That’s It?

Cocking my head to the side, I looked at him. "If you could do that, why are you still under his thumb?" I asked. It seemed stupid. If you knew you could kill someone you didn't like, why wouldn't you?

"Because then I would have to take over his horde, and I don't want to deal with half the idiots in it," grunted Chang Xuefeng as he turned me around so that I was looking at the exit once again. 

Right. Because there were consequences to your actions. I kept forgetting about that minor detail. Meh, no big deal. 

Still holding onto my leash as if that was really going to keep me from going batshit crazy and killing everyone, Chang Xuefeng led me to what looked to be a cabin. I was beginning to think that calling this place Camp Hell wasn't because it was hellish but rather because it was once an actual summer camp. 

Personally, I had never been to one, but it looked similar to what I had seen on TV, so it wasn't that big of a stretch.