Make My Wish Come True

The man in front of me was definitely a reaver.


If his height didn't give it away, or the fact that he was built like a brick shithouse, the gaping holes in his face, arms, and chest definitely would have given it away.


Clearly, whoever had come up with this combination had something against me, and that hurt a little. I mean, I hadn't even shown off some of my best qualities yet, and they were already trying to kill me.


Why couldn't they just wait until I ruined their lives a bit before they brought out the big guns?


There was only one teeny tiny kink in my plan to make it out of this arena alive, and that was I had no idea how to kill a guy that had come back from the dead.


Did I take his head?


Given the hole in his forehead where a single white maggot was having the time of its life, I was going to assume that shooting him in the head wouldn't work.