Freaky Stream II

The soft hum of the Rolls-Royce's overworked engine was the only sound accompanying the calm of the drive as they climbed up the winding road leading to Meteor Hill.

The prestigious neighborhood came into view as its massive mansions and artistically landscaped gardens glimmered by the soft glow of streetlights.

The air felt lighter here, almost rarefied.

It was much better than the city below. More superior.

Adira glanced at her driver and caught the subtle slump of his shoulders, the weariness etched into his face. His hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, but the slight tremble told her just how badly he wanted to sleep.

"You' ve done well tonight, Cedric…"

The elegant woman's voice was tender.

Cedric perked up slightly and met her vixen eyes through the rearview mirror.

"Thank you, ma'am. Just doing my duty."

This sort of gratitude would give any man strength.