The Unwanted Surprise

Alvlin silently signed the contract and Keith gave him another copy to sign as he wanted both of them to have one copy each. Once done, Keith began to walk towards the door. 

"I'll bring you the money tomorrow." he said and left the place before going straight to his house, but as he was walking, he saw Amelia and Clara giggling together as they ate skewered meat.

'Well, that was fast. It was a good thing I didn't get involved.' he thought as he walked over to them and looped his arm over Clara's shoulder, prompting her free hand to fly towards his cheek which he caught effortlessly. 

By then, Clara had turned her head to look at him and the frown on her face disappeared instantly, "It was you... don't scare me like that again, please." she said and leaned into his embrace while Amelia ordered more skewers for Keith.