Ch 48: The conquest - part 3

Long flowing golden hair and a doll-like face.

Those were the features that Megan had had ever since he first saw the Doll-maker's face. She, the Doll-maker, had come out to play with his family, a fact that had always intrigued Megan.

Eris Legios was the name that her father called the doll-maker as she ended his life.

His father was not the only one who died; his mother and other servants also died. But Megan could not even make himself care.

Even at ten, he knew what love was and that he had fallen for the doll marker. He did not even resist when she walked toward him and held his neck.

His smile was calm and beautiful, and then, a miracle happened. The doll marker threw him aside and kept walking.

"M-My lady, please wait! I wish to serve you. Please, take me with you."

That was what a ten-year-old Megan begged for as he watched the killer move around. But the doll-maker did not stop to look at him.