It Worked Perfectly  

The guard, whose name turned out to be Feng Niu, took me to what looked to be a small shack on the other side of the pit.


There were a lot of guys sitting around, their clothes hanging off their bodies as they waited for their turn in the ring. No one bothered to speak, and not a single person had food in their hands, even though there was clearly a reaver ready to feed them.


"Zhu Gen!" called out Feng Niu as he gripped my elbow, leading me deeper into the open area. It wasn't a room, but it wasn't outside either. "Meet the Harbinger! She just won her first fight today! Fastest time so far, too!"


The reaver with the spoon and half his bottom jaw missing nodded his head, grinning at me awkwardly. "Do you have enough for a bun?" he asked, his words coming out weird without part of his mouth.