
The morning sunlight poured through the big glass windows and filled the bedroom with a soft, golden glow.

The navy-blue sheets were crumpled and messy, but Scott didn't mind.

He was lying on his side, leaning on one hand, just watching Emma sleep.

She looked so peaceful.

Her face was calm and relaxed, and her long brown hair messily spread across the pillow.

Every now and then, she let out a tiny snore that was quiet and steady, like the rhythm of a gentle breeze.

Scott couldn't help but smile.

He reached out gently to brush aside a few stray bangs that fell over her face. His fingers lingered for a moment, then traced the outline of her cheek before retreating.

She groaned lightly and mumbled something.

"Hnnn, Scott… best…"

Then, she shifted onto her side and turned her back to him.


Scott muttered with a quiet chuckle, shaking his head.