Ch 12: The Guide's help - Part 2

"Oi, help me out here. Don't you dare leave me all alone like this?"

Camelia was not thinking clearly at the moment. She had never felt arousal like this before, and this ache felt irritating.

Her previous body had been made never to feel human reactions like lust and love. It had been a body that needed nothing to survive. It was to ensure that she could do her job properly.

But this body was irritating. It needed sleep and food and even felt irritating when Camelia felt arousal.

She hated this body, yet she wanted the relief that Zayne's touch could provide her.

"Are you sure you want my help? No, I still think you should take care of yourself alone. If I get involved, then…my instincts would take over.

I might appear calm like this, but my true self is far more controlling than this. I would seek to dominate your body, and as a guide, you will carve it as well if you get a taste. You should-"

Camelia grabbed Zayne's extended hand and looked him in the eyes.

"Stop speaking and help me out. Should I ask someone else for help if you don't want to? I am sure I would find someone-"

She did not finish her words before she felt a hand pushing her down on her knees, and the same hand pushed her head up to look at Zayne.

"I gave you a chance to take it all back, Camelia. Ugh, I repeatedly warned you, but you did not listen. You provoked me into this, alright?"

Zayne spoke, and his words seemed to turn more and more chilling. Hearing him talk made Camelia's back arch.

She did not know why her body liked that dominant voice, but she wanted to surrender.

It felt different from surrendering under a curse. This one felt natural and pleasurable, and it made Camelia feel safe.

"Camelie, kneel for me and keep your back straight. Look at me…just like that. Meet my eyes."

Camelia looked up instantly, and her eyes met Zayne's. The light look made her feel like she was losing her sense of self.

Her energy was flowing out, and she could feel the guidance working in the back of her head. Her magic was suppressing the apocalyptical power in the man before her.

But none of it felt conscious.

"Don't worry about anything, Camelia. We won't go all the way today. Let's just see how far you will allow me to go. Here, rest your head on my lap."

Zayne sat on the sofa as he patted his lap for Camelia to put her head on.

Her body felt like it was moving in a trance. Before she knew it, Camelia rested her head on that soft-looking thing and looked up at Zayne to hear him speak.

The man did not say a word but looked at Camelia with the same interested look.

"Good girl! You did a nice job with this. Now, shall we take it a notch up? Lean back and open your legs. Show me where you are aching."

The male asked, and Camelia knew that this should feel embarrassing.

But nothing she did registered in her mind. It was as if she was not doing anything and a lot at the same time.

Her body flushed, but Camelia's sense of shame was much more subdued than most.

She leaned back as she held her legs open. Her wetness seemed to be out for the world to see.

"You are quite wet. Shall we take care of it? Here, use my hand to get yourself off. I will let you go easy this time."

Zayne's aura of dominance and power enveloped Camelia, and she felt her reason slip from her body.

The guide in her felt the need to provide more stability and support. Even Camelia's instincts, which fought against the Apocalypse, wanted to please this man so that the terrifying power inside him remained calm.

Camelia huffed as she rubbed herself against that offered hand. She felt like herself and not herself at the same time.

She reached her peak before her mind could catch up with what was happening, and her mind went blank with pleasure.

This was a feeling Camelia had never felt before, and her body arched as she embraced it.

Zayne also looked interested in what happened, and Camelia almost felt the need to reach out and make this last. 

Her body wanted more, but her mind was not ready for it. This pleasure was new territory for her, and Camelia was annoyed by how much she felt affected.


"Alright, this is it for now. We had fun, so now it is time to take a break. Camelia, you should rest for now. If you feel overwhelmed, blame it on me or your guide powers. 

You don't need to feel ashamed about anything that happened, alright?"

As soon as Zayne clapped, Camelia snapped back to her senses. She looked down at herself with an almost shocked look on her face.

'Huh! Why did I do all that? I mean, I wanted to help Zayne out…but still…'

Camelia had never felt desire and shock like this before, but she did know one thing - she wanted to try this again and feel more.

Now that she felt free to do what she wanted, she wanted to experience more of her feelings and this world.

She had no idea why she had reincarnated when she seemed to have no use for herself, but she would not let this opportunity pass her by.

"You should sleep for now. I will take you to the Hunter Association for your check-up and reading levels tomorrow. Don't think too much about anything, alright? Just try to enjoy your life as much as you can. Life can be too short sometimes to do all you want to."

Zayne's voice had returned to a weird tone, and Camelia frowned at how much it made him sound like the person she used to know.

It also made her realize that this man might look like the person she knew in her past life, but slight changes made the two distinct.