The phoenix part 2

Sasha drove the cab at the maximum speed on the narrow road in the Temple of Athena. Luke felt how frustrated she was about her faction. Even though she hated Athena's faction, still it was her home for a long period of time. She practised hard day and night just for what? Of course, it was for her, but she actually wanted to see her faction become the most powerful among the all other gods' faction. That was her pride.

Right now, she felt as if she had been betrayed by her own side. So, Luke decided to not to stop her from releasing her bottled up feelings which had been churning deep inside her heart up until now.

" Boss, can I have your permission to kill that son of a bitch?"

" Is he Karl Woodencock? The second general of the Athena's army?"

" Yes, it is that bastard! Just hearing his name makes my hand itching!" she roared.

" Okay, go ahead. You have my permission."

" Thank you, boss." With that she got of the cab and roared, " Karl, you son of a slut, get your ass here, before I come to your damned hole and drag you out!"

The soldiers who were at the gate, also had caught up to them. Not only them, almost everyone who were living near the house of the Second General surrounded the area to see this interesting battle.

" Are they finally going to fight? I was expecting this for a long time!"

" Yeah, me too. I wonder who will win!"

" Of course, it should be General Sasha. Her being the First General, isn't something an incompetent one can handle."

" But, perhaps, Second General may also be powerful as her. Otherwise where did he get his confidence to defy her?"

" Mmm you have a point. But I still think General Sasha will win. But, I'm sure General Karl will also give a good fight!"

" Wow, why isn't he still coming out?"

A few moments later a tall skinny man wearing a full armour emerged from the door. The armour had a deep blue coloured cape with Athena's logo embedded on it with golden silk. On his right hand was a long spear with a shiny and sharp blade. The blade was giving a dangerous aura, and Luke felt the fraction of divine power which contained in it.

" Ah, here he is. Look at what he has in his hands!!!"

" Holy shit! It's Athena's Wrath!"

" Huh, the holy weapon of the temple of Athena is in his hands? What does it even mean?"

According to the rules of Athena's faction the holder of the weapon, Athena's Wrath would become the Leader or more specifically The Saint of the Temple of Athena. He held the absolute authority over the whole temple. The Saint of a god had the direct contact with the god who chose him or her as his warrior. When we consider the hierarchy of a base of god, the highest position was of course dedicated to the god and the next in position was the Saint. It was over the Saint, gods gave out their orders to their chosen.

Seeing this unique weapon, Luke's eyes became narrowed. Through the window of the cab, he saw Karl descending slowly towards Sasha who was growling with anger.

" Now things have become more interesting." He murmured.

" You! why are holding that? Where is James?"

" OH him? You know what, I really don't know! The only thing I know is Her Grace wants me to be her Saint!"

" Bullshit! I'm asking again, where is James?"

" And I'm telling you again, I don't know and I don't care either! If you don't believe go and ask Her Majesty!"

Luke's eyes once again got narrowed. He may be the God of Origin and probably the most powerful god of the universe, but he didn't know anything about a god's whereabouts. That was an universal limitation which had been kept by the power of balance. He couldn't observe what a god was doing or where he was or even he couldn't enter another god's territory without getting invited. That's how strict the rules were! Of course, he could enter the temple of Athena, because Sasha invited her. Even though she was now under Luke, she still had some affinity towards Athena's power.

' So, Athena is here?'

" You are saying that Her Majesty, Goddess Athena is here?"

' Nice, keep going, Sasha.'

" Of course, yes. If you want to find out, why don't you come with me inside?"

Suddenly, as if to justify his answer, a female voice rang from the palace of the Second General.

" My children, I want you to give your respect to the newly appointed Saint of mine, Karl Woodencock. He was the one who saved me from that devil, James, who betrayed me just to own my power."

Luke was now sure.

" She is indeed here!"

Hearing the goddess's voice everyone in the entire Athena Base, knelt down and bowed in front of Karl.

" It's really our goddess!"

" Hail to Her Majesty, the queen of Wisdom!"

" Hail to our holy Saint, Karl Woodencock."

Every resident in the entire base began to praise their goddess and the new Saint.

Did Sasha also bow down?

Of course not. Her face was bursting with anger. Luke could see veins bulging on her forehead.

Suddenly a red aura surrounded her body. The temperature of the entire surrounding rose frantically as if sun had descended on Earth. Hot waves of wind began to spread rapidly from her body. Her eyes became pure red, and soon her body began to change.

A red and black coloured armour appeared on her body. Blasts of red energy began to surge from her body which made Karl back away from her. A helmet appeared on her head, which bore a peculiar symbol, Infinity mark in a triangle, the symbol of the god of origin.

After all that, her body began to levitate in the dark sky. Behind her there were two wings which were made from the similar material from her armour. They also emanated dark red energy.

" Beautiful, my phoenix. Go show what you are capable of!"

Phoenix was a mythical creature which had immortality from its birth. A phoenix can rebirth from its own ash. And its fighting power was no inferior to this. Its ability to wield the everlasting fire, which would burn even in the water, was something even a primordial god would have to be more careful.

Everyone could see the mark of the phoenix right on her left chest area glistening with fire.

Did she stop? No she had still something to do.

Sasha looked at Luke, who was still sitting comfortably in the cab.

Luke without waiting for a moment nodded slowly. Sasha got the permission.

A long spear with a long blade materialized in her right hand. The spear had a special design. Unlike a normal spear it had four blades. First blade was the front tip. That single blade was divided in to two parts, and second and third blades were inserted to the sides of the spear. They were half ellipsoid long blades which extended from the tip of the spear to the point where she grasped the spear. And the last blade was at the very back of the spear.

Yes, the spear had the capability of not only stabbing but also cutting four directions.

" General Sasha? What is that? What are you?" some soldiers screamed in fear.

" It's a phoenix. Look at her armour!"

" She can even fly! I knew she was strong, but never thought she was this strong!"

" I don't accept you as the Saint, you piece of shit! I don't know how you fooled that damned goddess, and I don't care either. But today you have to die!" Sasha roared.

Karl once again backed few steps and screamed, " You dare challenge Her Majesty's decision and order? Have you finally gone mad?"

" Yes, I don't give a fuck about her foolish orders. Besides, I'm no more working under that whore. And, yeah the moment I heard you told the whole world about how I died in the devil's forest, I went crazy!"

Inside the cab, Luke were laughing like a maniac.

' She told Athena was a whore right in front of her! Hahahaha'

Luke became very happy of his decision of making her his phoenix soldier.

" Ungrateful! You dare insult our holy goddess? Every one you heard that right? The person you all held so much hope, has now gone rogue! She is a disgrace to our faction!"

After hearing this, the Athena soldiers became restless. Sasha was their hope, Sasha was their faith. In fact the entire base's everything was Sasha. Now she had betrayed her own home. They couldn't believe their eyes and ears.

" Guards, get this traitor chained and bring to Her Majesty!" Karl roared.

But no one moved.

" What? You are disobeying my order? Can't you still get what is going on here?" He screamed.

After a few minutes of silence, a few minor generals got up.

A bloody battle was going to start, any moment now!