A Night To Remember

They say that destiny and choices go hand in hand. Evangeline's mother always told her that she was responsible for her own destiny. Her mother always have been a strong woman, after all. She had taught Evangeline everything she ever knew. And Evangeline had always kept those teachings in her heart. She had always thought her mother would be there every second of her life. But destiny had taken her. Evangeline would often wonder if her mother's death was also a product of her own choices.

Evangeline was the youngest of 3 siblings. She had her mother, her eldest brother and an older sister. Three years ago, her mother and her sister had passed away from a plane crash. It happened just after the start of her first year in university. They were about to take a vacation in Bali, but due to complications in schedule, Evangeline hadn't had the chance to go.

If she could choose to turn back time, she would definitely choose to be with them in that plane. There was no use in thinking about 'what-ifs' however, it wasn't like anything would change.

She stares at the lecturer, Dr. Brown. A short, old woman who teaches Psychology. She was a pale woman, with those cat-eyed glasses and a strict countenance. A terror professor, is what her past students have called her. And how accurate that was.

Evangeline looks to her left, seeing a presence she was unable to ignore. A past romance from her first and second year. Blonde hair, and the honey eyes most girls fawn over. Noah, a guy who isn't a boyfriend, but isn't a friend as well. She rolls her eyes at his side profile and looks back again to Dr. Brown. No use in giving attention to a guy like that, irritation crawls beneath her skin as she recalls her memories from her first two years of university. Its been a while since, but she was always known to hold a grudge.

"-results in symptoms such as paranoia, difficulty in connecting with their infant, and even depression, as you can already tell by the name" Dr. Brown was talking about postpartum depression.

"Hmm" Evangeline hums as she take notes in her tablet. She highlights the important words and draws a diagram on the pathophysiology of the disorder.

Just when they were about to finish the topic, an alarm rang. Dr. Brown picks up her phone and drops her marker. "Class is finished" she says. There was no stopping Dr. Brown and her schedule. When class is done, then it's done.

Evangeline glances at her wristwatch. Exactly 3 PM like their schedule. She closes her tablet, and dumps all her things in her backpack, uncaring of how messy it will be later on. She looks behind her, where her friends were seated and they signaled her to wait for them.

Louise was the first to walk to her, a short haired half-Japanese girl. "Hey, you better come later. I'm not accepting no for an answer"

"Ugh, I wanted to rest" Evangeline swings her bag behind her. "Plus, you have Isabel" the girl in question smiles at them as she walks hand in hand with her boyfriend, Luke.

"You know she's gonna be with her boyfriend all night long" Louise pulls her arms and waves it up and down. Evangeline pulls it back and wraps an arm around her as they all walk down the stairs of the lecture hall towards the exit.

"Then, just bring your boyfriend" Evangeline says as Louise opens the exit door, the same time that someone from the other side opens it. She abruptly stops her tracks just before she and Louise bumps at the chest of the man before them.

Looking up, Evangeline was able to see a stone cold face of Professor Moore. "Oh, Sir, we're sorry"

Moore eyes them and nods calmly. "Be careful next time" he spoke in an indifferent tone and hurries inside the lecture hall.

Evangeline couldn't help but stare at him as he walks by, in awe of how a man in his 30s could exude such charisma.

"Damn" Louise was the first to comment. She always had a little crush on Moore since they were freshmen.

"I kinda get it now" Luke adds. Isabel beside him playfully pokes him on the side.

"You'd replace me with a stiff guy like that?" she quirks an arched brow, one that complimented her Latina features.

"Right, so are you coming or not?" Louise pulls on her arm again and Evangeline groans. Louise was talking about their night out, which was happening later that night, on a new bar that had just opened in the city. Apparently, it was a quiet restaurant and bar, with limited people and a nice atmosphere. They had been talking about going there for a few weeks now, but their busy schedule didn't allow them to. It was only tonight they all of them were free at once.

"Fine, I'll go. What's the dress code?"




Marbled floors, high-ceiling, crystal chandeliers, and soft classical music echoing across the room. It was different from the bars that they usually go to. In fact, looking at all the Italian furniture made Evangeline realize why Louise told all of them to dress as nicely as possible. It was a different kind of atmosphere. No loud music, crowds, and harsh neon lighting.

