Ch 46: The conquest - part 1

'How long was I asleep for? My body feels stiff. Ouch, it hurts to move.'

Camelia shot up as soon as her consciousness came back. Her body felt well-rested but stiff due to sleeping on the hard ground and having no cushioning to save her back.

"Good morning! I hope you had some decent sleep. Ah, don't worry about your body being dirty. I made sure to bathe you before I redressed you. Can you get up now?"

Camelia flexed her fingers to relieve the numbness in her body. This was a new sensation for her, making her body tingle.

Small shocks went through her system as the numbness finally broke, and the sensations overloaded Camelia's brain.

Camelia stumbled, but Zayne's hold prevented her from falling face-first into the ground.

"Hey, are you alright? If you cannot walk, then say it. I can carry you back on my own."

Zayne promised as his grip tightened on Camelia just a little bit.