
You find yourself before a shrouded figure standing behind a table. On the table are many potions, choose as many as you want or none. The choice is yours. In addition pick additional CYOAs or none to add on to this if you want some adventure.

Each one infuses you with a variety of effects which cannot be taken from you unless you willingly allow it. 

Note: exact effects in different ones such as perfect memory, intelligence, etc. do not stack. [fanwanking helps]

Essence Meta Hub


Optional Features 

Essence META is designed with the assumption that there is one player that is the 'self insert.' There are of course other ways of playing but if you just want a few more options or suggestions. Feel free to do your own thing if none of these appeal to you. Not like I can stop you. 

Essence Insert

You are not the star of the show, it is in fact some other poor schmuck or perhaps someone who dances to your tune. You are free to design this new person however you like with whatever history, background, occupation and whatever else as long as they are not significantly supernatural. You may use another CYOA before Essences are applied to facilitate this process.

Essence Fiction

It is not your self insert or an OC but an existing fictional character that receives their essences either by those you selected or them being presented the options as if they were playing the CYOA itself.

Essence Multiplayer 

Either as a Self Insert or Essence Insert option but you are not the only entity with Essences. There are in fact multiple Essence holders with a variable level of strength. The strongest Essences are barred from use from anyone as the cosmic energies would probably reduce existence back to null, that wouldn't be fun for anyone. 

Essence Cooperation

You have friends! You and at least one more person have access to the Essence META selection and also access to all of the Essences. This is probably a really dangerous option if you choose people who might not have your best interests in mind. You can for peace of mind require all participants have a mutual Geas placed on them that prevents any intentional harm to each other directly. 

Essence Blank

After choosing your essence(s) you can opt to not remember this meeting. You will still have your essences and have full ability to make use of them but not know where they came from or how you got them. You might not even remember what essences you picked. 

Essence Companion (Can take as many times as you want) (incompatible with Essence Multiplayer and Essence Cooperation)

You may use this option to create companions who are created based on the Essences you give them. Essences that offer companions can be instead given Essences as an upgrade while filling out your build. You can design your companions any way you want within the realm of what is possible for them. Note that you can give them Essences you do not have.