"How much did we pay to enter here again, Louise?" Isabel looks around, a silver dress hugging all her curves. Her blonde hair was curled in waves, and her bangs parted at the center allows you to see a part of her forehead. Luke held her waist, dressed in a nice black suit, his brown hair styled carefully, no doubt courtesy of his girlfriend.

Louise wore a dark green dress that flowed to the floor. It was such a shame that her boyfriend couldn't accompany her. No doubt, she would be gathering a lot of stares that night with how gorgeous she looked.

And Evangeline, well, she wore a black satin dress with thin straps that flows to her ankles, and a slit at the side. Her long, dark hair was flowing freely behind her as they walk towards the round table where they were directed to.

"I told you guys, I've been wanting to come here for so long!" Louise claps as she sits. She was all smiles now that the plan that she had been arranging for a while came to reality.

"It's too nice" Evangeline says, looking around consciously. She's never been somewhere as nice as this. "Are we even allowed to smoke here?" she asks, pulling a cigarette from her purse.

"No, you're not, so go outside if need be" Louise rolls her eyes at her friend's bad habits.


They start to drink, ordering food as well as starting small with a few glasses of cocktails first. They tell stories, making fun of each other. They start to tell jokes about how stupid Evangeline was to confess to Noah just because their friends were pitting them together.

"Okay, that was stupid of me, I know" Evangeline has always been a lightweight. A few drinks in and she was already inebriated. She feels the world spin around her as they kept on talking about how Noah was even more stupid not to realize how much Evangeline liked him. She sighs and rolls her eyes at them.

"Ugh, hate that guy" Isabel glares at no one in particular, maybe she was imagining that Noah was standing in front of them. She starts talking about how self-centered he was, and how he hates how loud he is sometimes during class. "I still can't believe you even liked that guy, he's one piece of shit" she curses.

"He wasn't that bad" Evangeline finds herself saying. They all turn to her in disbelief.

"Are you seriously taking his side?" Louise said.

"Well, it was my own fault that I assumed he felt the same about me. Plus, I was blinded by grief. I just lost my mom and sister, and he was there to comfort me" the group turn silent at the mention of her family. Evangeline doesn't mind them and recalls the way Noah smiled at her when they were left alone at one of the lecture halls in their building with him teaching her a topic, she had missed due to planning the funeral.

Luke clears his throat and tries to lighten the mood. "But you have to admit, some of the things he said were, like, really bad" he chuckles.

She shrugs her shoulders, and they continue with their night. A few more cocktails later, and they move on to tequila shots. "God, that's strong" Louise held her throat as she swallowed. By this time, Evangeline was half lying down on the table with her arms folded and her head buried beneath her arms. The world was spinning around her, she knew. She closes her eyes and tries to take a nap to ease the spinning, when she was pulled up and shook by Louise.

"Fuck, she's gone. You take your girl, I'll take this one" she could slightly hear Louise talking with Luke. Evangeline wonders if Isabel has caused another drunken trouble again. She's always been hard to handle when drunk.

"Eve! Wake up!" Evangeline feels light slaps on her cheeks. She opens her eyes to see a blurry Louise. She tries to keep her eyes open, but she was just so tired. "Don't close your eyes! I'm just going to grab a taxi, you stay here, alright?" she could understand Louise's words, so she nodded her head.

"Fuck, my head hurts so bad" she fully opens her eyes to see that they were already outside the bar and standing on the side of road. All she could think about was that she wanted to go home and sleep. She was feeling all the fatigue from the whole week of their clinical rotations. A taxi stops in front of her, and without thinking, she slips inside. She takes her head using her hand and massages the side of it. Slowly, she was being pulled out of the drunken state that she was in. Another person enters and sits beside her without so much as saying another word. How could Louise still be in the right state of mind after drinking that much?

Assuming that it was Louise, she starts to speak just as the taxi starts moving. "I swear to you, I'm never going to try to challenge you with drinking ever again" she looks to her right and stops.

Professor Moore, his eyes half-lidded, and his whole face red from alcohol. He was clearly drunk. His expensive black suit crumpled as if he had been rolling around on the floor. He was attempting loosen his tie, as he slowly heaves a breath. His long hair that was tied up in a half-bun had loose strands framing his face. It was a scene so unlike what Evangeline sees during his lectures. Sure, he was out having fun with his friends, possibly in the same bar they were in. Just how much did he drink for him to be so out of it anyway?

