Ch 113: The Escape - Part 1


The words Horus wanted to say were that she did not need help and that she could look after herself. But the more she looked at herself, the more she doubted it.

The monster attacking her finally stopped after Lucas helped her; if the older one had not done that, Horus might have ended up dying under the monster's hands.

"I understand. I will not ask you if you need help again. But if I see you in trouble, I will lend you a hand since that is my task today."

Lucas spoke in a calm voice. He had realized Horus was in a bind, and her pride prevented her from asking for help.

Horus felt grateful and agitated at the same time.

She knew that she needed to thank Lucas for his consideration and help, but the words refused to escape her mouth.

Lucas did not ask her to thank him or acknowledge what happened. He turned his attention to the monster-ridden path and started to clear it up.