Essence of the Warlord

Essence of the Warlord

By consuming the essence of the Warlord you are granted several boons.

*A body just above peak of your species in ability, one sculped to your tastes.

*Infinite willpower to tackle any foe, even bloody and broken you will not stop.Endless endurance, stamina, and immunity to pain.

*You possess potent regenerative abilities, otherwise fatal wounds like getting impaled through the heart or having your intestines torn out is a minor inconvenience. Organs will right themselves and heal back as they were, severed limbs will come back and reattach themselves, and any unwanted or hostile foreign contaminants will be expelled with extreme prejudice. Even decapitation is not the end as long as your brain or body is relatively intact. Anything too damaged or completely destroyed will otherwise simply spring forth anew where it should be.

*Supernatural mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

*Immense skill conducting war on a strategic and tactical level.

*Good handle of logistics and how to raise and train a force from a small band of soldiers to entire armies.

*Charisma to lead and inspire said armies even at your darkest hour.

*The ability to call forth homunculi troops that are trained and equipped (including mounts, beasts, or vehicles up to a certain size) to at the very least of the standard of whatever world you find yourself in. Should you have different tastes or the requisite skills these forces may be called forth with equipment that is produced by yourself such as enchanted weapons and armor for your elite troops. The number of homunculi you can call forth is determined by your power, the stronger you are the more homunculi can be called forth. These homunculi are absolutely loyal and cannot be turned on you through normal methods. The upkeep and Logistics of these homunculi are taken into account when summoned the necessary supports summoned with them.