Ch 58: Slow and steady - part 2


Camelia asked as she felt Zayne sabotaging her attempts to swallow his cock. It felt frustrating, and Camelia wanted to rage a bit.

"Why, you ask? Isn't it simple? I asked you to be a good girl and not take my cock inside, but you decided to defy me. It is up to me to correct your behavior, right?"

Zayne's words made Camelia shiver, and she had nothing to say.

Her mind went especially blank when Zayne's hand landed on her ass harshly and made it sting. 

"Camelia, count for me. If you make a mistake, you must start from the beginning. Once we reach ten, I will reward you, alright?"

Zayne asked, his tone almost affectionate.

But his hand was as harsh as ever, and being hit stung. But it felt good at the same time, and Camelia had a hard time concentrating on the pain and the pleasure.