Nobles and Taxes

"Baronets and Knights aren't true nobles. They both have a right to be called as Sirs or Ladies, but the Empire doesn't give them any land to govern. 

Baronets get the title by donating a large sum of money to the empire while the knights take a different approach. They are technically offering their life to the empire by accepting the title of a knight. 

Or should I say a Royal Knight? Most of the so called knights aren't exactly official like the ones at our church. Anyways, let's move on to the others." he said and turned to look at the trio before he began explaining. 

He knew that the reason Amelia asked this question was to both test the two of them while also wanting the trio to learn from their answers. 

"The lowest noble title is Baron or Baroness. These nobles have a small land to govern like a small district like a small town. Their territory is called the Barony.