A Taste Of Home  

"Ha!" spat Chang Xuefeng. "How is that a reward? I gave up my dinner tonight to get you this fight, and then I have to sacrifice something else in order to have my wish granted? No, thank you. You can keep your wish. Just make sure that you take your time with this one… make it look good."


"You gave up your dinner for me?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. I don't remember the last time anyone had given up something for me… made a sacrifice for me. Hell, I don't think it has ever happened.


Chang Xuefeng rolled his eyes like I was being ridiculous, but he really didn't understand. "It's not that big of a deal," he sighed. "It's not like the food here is all that good. The human's handler is more than welcome to it."


"No," I replied, all emotion gone from my face. "You will not ever give up your food for me again. Do you understand?"