Essence of the Bright Lord, Grey Lord or Dark Lord

Essence of the Bright Lord, Grey Lord or Dark Lord

*This essence has branching paths, you may either embrace the purifying essence that is the bright lord or the corrupting essence that is the dark lord. Differing options are marked with (BL) (GL) or (DL) Pick either one to receive its benefits but not the other.

*Gain a superhuman body that is sculpted to your specifications. At its base you can throw fully armored men with little effort, punch large beasts unconscious with a single blow. Your body is similarly tough as well as swift in comparison.

*Very intimidating and can instill fear even into the bravest of souls, even make the cowardly fall over dead from pure shock and fear from your presence.

*Can manipulate spirits/souls and consume souls to increase your power in various ways.

*(BL) Mastery over extremely pure power that has a variety of uses ranging from curing any disease, restoring the target back to their true form, blessing warriors with holy abilities, slaying demons and binding angels, and purifying or enchanting items, buildings, and even land. There are bound to be even more possibilities if you just look hard enough.

*(GL) Mastery over a more neutrally aligned power. This power can do healing or curses, enhance warriors and bind creatures among other things. What it lacks is the extremes and bonuses granted by the pure and corrupt powers from the bright lord and dark lord. So while it is not better at binding angels or demons or does more damage to a particular creature beyond its raw potency it lacks the inherent weaknesses of the bright and dark lord.

*(DL) Mastery over extremely corruptive power that has a variety of uses ranging from creating horrifying mutations on a target, cursing people with crippling ailments, empowering warriors with dark gifts, summon forth bound demons, corrupting items, building, and even the land itself into a twisted parody are just a few things it can do. Who knows what you might discover in time.

*(BL) can sense any corruption or infernal power within something or someone even if they are suppressing it.

*(GL) can sense supernatural energy in general but lacks the fine differentiation that the bright or dark lord specialize in.

*(DL) can sense any purity or divine power within something or someone even if they are suppressing it.

*Quite capable at taking someone and breaking them down as a person and rebuilding them into whatever you wish.

*Can find willing henchmen/troops even in places where it might not seem probable and in decent numbers.

*Superhuman skill at economics, logistics, politics, and other things needed to run a functional power.