking, he felt sweat pouring like waterfalls from every corner of his body.

Then the battle started. Arnold disappeared and the next moment he felt an immense pain originating from his left chest area.

He looked at heart and saw the whole blade of the Spear of Justice had come out in front of him.

" Good bye, my friend, I really appreciate you and your trashy brother." He heard Arnold's voice at his back.

Warm blood gushed forth from his heart and his mouth. His legs lost their strength and he was fell to the ground on his knees. And Arnold pulled the spear back.


He could feel his body starting to corrupt; the dreadful skill of the weapon, Spear of Justice. Anything it pierces, gets corrupted.

Luke looked at the sky. He could see the first sun ray.

" Beautiful, it really is." He muttered.

He remembered how he and his brother watched this scene every day when he was 5.

While his brother was showing him, this scene to appreciate the beauty of the nature, he only thought about one thing.

" One day, I will become like the sun. I will be above everyone. I will be so strong that no one will be able to rule over me!"

He chuckled.

' Huh, I'm really sad that I failed her. Or may be not. She didn't expect much from me either. Huh, good bye Love.'