Chapter 18: The Sorcerers' Master Chef at Kamar-Taj

It had been two months since Finney arrived at Kamar-Taj when Skye called to inform him that university was about to start.

Before coming to Kamar-Taj, Finney had applied to Columbia University in New York. With his excellent grades, it was no surprise that he got accepted, and now it was time for him to report to school.

Not only that, but after being away from home for two whole months, his parents were worried sick. If it hadn't been for the frequent calls and Skye helping to reassure them, Finney would have been forced to return long ago.

Finney was reluctant to leave the lifestyle at Kamar-Taj, but most of all, he couldn't bear to part with his "experience vaults" (the other sorcerers). In just one month, he had gained more experience than he had accumulated in the past year.

He began to seriously consider taking a year off from school just to stay at Kamar-Taj and focus on learning magic.

However, when he mentioned this idea to the Ancient One, she refused without hesitation.

"Finney, don't forget what I told you—never let power control you. You should have your own life. Go back. Kamar-Taj will always welcome you whenever you choose to return."

Finney lowered his head, reflecting deeply. He suddenly realized that the Ancient One was right. Lately, he had become so obsessed with gaining experience that it was starting to consume him. If one day he discovered an even faster way to gain power, would he stop at nothing to pursue it?

Letting out a long breath, Finney felt a sense of clarity wash over him. The urgent need to grow stronger came from the dangers he knew awaited, but he couldn't ignore the people around him in the process.

With this understanding, Finney felt a weight lift off his shoulders. If it were measured in stats, his mental strength would have gained a +1. Still, it wasn't enough to open a portal yet.

Seriously, just how insane is Doctor Strange's magical talent?

"Thank you, Master!" Finney expressed his gratitude to the Ancient One and decided to return to school. But this didn't mean he was giving up on gaining experience—after all, with the New York Sanctum as a gateway, coming back to Kamar-Taj wouldn't be difficult.

Besides, thanks to the time difference, he could visit Kamar-Taj in the evening, which would be morning there.

Most of the sorcerers at Kamar-Taj were reluctant to see him leave, mainly because they couldn't bear the thought of going without his Zinger Chicken Rolls. This included Mordo, with whom Finney had spent the most time.

"By the way, where did you learn that magic?" Mordo asked, accepting a Zinger Chicken Roll from Finney with a complex look on his face. This young disciple, not particularly talented and a bit of an enigma, had somehow become the Ancient One's favorite.

"This is a natural talent spell. You know, one of those innate skills that you're born with, exclusive to the user. Not to brag, but even the Ancient One can't learn this," Finney replied with a smirk.

More than one person had asked him about the Zinger Chicken Roll spell. If it were just a recipe involving specific ingredients, Finney wouldn't mind teaching them. But the truth was, this skill was tied directly to him, making it impossible for anyone else to replicate.

It wasn't like the Evil Ghost Armor, which at least had a physical form. The Zinger Chicken Roll was an absurd skill, one he had once considered useless but now used to forge relationships and curry favor.

In just two months, almost everyone at Kamar-Taj had tasted Finney's Zinger Chicken Rolls. Even the guards protecting the sanctums would swing by daily to grab a few to-go. They couldn't go a day without them.

At this point, it felt like Finney was feeding the entire Kamar-Taj.

"Well, I'm heading out, Senior Brother. I might be back soon anyway, but if something comes up, feel free to find me in New York."

In the courtyard, Finney waved goodbye to Mordo. Since he couldn't open portals himself yet, he had to rely on others to help or use the portal in the library.

"Take care. Don't slack off in your training," Mordo said, watching Finney with a hint of reluctance. Though they had only known each other for two months, Mordo realized that Finney had brought a unique energy to the peaceful sanctum.

As he watched Finney's cheerful wave fade into the distance, Mordo thought to himself, Perhaps it's because he brought something different to our serene world.

Although he had claimed to be on a "vacation," Finney returned home empty-handed.

He planned to go back to Kamar-Taj in a few days, so there wasn't much point in bringing anything back. Besides, Skye had already taken a batch of souvenirs home earlier, and Finney didn't feel like buying a bunch of useless trinkets.

So, when his parents saw him return with nothing but the clothes on his back, they were understandably puzzled. If it weren't for the obvious signs that he'd been away—like his sun-tanned skin and stronger build—they might have thought he'd just gone for a walk.

"Why didn't you let us know you were coming back?" his mother fussed, half-scolding as she immediately rushed over to check on him. "You haven't run into any trouble out there, have you? And why didn't you come back with your sister? You're all tanned now."

Finney chuckled and didn't argue. After a happy family dinner, just as he was about to relax, Skye dragged him into her room.

"So, did you master it after I left?" Skye asked excitedly as soon as the door closed. Watching the other sorcerers practice spells was interesting, but it didn't compare to seeing Finney, someone she had been learning alongside, grow.

Without saying a word, Finney raised his hand and conjured a flickering Rings of Raggadorr.

"You did it!?" Skye's feelings were conflicted. On the one hand, she was genuinely happy for Finney, but on the other, she couldn't help feeling a bit down about her own failure to learn magic.

Noticing her expression, Finney dismissed the spell and tapped her forehead gently with his finger. "Relax. I'm still a long way from mastering it. My talent is limited. I'll probably be stuck with just two spells for the rest of my life."

"You're saying that's 'limited talent'? What does that make me, then?" Skye pouted, feeling even more discouraged.

"Not even close!" Finney laughed, remembering Doctor Strange's talent. "If it weren't for the recent breakthrough in my mental strength, I wouldn't have been able to form the shield at all."

For a moment, both of them sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts.

But Finney quickly snapped out of it. He still had the system, and with the Evil Ghost Armor, he was already stronger than most sorcerers. There was no need to focus solely on being a sorcerer.

Seeing Skye's disappointment, Finney decided to give her some hope. "Actually, you shouldn't be too discouraged. Master once mentioned that you might have another power hidden inside you. It just hasn't been awakened yet."

The Ancient One had never said anything of the sort, but that's what masters were for—being used as convenient excuses. Just like when he claimed the Evil Ghost Armor was a gift from her. Other than a jealous Mordo, no one dared to ask her directly for confirmation.

"Really?" Skye's eyes lit up with hope. Grabbing Finney's arm, she pressed, "What kind of power? How do I unlock it?"

"The time isn't right yet," Finney shook his head, keeping the details vague. After a moment of thought, he added, "It might have something to do with vibrations?"


Skye was finally paying attention. Finney had mentioned vibrations before, but she hadn't taken it seriously until now.

"Why vibrations, though?"

"How should I know?" Finney rolled his eyes, secretly muttering to himself, Ask your alien genes.

"Anyway, you could look into vibration-based abilities in your spare time. You never know when it might come in handy," Finney suggested before leaving to get some rest.


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