The intergalactic beacon had been sent.
To the the planet of warrior women!
Pontius V was a massive planet with a bright purple, swirling surface that made it look like a distant purple star in the Andromeda Galaxy.
The people of this world, known as Pontiachs, were a humanoid race with dark skin and incredible physical abilities—strength, speed, and invulnerability so immense that they seem almost godlike.
Pontius V was ruled by a monarchy dominated entirely by fierce matriarchs. This was because male Pontiachs simply weren't strong enough to defeat their female counterparts in combat—or satisfy them in bed.
The biggest challenge for the males wasn't just their lack of power, but the sheer intensity of the females' sexual energy.
Despite their near-invincible bodies—capable of withstanding punches from starships and blows from mountain-sized extraterrestrial creatures—most males couldn't survive intimacy with a female Pontiach.