Seeing the uptight professor drunk was enough to sober Evangeline up. "Um, fuck, I think I got on the wrong Uber" she hesitantly shakes Moore's shoulders.

"Professor, Sir..." she utters softly. He groans but did not respond, instead choosing to fully close his eyes and rest his head back on the seat.

Her purse vibrates on her lap, she takes her phone out and immediately answers a call from Louise, no doubt worrying about where she ended up. "Hey, girl"

"Where the fuck are you?"

"I'm inside an Uber. Don't worry, I'm completely safe"

"Are you sober already?"

Evangeline hums.

"Will you be able to get home safely?"

"Yeah. I just-, " she looks to her right again and sees her professor, his chest slowly moving up and down, an indication that he was already asleep.

She can't just leave him like that, right? Evangeline takes a deep breath.

"Is something wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm gonna hang up now, take care"

"Okay, bye bye, text me when you get home"

Evangeline returns her phone in her purse, and she takes another look to her right. It really was a wonder to see Moore, one of their scariest professors, be so drunk. She recalls him embarrassing her during one of their clinical demonstrations, even going as far as to ask her if she really wanted to be in that field. Still, she supposed he was trying to scare all the freshmen during those days. Professor Moore was always known to be someone who couldn't tolerate stupidity, laziness, and lack of effort. He was efficient when teaching, but you can always see the passion he had for his job during lectures. He loved questions, and he loved to answer them. For him, it just meant that you were working your brain, and he'll happily answer you, no matter how simple your question might be.

Ten minutes of driving and they arrive in front of an apartment that tells a lot about how much Moore was getting paid by the university. "Wow" she says to no one in particular as she eyes the tall building.

"Sir? Are you able to get off by yourself?" this was definitely reminiscent of how she interacted with patients.

Her professor tries to open his eyes but closes them again.

Evangeline closes her eyes to gather her thoughts. I will just be transferring a patient from the car to his apartment. That's easy enough. She takes an encouraged breath and takes her small bag and hangs it on her shoulders. Giving herself pep talks insider her mind, she exits the car and moves around it, opening the door where Moore sat.

"Um, is this Uber paid for already?" she looks at the driver.

"Yup. Do you need help with him?" the Uber driver asked and Evangeline smiles but shakes her head.

One thing about her is that she never gives up.

"Sir? Can you hear me?" She receives a groan in response, and Evangeline takes that as a yes. She proceeded to pull her patient out of the vehicle as she guided him with her words. "Sir, can you please lean on me?" Moore leaned against her, and it was no easy task to stay on her foot. He was a towering 6 ft, at the very least, and she was only 5'6. I definitely need to start lifting after this, was all she could think about as she closed the car door behind them while supporting someone almost a foot taller than her.

After an hour of attempting to converse with a drunken and half-asleep man about what floor he lived in, Evangeline managed to get them both on the 13th floor. The elevator door opens and she, while supporting her professor, walks them out of the elevator.

"Sir, are you able to tell me what number your flat is?" Evangeline patiently asks once more. She was already half expecting it to take her another hour of interrogation before he gives her a mumbled response. Still, she steadies the man against a wall, holding him by his surprisingly well-toned chest, before moving up to his shoulders when she became conscious of how inappropriate it was. She clears her throat in embarrassment and tries to ask again.

"Sir!" she sharply calls to him, hoping she'll get to him, and he'll finally return to his senses.

Finally, after a long minute of waiting, he fully opens his eyes, and she stares back at him. What, is he finally sobering up? He squints down at her and whispers something. In order to fully hear what he was saying, she gets closer to him, and finally, she was able to hear what he was struggling to say out loud.


She smiles at him, knowing he was finally able to see her, grateful that he was trying his best to tell her even when he was still as drunk as when they entered the Uber. "Okay, Sir, I'll take you there" she assures him, taking his arm and allowing him to lean against her again.

Upon reaching the flat, she was able to see that it was being ran by an electronic lock with a passcode. She looks back at him and he was squinting again at the lock as if he couldn't really make out what to think of it. Seeing him like that, Evangeline knew that he was still out of it. Still, she was hoping he would tell her or be able to type his passcode on his own.

