World Information


1) Currency

[A/N: Feel free to recommend more and I'll add what you want.]


(Kazak Empire Currency)

Bronze color coins = Braks 

Silvery Grey Notes = Zens

Golden Yellow Notes = Chrons

20 Braks = 1 Zen

50 Zens = 1 chron

(Morose Kingdom Currency)

Bronze coins = Literally

Paper Currency = Moro

Gold coated coins = Called gold coins Morose Kingdom

10 Bronze Coins = 1 Moro 

200 Moro = 1 Gold Coin

(Baroma Kingdom Currency)

Just one denomination here and it's called Barom/Baroms

Currency relation between the three kingdoms:

1 Brak = 1 Barom = 1 Bronze coin

1 Zen = 2 Moro = 20 Baroms/Braks/Bronze coins

1 Chron = 0.5 Gold Coin


2 Chrons = 1 Gold Coin = 2000 Braks.