Ch 102: Introduction - Part 2

The silver-haired kid made a reluctant face, and his clenched mouth showed he was unwilling to betray his secrets and speak up.

It made Camelia sigh in regret, but she knew she could not take this easy. She had answers that she needed to get after all.

"You are not leaving me much to work with here, kid. If you don't speak up now, I must make this decision for you."

Camelia sighed as she looked at the kid sitting opposite her.

The familiar-looking kid clenched his fist even harder before he tightened his grip. His cat-shaped eyes made Camelia pity him and made her think of him as familiar.

'Now that I look at him, this kid does look a lot like Helios. He used to be so cute as well. I wonder what that kid is doing these days?'

Camelia wondered as she clenched her staff before weaving another spell. It made her staff come into view, and the kid she was holding hostage looked at her with wide, shocked eyes.