Without saying, he removes himself from her and sluggishly clicks on the lock. He was swaying back and forth but what surprised Evangeline the most was how efficient he was typing his passcode on the lock. Though, with how much Moore was swaying, she could tell he was still out of it.

"Sir?" She unconsciously wraps an arm around his waist in order to steady him. "Are you able to get in by yourself?" he turns around just when the door clicked open and she was about to let go of his torso.

"Wait" Evangeline flinches at how serious he sounded. His eyes were locked on her, and when she looked to the side, she realizes that his hand was cupping her jaw. She slowly swallowed, and glances back up beneath her lashes at him. Still, his eyes were locked on her face, and she feels his thumb coursing back and forth across her cheeks.

Evangeline couldn't help but notice how large his hands were.

The next thing she knew, he had his hands on her, and they were kissing. He wraps his other hand around her waist as he bit her bottom lip, breathing out a groan as she marvels at the taste of alcohol on his tongue. She deepens the kiss needily, arching her back towards him, and he presses their bodies together, moving his hand from her jaw towards the back of her head and as if he just couldn't get enough of her, he slid a tongue inside her mouth, and hums when she meets him with her own.

"Sir-" just when she was about to speak, he stopped her with a bite on her lips.

"Don't talk" he stopped their kissing momentarily to utter an order, with his dark eyes on her own. The strands of hair scattered across his face made for a remarkable sight, Evangeline feels her pulse quicken as she stare at him pull away from her to remove his clothes one by one. Starting from his tie, to his blazer, then his shirt. She gulped as she stares at his well-maintained body and feels something warm forming down her stomach.

Fuck, am I really doing this with my professor? Any doubt that was starting to form in her mind was swept away by his arms wrapping around her once more. He leans down, and when he pressed his body against her, she feels hardness, restricted by the pants he wore. Before she could think about it, however, he pressed their lips together once more and the arousal she was feeling earlier strengthened.

His lips travelled down her jaw, down to her neck, hitting a spot she was weak to that sent a shiver down her spine. Sensing her weakness, he continued to suck on that spot, earning a small groan from her. Why am I so sensitive today? Is it because it's been a while? She asks herself. He continues his kisses until they reached a door behind her, he opens it with his skillful hands and they enter what she assumes to be his bedroom. Though what she could see was limited to their current position, therefore, she was unable to tell much about her surroundings.

Evangeline was pushed back, and she almost screamed before feeling something soft against her back. She feels her hair scattered behind her as she pushes her heels away, and unzips her dress from behind. When it came to removing her bra, however, the man uses a hand and it was undone. No wonder he's skilled at his job, she thinks. She wriggles away from her unzipped dress and bra, and he follows her into the bed.

She hears how heavy his breathing is, and she gulps down her logical thoughts of how awkward it was going to be when they both wake up tomorrow. Any fear was removed from her mind when he placed either of his knees parallel to her legs and leans down to kiss her again. Evangeline almost chuckles at how much he seemed to like kissing her. His kisses travels down to her chest, and a hand cups one of her breasts, gently massaging them, as he worships her breasts. He continues on with licking and playing with them, until he playfully bites a nipple, making her flinch in surprise.

When he was satisfied, Evangeline feels his other hand behind her going down her ass to her clit, his hand easing through her underwear. The sensation of large hands touching her clit immediately sends pleasure coursing through her and she arches her back. "Haaah", she breathes out.

"Do you like that?" Evangeline was caught off guard by the question. She opens her eyes and immediately sees Moore's own staring back, his dark observing eyes hazed with lust and pleasure.

"Fuck" he whispers in a tone akin to that of losing oneself to desires.

"I like it" she encouraged him, wanting him to continue.

He nodded, and he leans further, both hand hands now focused on pulling her underwear from her body. She wriggles to help him and kicks them away. He throws the underwear away from them, wasting no chance to open her legs and running a tongue down her clit, making her give out a small moan. Encouraged by her sounds, he moves a hand as he continues licking, to play with her clitoris. The sensation of continuous movement increases the warmth on her womb as she continues to squirm beneath him, her toes curling and her hand gripping his shoulders.

"So close" she managed to whisper with a gasp.

