Chapter 4: The Shelter's Level Breaks Through Again

林誠無奈地搖搖頭.在這一點上,沒有人願意出售他們的商品.那些消息靈通的商人一定收到了一些內幕消息,並計劃在人們最迫切需要食物的時候抬高價格.從國家危機中獲利確實可恥,但那些商人每次都設法發財.聽這些網上的抱怨毫無意義;沒有有價值的資訊可以收集.林誠將注意力轉移回了那天早上發佈的幾則新聞報導上.#Shocking!在神秘的深坑中發現生命跡象!#"據記者介紹,世界聯盟已經組織了頂尖科學家和生物研究專家,在坍塌的坑附近進行聲納探測.最初,沒有檢測到生命的跡象,但隨著時間的推移,開始拾取微弱的生命信號.看到這個消息,林誠的心開始跳動起來.仔細數一算時間,距離大清算只剩下 17 個小時了!"打開避難所的狀態面板!"[當前避難所等級:3][避難所面積:800平方米][避難所設施:4cm厚鐵牆,小型武器研究基地][下一級所需經驗:500/1000]安裝太陽能電池板並實施一系列措施可以增加庇護所的經驗值.庇護所的設施齊全,林誠解鎖了一個里程碑.正是多虧了這個里程碑的經驗獎勵,林誠才能夠將牆壁升級到 4 釐米厚的鐵.800 平方米的庇護所比之前的 200 平方米擴大了四倍!該系統對避難所規模的增加不僅是水準的,而且是垂直的,並增加了一些高度.由於庇護所越來越大,林誠甚至開始考慮建造二樓.隨著避難所水準的增加,面積將繼續呈指數級增長.建造一座地下城市可能不是不可能的.為了安全起見,林誠決定花費 200 經驗值建造一個小型礦物開採研究設施.他還花了 200 點將小型兵器研究基地升級為中型.帶著剩下的 100 點經驗值,林誠選擇升級牆壁.他將 4 釐米厚的鐵牆升級到 5 釐米厚.刹那間,這 500 點經驗值就用完了.


[提取精煉鐵:可以以 10%(可升級)的比率從任何鐵產品中提取精煉鐵,或以 50%(可升級)的比率從鐵礦石中提取精煉鐵.

[提取能量結晶:可以以 1%(可升級)的速度從任何稀有礦物中提取能量結晶.能量晶體可以替代任何礦物資源,包含巨大的能量,包括但不限於石油,煤炭,鐵礦石,銅礦石和黃金!


[RPK 輕機槍:彈藥儲備充足且火力相對穩定的輕機槍.生產成本:5 公斤精煉鐵彈藥成本:0.5 公斤精煉鐵]

[感應地雷:接觸時爆炸,體積小巧,隱蔽性強.生產成本:0.5kg 精鐵]

[無人機:1980×1024 具有夜視功能的超清相機,非常適合偵察敵人的動向.生產成本:5kg 精鐵]

[Miniature Self-Destruct Truck: A remote-controlled truck that can be directed to a target location and detonated, delivering devastating power!

Production Cost: 10kg refined iron]

The newly added items in the medium-sized weapons research base were all highly useful to Lin Cheng at this stage.The drone could help him observe the outside world while ensuring his safety.He had plenty of survival supplies stored, but that didn't mean he wouldn't need to go to the surface during the six-month period.The appearance of the RPK light machine gun could also compensate for his current lack of firepower.After all, a handgun was ultimately insufficient against the powerful alien creatures.And the proximity mines would alert him if any alien creatures approached.During dinner, Lin Cheng sat at the table with his parents as usual.The news broadcast on TV no longer carried various warnings.The global sinkholes continued to expand, and the situation was growing worse.Fear spread like a plague, and some people, unable to buy food or supplies, had begun looting.This situation was mostly occurring in Western countries, and by now, everyone knew the value of food."It's terrifying. If the rumors about the apocalypse are true, all the food Xiaocheng has stocked up will really come in handy!" Lin Cheng's mother said with a smile. "Our Xiaocheng has been clever since he was young. It's a good thing we never stopped him, or we'd have trouble finding food now."Before his parents could finish chatting, an emergency news bulletin interrupted the TV program."To ensure the safety of the public, emergency shelters have now been opened. Please make your way to your designated shelters in an orderly manner..."The shelters were open!As a transmigrator, Lin Cheng knew very well that large-scale shelters like these wouldn't last long.Even with military forces guarding them, these highly visible shelters would easily attract hordes of alien creatures.A few creatures were manageable, but if too many gathered, no matter how powerful the weapons were, they would eventually be overwhelmed.Especially with large numbers of people, panic would easily ensue. These alien creatures could grow stronger by consuming humans.Because of this, nearly all large-scale shelters around the world had been wiped out."We should pack up our things and take the supplies Xiaocheng prepared. If we have food, the shelter won't turn us away," Lin Cheng's father said as he stood up, ready to pack.But Lin Cheng stopped him."Dad, our home shelter will do. The one in the city center may be large, but it's too eye-catching.""Strength in numbers—there will at least be some support with more people there," his father insisted.Lin Cheng shook his head firmly. "Sometimes, more people isn't a good thing. Trust me!"Seeing his son's determination and recalling his earlier preparations, Lin Cheng's father didn't insist on going to the official shelter.At that moment, there were only 12 hours left until the Great Reckoning.While his parents cleaned up the table, Lin Cheng decided to go out for a walk.Based on his memory, most of the sinkholes in the city had appeared in the suburbs.The only one that appeared in the city center had occurred during the Great Reckoning.