Ending The Meeting

Almost everyone loved the taste but before they could voice their opinions, Keith took out another bottle and began to pour the contents into their glasses. 

"This is the second one and it has no added flavors."

The group took a sip and Keith could immediately tell that more than half of them didn't like the taste. Two of them even coughed like they were about to puke and this was enough for Keith to tell that the people would need some time to get used to. 

"Looks like some of you don't really like the way it tastes." he said as he glanced at these people and all of them gave him a bitter look. 

"We're just not used to something like this. Almost all alcohols taste bad, so this one will take some getting used to. Same goes with the people who'll buy this, so if you want this drink to become popular, you'll need to take some drastic measures."