With one last wet lick, she releases with a gasp, and he moves away from her clit, rising to his knees once more as he ran a hand down her thigh. Using his other hand, he releases his hair from his half-up bun and courses his fingers through them. Evangeline sits up, still aroused, and runs a hand down his hardness. She fixes herself and kneels on the bed, her ass raised as she uses her teeth to unzip his pants without breaking her stare from him.

The corner of his lips rises at her performance. He takes her jaw with his fingers and mutters, "Good girl".

She blushes.

Evangeline uses her teeth to drag his boxers down, fully revealing his dick, and without any hesitation, she takes it with her mouth, carefully guiding it away from her teeth. She tries, and bobs her head up and down. Truthfully, this would probably be the first time she'd be giving a blowjob. The dick felt uncomfortable in her mouth, but she tries her best, as a way to say thank him for pleasuring her earlier. She becomes encouraged upon seeing the pleasure building in his expression. She licks the tip and he shivers. Feeling satisfied from his reactions, Evangeline moves down to his balls and licks them as well.

Moore places a hand on top of her head, carefully guiding her back to the tip. "Relax your throat" he says, and when she did, he slowly inserts himself until she could feel him at the back of her throat. She tensed at the uncomfortable feeling, but he slowly eases her by caressing her cheeks.

"Careful" he says in a similar tone he uses to his students.

 Slowly, she recovers and fully takes him in. "Good, you didn't even gag" he praised as he guides her away from his dick.

"You didn't cum"

"That's fine"

Moore opens a drawer and takes out a towel. He wipes her mouth and face with it and it smelled cleaned enough. "Thanks" she whispers shyly.

Evangeline felt shyer now that they were both sober than before. "May we continue?" she asks, not wanting for awkward silence to kill her arousal.

Moore lifts an amused eyebrow and chuckles. "We may"

Whatever shyness Evangeline was feeling, was replaced by anticipation when he fully removes his boxers, his hardness springing up in full view. Both of them were now completely naked. Moore moves a bit to open a drawer and curses. When Evangeline turns to look, he finds an empty box of condoms. Does that mean we won't continue? She thought, dismay creeping under her skin. He watches her expression quietly, seeing disappointment cross her face.

"Do you still want to proceed?" he asked, using a finger on her chin to tilt her head up, making her face him. Evangeline feels heat across her face, particularly in the area where his finger lay.

Evangeline nods. "Use your words" Moore insisted.

"Yes…please" she eyes him coyly. He pushes her down the bed again, opening her legs and kissing her with all his might as his hands travel all over her, cupping her cheeks, then running down her chest, across her abdomen, and her thighs.

Evangeline doesn't know what's happening. She really was going crazy. She never pictured herself to be so sexually deprived that she'd jump at her drunk professor.

He pulls away from her, guiding his dick to her entrance, before slowly inserting himself. He didn't even need to force his way in, she was already so wet from arousal that he easily slid in. Moore runs a finger down his hair as he eyes her, eyes filled with lust. "Fuck" he swore.

Evangeline's toes were curled as he filled her. Upon fully entering, he starts to move, and she lets out a moan. "Haah" heat was building up down her abdomen, she was feeling an early release coming. Still, he keeps moving, sliding in and out of her, and she picks up the pace, moving her own hips to meet him halfway. He leans down to lick her lips, and she deepens the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck, as they keep moving their hips.

"Faster" she managed to breathe out.

He complies, quickening the pace of their sex. She moans louder, and he answers with his own groans, freely running his hands on her breasts, running his lips down her neck, sending those shivers down her spine. She writhes beneath him, clenching the sheets, her toes curled as she rolls her hips, keeping up with the movement. Moore wraps her legs around his waist, and leans down to place his hand around her, positioning himself to bring more speed to his pace.

"Fuck" he curses, his warm breath tickling her ear.

With another push, she cums, and she feels his own cum after another. Evangeline breathes carefully, attempting to control her quickening pulse. She breathes through her mouth, as Moore pushes himself away from her and slowly pulls out his dick.

I think that was the greatest sex I've ever experienced, was all Evangeline was thinking as she watches Moore lay down beside her, seeming to be completely spent with the sex they did. Though she feels sober, Evangeline knew she was still drunk, because as soon as he laid down beside her, she closes her eyes and fell asleep almost immediately.