Stream Incident, Suspicious Partners

"So this is our life now, huh?"

Shadow and Vixen stood there, hands planted firmly on their hips, staring down at Dog Girl like two deeply exhausted parents dealing with a toddler who had just eaten glue.

On her knees, Dog Girl licked her own slender arms with lazy enthusiasm as her droopy ears flopped over her face to shield her from the weight of their judgment. Her fluffy tail wagged like nothing was wrong, like she wasn't just seconds ago doing something that had permanently altered the course of the stream's chat.

The viewers were losing their minds.

[Live Comments:]


[Bro, tell me why I saw this exact pose from my mom and dad when I got suspended in middle school.]

[Shadow? You mean Nightwatch, right?]

└ [Dude, that's not Nightwatch FFS. Stop with the friggin' unnecessary cope.]