Essence of the Echidna

Essence of the Echidna

*You gain the body of a monster that stands at the apex of what is possible to be born from the world and then some. This monster body is of your own design and includes a host of thematic powers which you also may decide upon. This form at minimum is able to take on an army of mortals and could stand up to modern military units and have a good chance at triumphing. That is if you choose mundane earth to be born from. You may pick a different world to be born of, this choice is permanent once made but will strengthen you to the apex of that world or close enough to it. Any particular world can be chosen whether it be one from fantasy, science fiction, or a from the ground up creation of your own.You can transform into your monster body at will and near instantly and have a hybrid for that sits in between your human and monster forms. 

*Your monster form has the ability to create and manipulate a variety of supernatural substances that can bind and trap things. Slime, silk, oil, even mud is something you might use. Anything encased within will be preserved indefinitely unless released needing no sustenance. This material is supernaturally strong and will never decay. 

*You can shift the monster form and tinker with it by having it undergo a metamorphosis to change itself. During this you or the monster form will surround itself with a cocoon and shift over several hours or more depending on the changes made. This cocoon is obscenely tough but not invincible.

*You have a complete genetic archive of all life of the world you chose through its entire history up to its present. This archive grows and updates the more species you encounter and take samples of. You have a mastery of life and can mix and match parts, genes, species to your hearts content and produce them without a partner or implant them in a target who can then be bred to create more. You do not require a partner to reproduce as you are able to spontaneously create any of your creatures through some method. You can obtain more forms of life by encountering them and sampling a member of a given species. You will never encounter any issues with absorbing genetic material that might otherwise be hazardous. 

*These creatures need not be restricted to what is naturally possible. In the same vein you are able to develop Biotech with the same ease and sophistication as a civilization might build a machine. You may if you desire be biomechanical in origin offering the best of both worlds. In that case your dominion over life is extended to technology as well and is capable of being as advanced as whatever you chose as the world you chose is. These creatures are innately loyal to you and cannot be willingly turned against you, that includes converted life. Any that are killed you can decide to preserve their essence and bring them back reborn anew. If you wish you can have the creatures you produce as extensions of yourself rather than fully fledged entities or pick and choose.

* You are able to turn others into monsters that you have made or have the genetic data for. 

*You can with an amount of effort create lesser Echidnas which will have all of the powers and form you have as an Echidna on a weaker scale. They and their children regard you the same as any spawn you might have created personally.