Ch 50: Very important - part 1

Megan insisted he needed to join the group, and Layla said nothing. 

Zayne trusted Megan to look after himself, and Layla trusted Zayne to an extent. At least she knew that he would not let anyone die unnecessarily.

"Fine, I won't stop you from coming with us. But you need to take care of yourself. I don't want to see you die just because your sense of duty compelled you to come."

Layla pointed out, and an odd expression spread across Megan's face before he quickly covered it up with a smile.

"I promise I won't be careless or get side-tracked. But this boss raid means a lot to me. Now, let's take our positions and care for the boss."

Megan promised before he walked past Layla and into the boss arena.

She followed him without question and settled into the range Megan was taking her to.

Once there, Megan quickly set up his gear and all the protective spells he carried. There was a lot, and this spot would at least survive a couple of hits.