When Live Gives You Tamarinds, Take It

The team did their preparations and teleported back to the beach with drawn out expressions on their faces. None of them liked the new changes, but they couldn't do anything about it. 

Maria was surprised to see how much their luggage had changed. Before, everyone had atleast one large bag beside them, but now only Brandon had a medium sized sack. She then saw that everyone had two small leather pouches tied to their waists. 

"You don't have to worry, we don't have any money inside these." Keith said and showed her the contents of the leather pouch. 

A dark green paste was in one pouch and the second one was filled with light yellow, round pills. Everyone had the same pair of pouches with the same contents inside. 

One of the people beside Maria spoke up, "Hmm, a multipurpose paste that can do a lot of things like help with muscle recovery and every open wounds, while the yellow pills will make you guys feel less pain. Nice thinking."