"Baroma Kingdom is being supported by a newly ascended god and this is actually being used as a main trigger this time. Balmond, the god of war of course, usually has this war and peace cycle that he's been controlling for the past few millennia.
Once every two to three decades, there has always been a major war. And unfortunately for us, we have been born at the worst possible time. Anyways, we're straying off the path here... so let's get back to the main topic.
The three queens are actually the three factions here and the various numbers...." Keith said and tossed out eight more cards onto the ground.
"Take a guess gentlemen."
"There are eight dukes in our empire so..." Asher began but Keith quickly cut him off, "Nah not dukes. Lemme give you a clue since this is not really connected to the empire compared to the first three categories."